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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. I can confirm that Melbourne have offered him a deal.
  2. Has there been any further news on the appointment of the new Board members that they were interviewing, seems all quite on the home front.
  3. If we do land Roos, the sperm bank won't need donations for a long time!!
  4. My take is after listening to NC presser is that there will be a new coach, he made a point that he loves the development side of things and that is where he may help within the structure, I would have thought that the coaching panel would have asked the potential candidates abut Craig playing a role because he has another year to run on his contract. Lets face it with the honesty of Craig I don't think any coach would be looking over their shoulder with him there.
  5. demon3165


    Don't you dare insult those comedians, we have a group of Darwin award winners.
  6. demon3165


    We have the dumbest group of football nous players ever put together, all see ball get ball and forget about their opponent, Spencer just looks at his opponent instead of jumping at the bounce and to busy trying to grab players jumpers at the ball ins, players kicking damm well to high instead of chest high, and I could go on and on.
  7. The thing I find most interesting that Roos think Watts could be a great footballer but some here think we should let him go, so with that if Roos coaches us and keep him then Roos is a spud of a coach as he cannot read what makes a footballer!! Interesting.
  8. And my pet hate, passing the ball so damm high waiting for the opposition to run on to it and spoil it instead of getting the player to run onto it, drives me mad.
  9. I thought the same thing, Roos seemed to be looking on with interest, hoped it worked.
  10. From my reading on things this is what Neeld was starting to do, the line coaches are the assistant coaches at Casey etc. He just ran out of time.
  11. How would you know the others would make a better fist of it than Laidley, us supporters hope that with Parkin and Jackson on board and the AFL in the background they pick a coach who will take us forward and if that was Laidley then so be it.
  12. "once again the tone if your dribble is unnecessarily condescending and once again its based on a point that anyone who know footy would understand is bs" want a second crack at this mate?........lol
  13. I understand what your saying about selling the message to the players but some posts don't say that that's what I am answering IWS, as for players leaving who knows would they wouldn't they we would not really know for fact. But I do agree with you overall.
  14. I would sooner a coach that can coach not a salesman, there are not many coaches that can do both, for all that has been said about Neeld he has set the football department up the way it should run the next coach that comes in will not have to alter much. As for "This played a big part in his demise" yes it did but a lot of that was because most supporters overrated our players and could not see the faults the players had, the lack of fitness but they think that only takes a year to fix, lack of skills and more importantly the massive lack of football nous that the players had, so again give me a coach not a salesman.
  15. So it appears that we don't need a coach that can take the club to the top but a coach who can sell the club to the supporters and sponsers. gee what a great idea, why don't we hire Tim Shaw that should please the masses!!
  16. He also said best available coach not just an experienced one, must admit I think Hutchy is a [censored] but he did make sense on Tudor, but I would still look at Williams before Eade as he left the Doggies in bad shape as we can see now.
  17. Was just listening to SEN and Craig Hutchison and he was talking about the Coaching position and he spoke about Leigh Tudor and what he has done with the Cats the Saints and now Sydney very impressive resume could be worth a chat to.
  18. FCS if you don't have the cattle you are always going to be in trouble, it is not always the coaches fault, having said that i'm sure a complete review will be taken and if it is another coach he will bring in his own men.
  19. 1. physically we are way behind the top teams. 2. we do not spread quick enough. 3. we have yet to have any football nous in where to kick to a player on the lead. 4. players with the ball do not look up straight away to see whats on up the field before they dispose of it. 5. players still run on mass to a player instead of looking to see who is loose. 6. DUNN should never take the kick ins he is to damm slow and waits till the opponents are covered before he kicks it. Overall at least they kept trying.
  20. MMMMM let us see, how many coaches will be sort after, ahhhhh Roos no I won't coach, ahhhhhh that narrows it down to Choco and Eade anyone else need to be interviewed nahhhhhh don't think you need to worry about who is on the panel.
  21. Absolutely correct he help set this club up, to how it should run.
  22. I'm not really interested in who's going but who is coming on board, surely they have people in mind that keeps the AFL and members satisfied, and takes this club in an upward direction.
  23. As much as I try to understand you, you are really a drama queen, are we broke NO are we asset rich YES, and yes have we run this club properly no, as I have discussed with you before but you act like the scorned wife time after time, just give it a rest trying to prove you are right it now has become boring.
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