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Everything posted by binman

  1. Dees2014 i think your predictions are way too doomsday. Ess won't fold. Won't happen. There won't be any appeals. There may be legal action from players but it will be settled out of court. But as you say we will see. I do agree that the likely penalties are 2 years, which will be halved to 12 months under the being duped clause. By end of March they will already have served 5 months (except for Fletcher and Watson - silly boys), meaning they will have seven months to go, which will wipe out this season but mean they are right to resume at beginning of next pre season. The AFL will allow the use of top players. No more than 17 will be required (and possibly as few as 13-15 if they run with a reduced list) so whilst they will not be competitive they will still field a side. And be back to full strength for 2016.
  2. TDI,I'm guessing your last job was in the public service not the private sector. I hope PJ is a more attuned to basic market pricipals
  3. That may be true (ie questioble returns). But it certainly isn't for merch. One employee to sell both to the true believers
  4. Where does the quote from PJ come from? Makes things worse not better? A permit? Ooh big problem. $1000 only for set up? And that's a problem? Six memberships and some goodwill? Please
  5. As the Fonz would say - Exactamundo. And the Admin should have made it a priority given such a move would have been a perfect way of operationalsihing key planks of their brand new Strategic Plan
  6. TDI i understand what you are saying. You may well be right that by not having merch or membership sales they were trying to keep costs down. But i hope you are wrong because that is plain stupid. Such short term, black and white thinking has no place in a sophisticated business looking to grow its membership and become sustainable into the future. For heavens sake they have made a public goal of getting to 35, 000 members by round one. How much do you think the advertising costs are for this push? And they miss this opportunity to sell memberships because it might cost some overtime pay? Please. Yesterday was another opportunity lost to sell more membership. The more memberships they sell the more money there is for the FD. Simple.
  7. Good on the person from the club who made the effort to let Demonland (and facebook) know the reason for the mix up with times and offer their sincere apologies. Good work. But i reckon the coms department should not wear this alone. As many have noted the timing issue (which was the focus of the apology) was only one element of the problem. The lack of merch, membership sales, organised activities and a properly resourced BBQ or in fact 2 or 3 BBQs (which should not have been left to the Demon Army - the club should have made it happen, ensured there was enough food etc, set up more than one bbq and gave any money raised to the Army) were also big problems. As was upon realisng they had a problem not making sure there was some activity or club spokesperson to let people at the ground know what was happening or as has been suggested organising some activities (eg kick to kick) to engage the fans that were there. The admin should accept their share of responsibility, including PJ. Down play it all you like but this is a stuff up. As i noted in the thread about the intra club game PJ trumpeted the new Strategic Plan and highlighted two key planks were reengaging with fans and increasing membership. Using the clubs stated goals as a reference point this is yet another fail in terms of yet another missed opportunity to engage with fans and increase membership. Put simply the admin (not the comms) should have made it work and allocated the appropriate resources. They didn't and instead allow their comms team to cop it. TDI with all due respect if the reason they didn't at a minimum have a merch tent and membership sales (not to mention something as basic as a jumping castle) is the associated hassle and cost then this admin isn't as great as some believe as that sort of short term thinking is amateursville . Sell 100 memberships and that is covered. And that is only the short term. The club needs young members to survive let alone thrive. Opportunities such as this to engage with young fans and potential life long fans and members should be fully embraced and properly resourced, particularly if is one of their strategic objectives. A poster on this thread noted that Richmond had a similar problem with mucking up advertised training times. His argument was that tiges fans didn't go off like those here on DL. Perhaps that's true, who knows, but it is instructive that his example was Richmond. A club like Melbourne that has struggled to get its act together off field and has been largely crap on field for best part of 2 decades. Does any one really think the Hawks (who now have the most members of any Victorian club - inconceivable 15 years ago and achieved on the back of brilliant fan engagement strategies) or the Pies would have, one stuffed things up so badly or two not maximised such as opportunity to engage with fans and increase their membership numbers?
