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Everything posted by binman

  1. You may be right but im not sure the final sentence above proves the point. One im not sure it is accurate (ie some of the surgeries were wear and tear e.g. omac, a number of senior players had contact injuries eg melk, hannan, avb). Two luck plays a big part in contact injuries. Three, one year sample does not prove the point. But none the less I agree the style took an obvious toll. But if that is the model goody wants the team to become second nature then it is the approach they had to employ.
  2. Yep. My post was supposed to follow on from your quote. Understandable that it could have been misread.
  3. The decision Taylor has to make is not on who is the best footballer now. Or even in the next 2-3 years. But who is the best over 10 years. One assumes most experts think jackson is untapped and given he has played relativey little footy and is still growing has a tonne of upside. Young gives us what we need but it is hard nor to be excited by a player who could become an out and out star. Or not. Same vibe as for buddy in his draft year.
  4. Not really. Surely the fact we had so many key players injured and rehabbing through the preseason made responding to the 666 rule change more difficult, for example just in terms of positioning and set up. Add to that avb and kk were likely our wingers and neither played a game.
  5. Or he could have gone to the forum and made his point(s) there.
  6. We've had way more than our fair share of funke
  7. That is the sort of pre season interruption i can deal with. Mind you I'm a bit concerned with how specific the information is about the timing of their expected return.
  8. What makes you think they are going into 'full on training'? I suspect, but don't know, that they are getting a good base down the pre Xmas so they can really attack jan and Feb before tapering in March.
  9. I thought the same thing this season ie he's surprisingly quick from a standing start. Really gives him flexibility. From memory he stood Cameron for a while and kept with him on the lead. If he has dropped some weight and has a good run with injury (and prior to last year he was rarely injured) I think outside of gawn he might be our most valuable player next year. Having not been super impressed with Lever outside 2 or 3 games before his knee injury I was super impressed with his attitude in the last few games this year. More in terms of attitude and intensity than anything else. In the sane way talia did a fit and firing will help lever no end. Takes the spotlight of him and allows him to do what he does best - intercept marks, zone off and third man into aerial contests and float across half back. Dare I say it but a fit and firing omac will also support lever.
  10. Fair comment. Perhaps I'm judging him a bit harshly. My assessment is influenced by the fact I thought he might be the sort of player who thrives at a higher level. Someone wirh a real x factor. I half expected him to slot straight in and light it up. Like a Sydney stack or higgins. Which he didn't. I'm not writing him off and he could well make it. But he might have to recent himself. Maybe as a dashing hb.
  11. I assume you are missing a question mark. For some reason i thought he had a full presason. Gives me some more confidence that he didn't in so far as if he can have one he might go to a better level. Is he currently injured?
  12. That really hurt didn't it nasher
  13. Absolutely. To be honest I was a bit disappointed with his form last year. One of tbe few to hsve an uninterrupted preseason, his best position was vacant and had a chance to cement his spot. Showed some glimpses but for mine simply did not impact enough, dissipated in games and disposal iffy. If not wing where does he play?
  14. Some good points. I wouldn't want trac taking silly shots but sometimes it looks as if he is so fixed on following team rules that he limits his brilliance. And I'd only give a couple players licence. Trac and fennel or Lockhart. Its just that he is at his best when playing. free and totally on instinct. And the sort of goals he can snag are real team lifters
  15. I'd really love goody to encourage him to go for go goal more often and give some licence to take more low percentage shots He is terrific at finding team mates and setting up goals and you dont want to lose. But he has great instincts and is real spark plug. He had an excellent 2019, super consistent. I expect him to go to another level and if he does we will be in for a treat.
  16. I have this funny feeling of de ja vu again
  17. Yes, i guess so. I thought he meant professional sports
  18. They don't actually. Or at least i 'm pretty sure they don't. I stand to be corrected but i don't think any of NFL, NHL, NBA, MBL or Golf are signed up to the WADA code. In fact most of those sports have incredibly lax regimes and penalties, baseball being a classic example. In golf i have feeling they only recently started testing players for performance enhancing and recreational drugs (long been rumors about heavy coke use on tour)
  19. I don't know, but i'm willing to be a guinea pig and test a range of scenarios (guvna i slipped and fell into a bath of coke)
  20. Yes it matters. A lot. Jetta is on the run in that shot. I'm guessing he doesn't drop it from that high on set shots but even so the exception does not prove the rule.
  21. I like Christian's Jesus Christ Pose Look fit but jeez has seriously big legs. Didn't hurt Leigh Matthews i guess.
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