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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Nothing, as such. Unless, however, that poster goes mysteriously quiet after putting the cats amongst the pigeons. Sounds to me like a journo sniffing about for baseless info that he can then write as truth. He'll get plenty of that on Land, at the moment.
  2. As I said, this is irrelevant to today. Ask Neeld if he is concerned with what happened half a century ago. Dont see him talking about the 1960s in any interviews. I'll trust his call. FYI, it's 2012. Do you want to be beamed up, Scotty?
  3. Thanks for posting the clip, 3183. I like the maturity of mind that Mitch has. He's sure of himself, modest and driven to achieve. Liked that he talked about how having a child at the age of 20 taught him to grow up and put himself number 2, gave him a strong reason to succeed. Perhaps a lot of others on our list should also procreate, if this is the result. In which case, stay away from The Song Formally Known As.
  4. What tripe, dl. What happened 45 yrs ago is irrelevant to now. Christ, not even our coach was alive then. We pretty much all accept that Neeld and co were brought in to dramatically change how our playing group behaves and plays, that our culture, approach and list were insufficient to give us sustained success. This is an issue that I'm sure Neeld isn't scouring the history books of MFC to research it's origins. He'll be addressing the existing problem and looking to put a plan in place to change it. The rest of your post is simply flailing mastu******n.
  5. Some might arue No disagreeing with you necessarily jnrmac. However, these rumours and hear says turn 'smoke' into a bushfire quickly on Land. Sometimes smoke is actually steam and hot air, particularly when started by a poster whose silence since is curious. Much of the China trip too seems to be based upon rumour. If you can tell me you were there and spell out to us the events that supposedly happened, then i'll give it greater credit. The trip was post season, and the rumours seems to revolve around a former sooky no1 draft pick who is a proven liar. If true, however, it has riddled us of HWFUA and given us two good draft picks. Not a bad outcome to many on here.
  6. Look, I'm a little bit ambivalent about these reports of players behaviour, training rumours, etc in terms of accuracy. Many of them are heresay or Chinese whispers. Take em with a very large pich of salt. They may very well have some sort of accuracy to them, but at the end of a disappointing season, it is important not to get carried away on 3rd hand info or Stalkerbook gossip and denigrate players. It's too easy and convenient to add 2 + 2 and get 10. We have a very good, very committed, very serious coaching/support team with state of he art facilities. I don't think they would now let the players get away with f&rting out of line, let alone skylarking in the gym, cancelling training, etc (I am aware of the latter claim relating to Bailey not Neeld) Yes, I know this is a supporter forum and half truths and rumour are commonplace. But let's not eat our own like so many other clubs do, eg Carlton at the moment.
  7. Please keep this thread going for all of the Land Lunatics to vent their spleen. And keep them the hell away from the real threads that discuss matters of interest to decent Demon supporters (as opposed to Demon demeaners). Continue to gather them around here, moths to the flame, and then, at the last moment, push them all off the cliff edge, like lemmings led by RR. Please, mods, save us from this tripe! Kill them all!
  8. Geez, we needed a tough coach to rip us a new one for a couple of pre seasons. Better work em hard over summer again, Neeldy.
  9. Hasn't this come from Jimmy's autobiography? I'm getting it for fathers day, so not quite sure yet.
  10. Oh, I get it now. Port Adelaide, not Port Melbourne. I just thought it was because he's a regular at Casey.......
  11. I have a 3 legged cat, he's a freak. Should we have recruited him? So what if Jack plays a different role to what we initially thought he would. Not a problem to me.
  12. Bump..... Early, I know. Announcement tomorrow morning. Would we like him back? Would he be interested? Or perhaps Ling?
  13. Or reality bus or 7 day goggles......
  14. International student numbers are shrinking rapidly in Australia. Most come from SE Asia, India and China. Combination of GFC (no, not the football club), inflated AU$ and perceived racism of Australians overseas by non western countries have contributed o this. While a quick look at some universities or some parts of the CBD may lead people to think that there are young international students everywhere, the numbers show that is not the case. Most international students don't get involved in Australian cultural activities, sports, local social groups, etc. We have made some inroads to the Chinese community, both here and in Asia, and this should certainly be continued. But i have had it said to me numerous times by international students that they don't see the AFL as being accepting or including of Asians. Also that the game is not internationally played and difficult to understand make it hard to accept. Whether these are true or not, it is the response I have had. Not sure how to overcome this, but I'd thought I'd put it forward.
  15. Now there's a quote for the 'Land time capsule.
  16. I remember about 20 years ago a very good mate of mine, as passionate a footy fan as I have ever seen, declared that all members of football clubs should buy 2 memberships. That way the club's membership would double, and you could recruit a new fan by taking them to the footy using the 'spare' membership. Although he didnt support Melbourne, I thought it a great idea, and took out 2 myself for a number of years. Who did he follow?....... Fitzroy Lions.
  17. "Ratts, the punishment for your failure at Carltank is to go back to the Melbourne midfield coaching roll"
  18. It appears that he's doing a roll that has been asked of him. That being a one-trick stopper. In the past when he's been given a wider roll, he's shown other abilities. He is a good tackler, and we have a distinct shortage of those.
  19. God this is very boring. (insert reply "well stop reading and posting then" here.) Would be nice if these posters put their energy towards good instead of evil. Perhaps they should be put in a locked room and beat the living sh!t out of each other until the last one alive can crawl out the door. Can this annoying poll be put on a board of its own so that it stops rearing it's ugly, childish head?
  20. In this case RR, you have been proven wrong by the votes. 60% of votes are against your position, despite you bludgeoning tactics. Your clear intention was to prove your view that we should've taken NN over JW. The poll results show otherwise. It appears your only other tactic is to shout down reason. Good luck with that!
  21. In other threads, most posters seem to want Cameron Ling taking he midfield. Either him or bring back Ratts. Is Brett Lovett solely at Casey, or does he play a role directly for the MFC as well?
  22. Apparently there are 15 more MFC players charged by the MRP after the loss to Adelaide on the weekend. They are each charged with falsely impersonating an AFL footballer. The penalty handed down is........
  23. How bout a poll voting on ranga's we took and ranga's we missed out on? That'd be good.
  24. Did he write his own job description and KPI's?
  25. How bout a win over Geelong at Kardinia Park (or whatever cheap, corporate name they'll give it next year)?
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