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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Eddie has also called her a "perfumed scorpion" amongst other things. You'd think a guy with his media experience would know better. Shows that experience doesn't equate wisdom.
  2. Not sure about Twitter but in terms of domestic violence: "The ABS Personal Safety Survey showed that...80 per cent of women who had experienced violence from a current partner had never contacted the police" http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-06/fact-file-domestic-violence-statistics/7147938
  3. The @magpiefanatic account has been deleted.
  4. Of course, it's just a joke, right? That makes it ok.
  5. Para 1: Yep. A mysogynist can kill a woman, never said all people who kill a woman are mysogynists. Cracking poor jokes about a group of men violently killing a woman is casual misogyny. Take the act of violently killing a woman out of the joke and it's not 'funny'. The fact it was on White Ribbon round is mind blowing. Para 2: See bing's post below. Where's the evidence to back up your arguement that disrespectful humour towards women has no links to domestic violence? Para 3: Another dismissal without reason. Finally, No one has said a person goes out and commits an act of violence against women simply because they heard a joke in poor taste against women. That would be trivialising the complexity of the issue. Eddie's joke helps to normalise disrespect towards women. From a study done at the Uni of Grenada which shows evidence to support this: "The work proved that those who had listened to sexist jokes were much more tolerant with male battering than those who had not, this is, that this kind of humour favors the mental mechanisms tolerant with violent behaviour towards women." http://psychcentral.com/news/2009/07/03/sexist-jokes-may-be-linked-to-domestic-violence/6898.html I'll agree to disagree as this is going around in circles. Keep going if you wish Ricky.
  6. Bernie is like a cat with 9 lives! or he's really Simon the Likable.
  7. The worst form of misogyny is to kill a woman in hate. To make a vitriolic joke (or what you call "off colour humour") about a group of men violently killing a woman is casual misogyny against that woman. It's more than just dislike. If he simply disliked her he might've said he wanted to be the person to push her down the slide. Have you read about the horrible gang rape of a 14yo in Geelong by a group of brothers last year who joked about it during and afterwards? When asked how old she was they joked they would need to buy her some new Dora the Explorer undies. An extreme and heinous case yes, and absolutely no where near what Team Eddie said, but disrespect towards women breeds hate, whether it's against one woman or all, even if it's wrapped up as a joke. There's a link on my reply Ricky that might inform you a bit further about the link between disrespect for women and domestic violence. Also, there was an informative YouTube clip someone posted on p1 or 2 of this thread. I would advise you to become informed before you compare me to being guilty of "misogyny, sexism, racism and homophobia". If you still need a "persuasive argument", percentages or "teasing out of the dynamic" to convince you, I respectfully suggest it will never happen. However I fully agree with your last sentence.
  8. Selective editing to change the context of what the poster was actually saying. Gold medal effort Stu.
  9. Actually no. The weakest type of person sends a pm to another poster telling them in a fit of anger to "Go kill yourself!". That would be you stuie.
  10. Poor attempt at a gotcha moment there Ricky. Not all anger, threats and disrespect ends in physical violence against women, but all violence against women begins with them*. The 'joke' was disrespectful and casual misogyny, but Eddie cannot see that. If you think it's ok for a highly influential media personality to make a vitriolic 'joke' about killing a women then no amount of "teasing out the dynamic" will help you understand. As someone else pointed out here, there's not a chance in the world he would've said the same about his wife or kids. *https://www.respect.gov.au/
  11. Uh oh, now it's turning into a geopolitical thread....
  12. Block everyone and cover all bases Wise!
  13. If they wouldn't take him for free last year he's going to struggle to find another club after 0 AFL games this year. However, I hope he does and wish him very well.
  14. Disagree. The physical act of hurting a woman begins with a mindset that threats, aggressive behaviour and 'jokes' about hurting or killing a woman are acceptable. Violence against women can be verbal.
  15. Actually made me chuckle Stu. Who'd have thought it.
  16. How many of us have threatened to kill another poster Saty? Name one. They certainly wouldn't stay on the site long if they did.
  17. Me too. I'm sure his set shot routine will be worked on over time, but it's not good atm.
  18. Eddie is a repeat offender of offensive comments. It's the Filth Presidential way, unfortunately. Remember Mcalister's comments? What influential people say effects what other people do. It becomes acceptable. We will see in time if his comments end up doing more harm for the MND cause and White Ribbon cause than the good of his financial contribution, if any.
  19. Er, isn't that what he said he does? Hardly the right conditions this week to judge a young KPD player picket. I suspect even if he improved dramatically over the next 18 mths you'd never acknowledge it.
  20. Maybe the AFL were trying to keep it quiet for a while (despite it being said on air) but couldn't any longer. Most workplaces would give a warning at a minimum for those comments, possibly dismissal.
  21. What exactly is a 'hardened body' in the AFL? One of those terms that gets used a bit. Is it because he's no longer young and has played 98 games? I've always thought Grimes tended to be pushed off the ball too easily and not one to stand up in a tackle. IMO he plays HBF because he's not strong enough for the midfield and has poor disposal under pressure (or not). I look at the midfields of top 6 teams and he'd be undersized in nearly every one, especially for a mature footballer. If he had fantastic skills by hand/foot, was super quick or had another outstanding skill he could be excused for not having big physical strength and getting pushed off the ball. His limitations are why he's not getting regular games. Having said that, is a handy mark for his size.
  22. Waaaaaay too early. Talk about him at the end of the year or thereabouts. That's when his contract is up.
  23. Trolling again? Not what I said at all. Put me on ignore Stu as your pathetic sarcasm is tiresome.
  24. On the other flip side there's a big guy called Buddy Franklin who did pretty well for the Swans. Nankervis had a crack and the second gamer Alir looked good too. Whether we went in too tall or should've played Grimes, Michie, ANB, Harmes, yadda yadda, it would have made almost no difference. Might've looked better balanced on paper, but those guys struggle with disposal in the dry, let alone the wet. I agree that one of OMac or Frost should not have played, but it would've been simply shuffling deck chairs. Perhaps it's better to play those two talls to give them experience of wet weather footy rather than a smaller guy struggling to get to get back in the seniors. The thought of Grimes ball in hand near the boundary line in torrential Sydney rain gives me nightmares.
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