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Everything posted by binman

  1. I see little told the efc faithful at their season launch that they are confident players will be cleared. Funny how this pronouncement gets full back page treatment
  2. Gws, st kilda and mfc. Bottom 3 sides. And Newbold complains about equalisation measures.
  3. Funny you should say that wj. Matty Lloyd, doc Larkin's and g Healy were bagging asada for their tardiness on 3aw tonite, which I thought was ridiculous
  4. Bontempelli looks a star doesn't he. Huge for a mid and will fill out even more
  5. Heezus bb are you serious? Credit where credit is due. Good job mfc. Sounds like all did a top job
  6. %100 agree nasher. However I'm wondering if you meant to post this in another thread. Can't see many puns in this one
  7. Watched the game today for the first time. The toump was terrific. Not sure where this tackle stuff comes from. One he laid some great tackles himself. Two yes he got caught with it a couple of times but so do m Jones and viney (who seems to escape critisim because of his attack on the ball). Instead of the photo of him being tackled we might have equally referenced the play where he brilliantly avoided a tackle and won the ball in the forward pocket setting up an easy goal. Class
  8. Replay available at http://bigpondvideo.com/. Note it will only be at that site for perhaps rest of today. Go to AFL TV tab on sport video. Bigpond only has last 2 games up. The other option is AFL live pass but even you get a four week free trial you have to enter credit card details and if you don't cancel it roll over into weekly payments after 4 weeks
  9. Though ones got a dodgy knee and the other a dodgy foot. She might have done us a favour
  10. Just read it. Incredible. Warner has shredded what was left of his reputation. Even if true - no particularly if true - surely you have to back up a statement like 'The maximum two-year ban will not be imposed because of the unique circumstances surrounding the two-year investigation.' But no he adds nothing to that sentence, not a single explanatory justification or note. He also says that 'The players have been provisionally suspended since infraction notices were issued on November 13. Any bans would be backdated to that date.'My understanding is that whilst that is likely is not a certainty, its up to the tribunal He goes on to say 'A six-month ban would sideline players to May 13, missing the first six rounds of the season. But ASADA could push for a one-year ban.' Could push for a one year ban? Apart from the fact that the tense is wrong in that sentence (the AFL and ASADA have made their cases as to penalties i think) on what grounds would they be pushing for 12 months. By the rules 12 months is a minimum sentence - and then only if the tribunal accepts the duped defense and halves the automatic 2 year ban. The only way it could be less under the rules is a discount for a guilty plea and/or significant cooperation and those horses have well and truly bolted. The article ends with a list of the bombers first six matches, implying missing six matches is the most they'll cop. Pathetic. Do the Hun editors really think such rubbish will influence an independent tribunal? Or is the game to set up the faux angst the Hun will almost certainly foment with 1-2 year penalty? Wind up the poor delusional bombers fans and play into the conspiracy EFC as victims narrative. Pathetic. The Hun should be called out. Or at least not be able to call themselves a news paper.
  11. I always loved this logo. Not sure why. He does look like a Derek. Derek the accountant
  12. Yep good call. It was will also be their mechanism to land on a suspension that does not trigger appeals from ASADA or the players
  13. Yep good call. It was will also be their mechanism to land on a suspension that does not trigger appeals from ASADA or the players
  14. I guess that means they should review their current strategy of having membership sales at all games and should most definetly not bother having them for sale at the Family Day on Sunday
  15. Hopefully they have a permit for the gazebo they set up
  16. It was normal training day that started at an abnormal time (to allow people to come at watch it). So not a normal training day then.
  17. For crimes against the public service
  18. You're not afraid of hyperbole are you.
  19. I don't understand where the sweetheart deal is in my hypothesized scenario. The penalty i set out is in line with the WADA penelaites. The only wrinkle is whether WADA would accept the duped argument and halve the penalty. The backdating ASADA have already said is a possible (ie to the time of issuing of notices in November last year). The EFC losing 17 of its (best) players for a full season is huge so it would satisfy WADA and ASADA i would expect (but not the Hird media club). The players will be furious but will accept it to get it over and done with. Besides you have previously said you agree with my guess on the outcome
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