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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. I find it amazing that someone can get $600k per year over several years for arguably being an average sportsperson in the level they play. I understand it's the nature of the competition, supply and demand, they train hard, put their bodies on the line and yadda, yadda, yadda.... But seriously, $600k p/a, that's a shiteload of dosh! Has the competition grown too big too fast, is there too much money involved, are we expecting too much from young men? I shake my head every time I read of the money involved and wonder if we've created a monster (queue Frankenstein gif from Song). Sorry, rant over.
  2. Helps when you have Hawthorn people on the panel dishing out 'penalties'.
  3. Stats taken from that bastion of eternal knowledge Wikipedia actually dc. Doesn't matter where the facts came from. Goodes has had a fantastic career and is a champion. To boo him is small minded and pathetic. How many multiple brownlow winners get booed on the field to such an extent? I have no doubt there are racial undertones for some, most however are simply dumb sheep. This thread is so predictable, like a number of previous threads on Goodes.
  4. You are a fool hh. Goodes has played 370 games, won 2 brownlows, 2 premiership medals, countless AAs and Bob Skilton medals and won a Rising Star. One of the finest players in the last 20 years. I wish we drafted him. And you boo him? Unbelievably stupid.
  5. Apologies if this link has already been posted. Deserves to be posted again if so. http://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2015/jul/28/adam-goodes-why-his-critics-arguments-just-dont-stack-up
  6. Bulldogs have collected a fine midfield nucleus. Plenty of future guns there developing nicely. A good, functioning midfield makes winning more likely.
  7. Jake Lever gets rising star award this week. He's from Romsey. Any relation Bitters? I bet everyone in Romsey has a little bit of Bitter DNA in them!
  8. If Earl gets £200 per day allowance, I want to go to the G with him this week!
  9. FWIW you may be minding Cloke this week Biff. Sitting next to him, that is, beer in hand Edit. Didn't see your similar OD.
  10. Harley Bennell had 39 disp on the weekend. Some of them were simply sublime. Hmmmmmm, could Roosy put him on the straight and narrow?
  11. Are you unwell stu? What are you doing on this thread? Welcome to the asylum mate.
  12. Super hero suits as well? Too much? For mine, it would be to take the first option and hit the target, and to his advantage.
  13. I also heard somewhere that the drainage at the MCG is so good they can remove 2" of heavy rain within only about 30 mins.
  14. You could be on the money there WJD, but sometimes these situations change quickly in trade week. If an A grade mid from another club (eg Treloar, Prestia, Danger) was available and prepared to come here, our first pick would more than likely be in the mix. If the other team insisted in our first pick, would we say no? Doubt it.
  15. The MCG has an amazing system for optimising grass growth and draining away excess water. The sandy soil is only about half a meter deep before there are elaborate drainage mats and pipes and heaters to promote grass growth. Under that there is the concrete of the car parks, etc. Soil moisture content can be controlled because it's so shallow. They also have heat lamps running all over the grass in winter and in summer where shaded by the member's stand. Over use is the problem moreso than cold weather or rain, and the patching up of worn turf with new can lead to inconsistancy in the surface.
  17. Each to their own munga. However you'll probably have BBO stalking you soon!
  18. "I'd look good in poo and wee..."
  19. Your analogy made me spit out my beer in laughter!
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