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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. I also went and I think. Tom McDonald will be a beauty as the year goes on. Wonna lit up the midfield, got the Scorps going. Newton, well blow me down, chased, made some great leads, total change from last year. Blease, christ he can run but agree with an earlier post tends to flow in and out. Gawn, now here is a prospect in the making when he gets over his injuries and grows into his body, hell could be our best ruckman that we have had for many years (sorry Jamar) he is a very good tap ruckman. Gysberts coming along after a slow start to the season. Bate, what a shadow of a footballer don't know what will happen to him throughout the season. And to the Casey boys well done to all of you.
  2. lmfao....oh yeahhhhhhh What rules or regulations have been broken here, if everything is above board then then, why the moral carry on because some think it is a wrong thing to do?. For some three pages of moral judgment on corporate governance when it seems no rules have been broken is a joke, and what is even worse no one knows the facts of the loan they then cast judgment on it. Instead of show me the money show me the FACTS then I will gladly listen to your points of view.
  3. Just to get this right, you know how this loan was put together and all the other bits of info relating to it?
  4. I will then accept that you did not see the report and I do not have a problem with you having an opinion, but for you and others to imply that the board without the FACTS of why the loan was given have acted improperly or implied that they have is wrong. I am still waiting for my last point to be answered or are you going to try and have another crack without answering it?
  5. Well why did you not query it then? I don't know the facts as I have said before that is why I am not taking a moral view on this unlike you, and still waiting for my the last question to be answered!!
  6. Wouldn't it be good if you knew the facts before you got on your high horse on this issue, so could you please step down from it, find out the facts first then you can get back on it and continue your moral crusade on all subjects relating to the MFC.
  7. So what it shows the great minds that carry on about this didn't read the annual report properly, you had the chance at the Annual Meeting to stand up and ask the question but some of you choose to follow the leader on this issue way down the track, maybe you should ask the leader why he missed it in the report, sloppy work I say.
  8. Pretty well right with that comment, have also noticed that he is trying to do the team thing far to often instead of just taking it on and doing what he thinks he can do, as he gets bigger in mind and body he will then start to show what he can do.
  9. Yep so close, gee your inside informants must have got their info mixed up......lmfao
  10. If you don't know yet then you will never know, let's put it politely you will never change your mind no matter how it is explained to you!!
  11. Then I suggest you get your eyes tested or lay off the grog, your bagging of Watts has become boring and predicable!!
  12. Then if you understand the game then tell me what has the club from the president to the bootstudder been saying about him, to much is expected from him at this stage, so one would have thought you did have some idea about it????
  13. Do some of you actually watch the game or understand the game? how about you listen to what the club has been saying about Watts, what part don't you understand about it? it's not that hard really!!
  14. You are a complete [censored] to wish that on anyone grow up, the decision has been made and everyone should just get on with it. Or do some of you lot want the club to abandon Casey altogether and lose a complete growth area, gee that would help the MFC long term plans to survive.
  15. And the decision by the MFC to play Watts against the Pies for his first game wasn't? of course the course of action taken by Casey is partly a money situation, they have to survive as well, if he can contain himself for the year he can teach some of our young picks a bit about football, if not he will get the chop quick smart.
  16. Well for my two cents worth I think he will stay, but if he does not decide to stay with us so be it, he has a right to look after his own future and not worry what we think, yes he is an up and coming football and if he goes someone else will step up or recruited via the draft. For the group of people who get emotional about this subject GET A LIFE, football is not the be all and end all it is just a sport and the MFC will go on to bigger and better things knowing that they did not pay a kings ransom for him, because from what I have read the club believes in sharing the salary cap fairly equally amongst the group. I for one will back the board on their handling of these negotiations with his management.
  17. Well put, wish some would now enjoy the ride instead of moaning all the time.
  18. No I don't have the facts that is why I leave it up to the club, this club so far has done everything right, if they feel he is the right person for the job that is good enough for me
  19. And you know best? think I will leave it up to the club to make these decisions not wannabe experts who don't have all the facts......
  20. The only gracious and honorable thing to do, SELL HER!!!!!............ sorry you need to toughen up here, can you really think of what type of a boyfriend she will have when she gets older errrrrrrrrrr, save her now before it's to late.
  21. Sometimes I just shake my head and wonder where some of these thoughts come from, gee one Robbie Flower would have copped a canning here when he first started!!
  22. For many years people used to say what does your club stand for and really all one could say was we invented the game and we are the oldest sporting club in the world but is that all we stood for? but after watching whiteboard wednesdays one could see a theme coming from the red and blue blueprint and finishing with the emblem and watching the video of it I now understand what we stand for. For those who say the emblem is to busy I have a saying, "History is to be remembered not lived" and that is what the emblem is all about in my view so well done to the club for reminding us of what the club stands for!!
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