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Everything posted by binman

  1. Or perhaps it was the one where the toump gut ran to receive the ball on the wing, ran 20 meters and delivered a beautifully weighted lace out kick to a leading Hogan (who dropped it 5 meters in the clear, something he seems to escaped all criticism for - it would have sealed the game if he marked and kicked truly). Or maybe the previous NAB game where he repeatedly attacked the contest, including one brilliant effort where he went to a 2-1 contest in our forward pocket, won it and set up a goal.
  2. Not everyone. I've said this before but it is simply too early to be definitive about whether we made the right or wrong choice. Of course the evidence thus far suggests Wines will be a better player (and i agree at this point in time McCrae actually looks the best player) but again as I've posted before history is full of examples where the early call on players has been wrong. The best recent (and most relevant) example? Substitute the names Nik Nat and Watts for Wines and Toumpas and exactly the same sort of black and white statements were being made by most football fans, including posters here on DL. If BRFE had posted after their first two seasons that everyone accepts that we made the wrong choice taking Watts instead of Nik Nat few would have disagreed. Whilst many might still argue we made the wrong choice I doubt it is an overwhelming majority (here on DL or more generally). If Watts has a good year and Nik Nat has another indifferent one then this time next year the majority might even say the dees made the right choice.
  3. Oh and on the AFL being corrupt, what tosh. I reckon Wolfie you've been drinking the EFC, News corp Kool aid. Dees2014 and BB might have been sipping on the same drink given their belief the drug tribunal are AFL patsies. Funny how little reporting there was of Middleton's praise for the AFL and the process they followed with ASADA and the investigation. Having a respected judge look at all the evidence about processand come to the conclusion that the AFL (and AD in particular) did theire job very well hardly fits the AFL are corrupt narrative
  4. My thoughts exactly. For gods sake he is the club doctor. And the longest standing AFL one at that. Perhaps if he heard it was going on elsewhere and he was concerned (as suggested by his infamous letter) he might have shown some blooody leadership and spoken to other AFL docs about his concerns or even the AMA. Weak
  5. Swan couldn't even spell Rastafarian let alone know what they are
  6. Just makes me like h even more. Respect. Jah.
  7. I like that until some one else post the dees next breakout star will be....binman!
  8. Hard to argue with that assessment. Two things I'd add are that, one we are in the best shape injury wise (and in terms of number of players who have completed more than 80% of preseason sessions) at this point of preseason for many years. Secondly with the improved fitness of our existing players and the introduction of some fit new ones our list has never been fitter
  9. No it counts. I unreservedly apologise to other DL posters as i know how patronising it is to be told by a forum poster what they should do or think
  10. The cas seconded him to geneva to prepare the torture chamber for the arrival of etc players
  11. Been burnt on this before but I honestly believe watts will be the breakout player. High half forward pushing up the ground and delivering the ball inside 50. 30 odd goals as cream on top. Despite the issues by far our most skilled and talented player. Will have a year like Gibbs did last year. The mark he took to win the game against the doggies is a sign of things to come. He hasn't got much love for that mark but it was a ripper. Tricky wind. H was going for goal but miskicked it making it helicopter spin with a flat trajectory. Watts read it beautifully and clunked it
  12. Bb one of the things I find frustrating with both your and dees2014s commentary on this issue is the repeated line that the fix is in and the afl will in fact determine the penalty not the independent tribunal. Essentially what you are suggesting is 3 much respected members of the legal fraternity are corrupt. Also you seem to suggest it is fact not a fantasy of yours.And don't get me started on the doomsday scenarios involving mutiple appeals, the big bad wada wolf and the all powerful cas
  13. Honesty what a load of ill informed tosh. Average defenders don't get runner up in b and fs
  14. Good post good vibes. I'm a sucker for the watts and toump shares and happy to speculate. I'll leave the hogan shares. Too expensive and it will take me a couple of injury free years to stop being nervous about that investment. Happy to buy some Grimes, Basil and m Jones shares and invest heavily in the blue chip dunn and Jones shares
  15. Steveman I read once on here about confirmation bias theory. I wonder if that might apply a bit with your assessment of Grimes. He was one of our best players. Hitting short targets should not be underestimated. He nailed his unlike Tyson and Salem who both had some right clagers. But more significantly Grimes nailed some attacking kicks really well, one of which (a bullet into the forward fifty) set up a scoring shot. To my eye he seemed to have made some technical adjustments to his kicking action.
  16. The Crowley bust no good for the efc spin machine. Hard to reconcile a likely 18 month ban with lesser penalties for multiple use of peds
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