  8. Hallowed Crown won like a true winner - dug deep and came again. Love horses like that. I hope you're right about the Sydney carnival being sorted - Australian racing needs a strong Sydney Autumn. Their challenge will be to keep the prize money at the levels they were last year and are this year. No small feat. The funny thing about the clash of the Guineas races is that they moved Super Saturday to next weekend (which the guineas was always part of) rather than keeping it this weekend and moving the Guineas (which could have been say three weeks back to allow horses to race in both), It is ridiculous the lack of collaboration in Oz racing. The whole TVN palaver being just one example.
  9. Just completed my form. hard work to do properly for two meetings, Melbourne and Flemington. Tough in both states but some good betting races. . In the guineas in Melbourne i like Fontein Ruby and the Guineas in Sydney (how stupid is having the races clash!) i like Hallowed Crown. Will need to look at prices tomorrow morning to work out best bets
  10. Good point. His leadership qualities were also questioned. Not any more. Few players move club and have their reputation enhanced. He is one
  11. Please no danger to the dees talk. i'll be too tempted to use a picture of him as my avatar
  12. Good points well made BoB. I'm on drugs but they don't seem to be enhancing my performance. But surely you of all people could find some passion for one element of this story: the media spin, agendas and use of journos as mouthpieces. Fascinating stuff
  13. Was just about to post that. What are the afl on about. Six months and back playing may?. What tosh. And what's this business about players coperating
  14. One of my favorite dees player. Was great at fb. Was killing Matthews the day LM king hit him with ball miles away (and smithy looking toward ball)
  15. This article slipped by this week. For me one of the things that has fascinated me about this whole saga is the reporting on it and the relentless pro Hird/EFC spin in the News Corp rags (amazing to think some people have claimed Hird has been hounded by the media). One journo whose reputation has really suffered is Mick Warner, he of the spectacularly wrong cricket score analogies (how embarrassing that must be for him). Further evidence of both pro Hird/EFC anti AFL/ASADA spin and Warner's reputation suffering can be found in this article: http://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/internal-review-into-the-afls-handling-of-the-essendon-drugs-scandal-remains-a-mystery/story-fnelctok-1227245256270 A number of things come to mind; The fact the AFL has not released its internal review yet is not a news story, it's not even news worthy. Its not as if the AFL had said it would be released by a certain date and that date has passed As such it is an opinion piece and should be labelled as such (something Caro has been criticised for and has addressed) it is disingenuous as it states that the AFL responds to a question about the review without stating that Warner asks the question (to be fair that is my assumption) It is clearly designed to have a shot at the AFL and yet another dig at Demitriou (eg its use of quotation marks around template in this line: the “template” of future drugs probes ) which reinforces it should be an op ed piece In relation to the above point it is completely unbalanced. For example it takes a Gillon McLachlan quote (“You wouldn't do it the same way”) and uses it out context to suggest he is admitting the AFL (and specifically AD) were poor in their handling of the matter but fails to note that Justice Middleton was effusive in his praise for the approach the AFL took (and by extension AD) Again on the point of it just being a vehicle to whack the AFL masquerading as news it selectively highlights issues that the Newscorp hacks have previously criticized the AFL and AD for: 'backroom dealings between the former Gillard government, AFL executives and ASADA officials throughout the Essendon investigation", John Wylie "being drafted in, with the approval of Fitzpatrick, to help convince Hird to accept a 12-month AFL-imposed ban'', Hird being “offered a series of inducements including “an outstanding career development opportunity’’ in return for dropping legal action against the league'. It is a classic beat up and lazy to boot
  16. Mods (or Billy2803) please delete post no 4 in this thread. Deeply offensive
  17. From the other side 9a EFC fan who loves James), something to unite us: 'It still puzzles many Essendon fans as to why Hird was aggressively targeted and nominated as the architect. In today's complex management structures, Hird was on the periphery of the supplements program.' 'AAnd yet people still refuse to acknowledge simple facts such as his contrition about the supplements saga. Many claim Hird remains unrepentant, but he has apologised on three separate occasions –to the AFL Commission, to Essendon fans through the club website, and to the general public..' read here: http://www.theage.com.au/comment/james-hirds-essendon-story-has-yet-to-be-told-20150303-13sa71.html
