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Everything posted by binman

  1. Because Crowley tested positive to a drug that falls into a different category (whose name i forget) than a PED. As i understand it the drug he tested positive for (contained in a pain killer he used) is only banned on match day. Provisional suspension does not kick in for this category until the b sample comes back, though the player can voluntarily take a suspension (as Crowley did after his last game) The CFC players tested positive to a PED . All PEDs are banned at all times and are in a different category. If an athlete test positive to a drug in this category that are immediately provisionally suspended.
  2. They were in New Zealand on camp immediately prior to the positive tests
  3. Again that's bollocks. The current 5 year TV rights for NRL is worth one billion dollars. One billon. There is talk of adding new clubs. The State of Origin does indeed play a big part in the strength of the NRL. All 3 games equal the ratings of the AFL grand final and are played at night in prime time Hanging in there? I don't think so
  4. i largely agree however there was a period where they were ok. They should have stayed the course that Evans put them on. If they had this would all be done and dusted and like Cronulla their 2015 season would have gone ahead with minimal distraction.
  5. I read an article (i can't remember where) on the weekend that said if the players are found guilty the Tribunal will take submissions on penalties, something i thought had occurred. The article said that in the event of a guilty findings penalties would almost certainly not be handed down tomorrow, which i have to say sounds crazy
  6. All big sports would struggle without the TV rights so i'm not sure of your point. Tomorrow's result will have nothing to do with the size of Gills balls. It is an independent tribunal and in any case if they find the players guilt (and its a big if) they won't hand down the penalties tomorrow
  7. There isn't much gloating going on here on DL as far as i can see
  8. Bollocks pure and simple. NRL is thriving despite 2 decades of off field incidents, including drug use. MLB ditto. Athletics ticking along ok. NBA yet another example. Cycling probably the best example. In spite of the pervasive PED use 10 years ago it It has never been bigger. Do you have any examples where a popular sport has ceased to exist because of positive tests?
  9. I'm with you BB. I'd legalize them all anyway.
  10. If you were you being deliberately ironic, then well played. If not....
  11. Posted this on the sister thread but better here: According to the updated Age article linked above the drug is Clenbuterol 'Clenbuterol is a drug used for asthma that is also often used by body builders as a body sculpting drug that helps burn fat and build muscle. It is this effect of creating leaner meat with a higher muscle to fat ratio that has seen it used in meat production in some countries. Famously in 2011 more than 100 Mexican footballers tested positive to the drug but were cleared after it was established the drug as used in farming in the country and was often present in meat in the country.' What's the bet they claim they ate contaminated meat? By the by i look at the Hun website and there is nothing about it. Love to be a fly on the wall at HWT right about now as they scramble to get some info to report. Beaten to the scoop again
  12. According to the updated Age article linked above the drug is Clenbuterol 'Clenbuterol is a drug used for asthma that is also often used by body builders as a body sculpting drug that helps burn fat and build muscle. It is this effect of creating leaner meat with a higher muscle to fat ratio that has seen it used in meat production in some countries. Famously in 2011 more than 100 Mexican footballers tested positive to the drug but were cleared after it was established the drug as used in farming in the country and was often present in meat in the country.' What's the bet they claim they ate contaminated meat? By the by i look at the Hun website and there is nothing about it. Love to be a fly on the wall at HWT right about now as they scramble to get some info to report. Beaten to the scoop again
  13. Lachy Keefe is pretty highly rated
  14. Another threat by dank to sue people. Get on with dank old boy. Funny also that all along he has said he wouldn't let the players cop it yet says he has detailed records but won't release them until his much talked about civil court cases
  15. Won't be an issue if the correct penalty is applied
  16. I loved this line from Warner the Wally in the article linked above: 'AFL boss Gillon McLachlan has publicly stated the league must accept some level of responsibility for the saga.' He has stopped bothering with any pretense that he is not a mouthpiece for EFC. Now he is giving evidence for the prosecution (ie in the fantasy case where the players sue the AFL) By the way the Gil v Alan Jones interview in that article is hilarious. Jones is unbelievable. Attack from the get go and accusing ASADA of corruption. Wow
  17. I would say more troll than killjoy
  18. Beat me it to it:The hun version: Player in legal action against the AFL and Essendon
  19. There was also one that quoted Viney as saying the toump was the best trainer and the player he would pick
  20. Indeed. I started posting on DL about the time watts and nick nat were coming into their third year and the call we made a big error taking Watts were much, much louder and more widespread than the debate about Wines and Watts. There was barely anyone who argued we made the right choice. Most posters were incredulous any suggestion could even be made we made the right choice. Nik Nat was AA in his second year was he not and all and sundry pointed out how stupid we were not taking this once in a generation player. Well that noise has died down and there is a chance that in the next 2-3 years the majority view might be we made the right call. Most of the black and white, tunnel view brigade would have said such a possibility two years into their career was impossible - that anyone saying such a thing had to be delusional . Funny then that now people are saying it is impossible to imagine the Toump being a better player than WInes.
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