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Everything posted by binman

  1. To be perfectly honest i don't think roos leaving is much loss. i rarely found his comments interesting or particularly insightful. And he often had biases that he struggled to hide.
  2. A video paints a 1000 words. Here's 10 additional words: That is precisely why we want him. (Very) Rare talent.
  3. That's fair enough. I loved jeffy. He was terrific for us. And had a bad run with injury (his shoulder injury in rhe preseason game ladt year was terrible timing and really knocked him oof his axis) and as you say had to deal with some personal stuff. I definitely don't want to denigrate him or tarnish his legacy.
  4. Be that as it may he was not physically competive enough at the end. Which is why they delisted him. And why no other club picked him up.
  5. I could not agree more. I can't speak for other clubs (because I don't have any interest) but our fan engagement is woeful. And i think it is real issue in terms of engaging younger supporters and building a strong supporter base. The content you suggest is exactly the collateral they should develop. Shareable videos (eg on snapchat, dischord and insta) that are intersting (eg diet, traingin, interests) and build connection. Kids love content. Tv dead and such content is practically free. Great for sponsors too. A good example was the trade day videos the club posted. Good stuff and so so easy (credit wmwhete it is due). Build an awareness of Bedford, swallow, neita etc etc. My 17 year old son knows more about RJ Hampton than any young demon player. If it were not for demonland so would I. In this day an age it is a complete own goal not to be doing way more in this space.
  6. I'll take you at your word m5, but the question I have is what does 'more scrutiny actually mean in practice. Particularly as it relates to the context of a football forum. Lets say your concerns are valid. More scrutiny might mean more unfounded criticism, gossip and potshots at the club, rather than balanced crtique. Particularly in tve absence of any real information. And that sort of white noise can cause damage and actually make matters worse. Which is the opposite of what i assume you are hoping to achieve.
  7. Shouldn't be a problem if they have sufficient mental strength.
  8. As good a place as any to put this. Terrific replacement game for the round 9 Alice game i reckon:
  9. Agree. They should use this song in all their campaign material:
  10. I had the same idea. Had about 25 in a garbage bag with plan to sew them together to create a blanket. My mistake was to store them in a garbage bag. They got put in the garbage. Stopped collecting scarves after that.
  11. I have managed to beat my addiction to exercise.
  12. Maybe. He doesn't look a natural crumbing forward, but as you say he kicked goals. But from memory most were from leads not crumbing?
  13. I'm not sure about being on the slide as such but this year is a critical one for hunt, who is treading water a bit. We need his pace, he is competitive and has an x factor but it's not clear what tge best position and role he is best suited for. And there should be a lot more competition for spots this year, so he won't be gifted any games (hopefully). Big year in his career I reckon. The positive is that if he is regular starting 22 player he will have gone up a level.
  14. Fair point. But nonetheless I still think there is some real potential in players like sparrow, dunkley, jordon, Lockhart and Bedford. ALao petty, spargo, fritter and baker are all coming into their 3rd season and I included that group in my comments. Add jackson, kozzie and rivers to that group and there is a pretty good core of young players coming through.
  15. Good post, agree with most of it. It us an interesting point you make about 1st and 2nd year players going up a level. Last year was unusual in so far as no first year or even second year players made a real impact at senior level (As opposed to just getting a game) These days at least one normally one would have. And no knock on any of those players. Just the way their development has progressed. If you include this year's draftees to the group that is now entering their 2nd and 3rd years it reasonable to expect a handful will make an impact. And maybe one might really surprise and become a really important player.
  16. At first glance I wondered how they had got a recent photo of me and mixed it up with a shot of dunks. But on closer inspection realised it wasn't me. Easy mistake to make though given how similar our physique are.
  17. Agree. Particularly given how poor they were during last season at reporting injuries (when most fans are interested). Hopefully this reflects a shift.
  18. That article reads like one of my posts.
  19. I think he can. As you say a natural forward. Good hands, good leading patterns, times his leads well and takes advantage of chances. Will be really helped if we can sort our ball movement and get some nice clean entries inside 50.
  20. He has his own injury issues. Shouldn't be sharing them 'round.
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