  18. Yes, except i always put all my bets on at the start of the day!
  19. Sure. Though i haven't made any grandiose or black and white predictions about outcomes. If i were to make a prediction it would be a guess (as of course yours is) as i don't have sufficient information to determine the likely outcome. So with that in mind my guess is the players will be found guilty and given a 2 year ban, halved to 12 months (backdated to last competitive match) based on being duped. That will wipe out this season but not the next and they will be able to restart training in September when the 12 months elapses. The players will accept this penalty (under pressure from EFC who will have to pay all contracts) and sit out the year. Top up players will be brought in. ASADA will also accept this penalty as will WADA. There will be no further appeal. CAS will not be needed. The decision will be made not to penalise EFC any further as the argument will be the losing 17 players will be penalty enough when added to the penalties received for the governance breaches. There will be uproar about this. EFC will dismiss Hird, who in turn will sue EEFC for wrongful dismissal. Not sure if ASADA will go after Hird (or other coaches eg Goodwin?). I don't think they will or else they would have done so already. As you say we will see who is right (or more right as the case may be)
  20. ....as opposed to your conspiracy theories the tribunal is a kangaroo court that will do the AFL's bidding only to be over ruled by the big bad WADA wolf and their trusty allies the CAS....
  21. Started off on fire getting the quinella in the first in Melbourne (having backed Galaxy Pegasus who just got nutted by Rommel, a 9-1 pop), backed 3 of first four winners in Sydney with a good go on Fist Seal (who is an out and out star i reckon). Snagged Alpine Lad (what a win!) but then it all went pear shaped. Had 3 legs of early quaddie one out into Dissident. Had backed Fontinon in the blue diamond a couple of weeks back (got 5-1) and it was woeful. And got no collects until the very last in Melbourne, Index linked. Broke even in the end which was disappointing given the start and probably suggests i got my staking wrong . But that's punting. Guineas is a great race this weekend. Am going away but will have a pre post dash
  22. I respect your view but hold a different one. I think you are confusing/conflating the SCN stage with this one. In any case i think for my sanity and other DL poster's patience i think it is time we agreed to disagree and let it be. One final cooment: I hope James Hird ends up having to face the tribunal
  23. Arrggghh! Thuis is not the case at all. The burden of proof is on ASADA, as has been established on this thread previously. The players only have to argue that ASADA's case is not strong enough to establish to the comfortable satisfaction of the tribunal they took banned substances.
  24. Look clearly we have different views on this. Mine is that many people are asserting the players are cooked based on a belief that as you say ASADA have enough proof, circumstantial or otherwise, as well as a strong paper trail and interviews that we have not heard detail of. But unless you are directly involved in the case how would anyone know that this is true or how strong the evidence actually is? We do not know what evidence they have - we only know what it is rumored they have via leaks. Forgive me if i don't swallow every rumor that dribbles out. Yes ASADA got legal advice from apparently knowledgeable people that they had a good case but that is no guarantee at all that this evidence will be strong enough to pass the comfortable satisfaction test. I'm not saying they will get off. I'm simply saying no one on this site has a clue what is actually being argued, what the evidence is, what the defense is or what the prosecution case is. So how can definitive statements like they are cooked hold any value or stand the test of any intellectual rigor? The one thing we do know for a fact is that the tribunal has said it will take 4-6 weeks to reach a decision. If it was such a slam dunk, if the case against the players was so strong why on earth would it take this long? By the by if the players do get found guilty do us all favor Jnr, BB et al please don't say i told you so because a guilty verdict will not be proof of your assertion that it is a slam dunk, lay down misere.
  25. Jeez if i knew Watts wasn't going to make it i would put my energy into getting him up there
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