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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. Lewis has been a great pickup. Great game on the weekend too. Was never brought in to be our best player, but hes a wise hand and makes a valuable contribution on and off the field.
  2. Best thing about this season is that finals are still very much on the cards. I think we can make it BUT even of we dont its clear that the squad we have put together is going to hace a tilt over the coming years. So whether we make it this year or at dome time over the next few, im confident that when we do that we wont be making up numbers.
  3. The 2nd one was just two blokes going for the ball. Bernie had a good game imo
  4. Great goal, and somthing different to the typical miraculous dribblers. Still not sure it will win GOTH but great moment none the less
  5. The result i expected before the match, but dared to dream at 3/4 time. Last quarter disappointing. Bring on next week
  6. Game day threads are LOL city. Expect to hear people mutter frustration at games but to type out and post some of these comments is absolute gold!
  7. Game over at quarter time unfortunately. Hopefully no injuries!
  8. I voted for all of them. The selection is the core of the team and cant see that changing in a year. Lewis and vince will still be there next year id say. Having said that every year somone bobs up. Guys like Hannan.
  9. Always rated JKH's draft highlights - looked like a polished mid. We've always played him as a forward in the AFL side. Keen to see him get a run as more of a midfielder
  10. Actually don't think Demonland is too bad for the sort of thing the OP is suggesting, and if/when it does blur the lines the moderators do a good job anyway. Fair bump, play on!
  11. Absolute Gun! Not that long ago he was BOG on the QB. Pretty confident his career will mirror Ben Cousins without the drugs. GUN half forward develops into GUN mid!!!
  12. Unfortunately i think the coaches just see more upside in other players.
  13. Great preview WJ! We can only hope the heat and ground are levelers and bring the crows down to a standard were we can scrap it out. Agree that the likes of Watts and Tyson are likley to be given another week to get right for the more winnable assignment against Port at the G
  14. Unfortunately thats how i see these matches too. MFCSS in full effect
  15. I'd reiterate what others have said about walkabout in temple being option 1 for near oxford st etc . Ive lived in London since 2015 and to be honest only stream the games because usually im just waking up as the 2nd half starts!
  16. Hyperbole as usual 'bub. Total non issue IMO
  17. Contact made to Clarry was hardly singnificant or malicious and I think Clarry probably bit hard at a comment about diving rather than any contact etc. He shouldn't have responded the way he did, it's not a good look. This the outcome in this instance is ok. Been a big few weeks for learning for him. Despite the off field stuff he's still dominating on the field which shows what a champion he will be
  18. Shuffle the deck until you get a hand that you like.
  19. Dont think Watts will be right for this week. Also hoping that the NT ground is a leveler as we need a full squad to really push the crows i think In: Tyson, Trengove, Kennedy Out: Stretch, Smith, Kent
  20. Yes lads/ladies! We got 4 points despite putting a second rate side out there and playing pretty poorly at times. Keep the faith. With all the injured guys coming back in 2-4 weeks we will have no excuses heading into the last few rounds.
  21. I think hell fet a game at some point. Sad it wasnt this week. Cards are marked though
  22. I assumed it was an oversight because Trenners was an emergency last round - perhaps the digital team just messed up?
  23. Happy that we got Garlett and Hogan back. forward line looks dangerous. Actually whole side looks solid enough given how many outs we have, but they key will be whether the midfield can find any cohesion given its such a different mix in there. Tyson not coming up is a shame, but as many have said the seasoned heads of the likes of Vince, Lewis, Melksham and even Hibbard to try and cover the void. It wouldn't surprise me to see Jake-Milkshake have his best game for us. Jesse back should give the guys a real lift. Jesse and Trengove play and the boys will be up and about in a big way I would have thought. Seems like the most important game of the season - snatch a win while so many are out injured and the belief amongst players and supporters will be incredible
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