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Everything posted by binman

  1. Interesting perspective. Hard to argue with.
  2. Goddard is everything that is wrong with the footy media landscape. On rsn breakfast and now for the hun he is essentially an analyst paid to give informed comment about football. Leaving aside my bias that he sheats me to tears it is impossible to argue he gets either gig if he wasn't an ex footballer who likes to espouse an opinion. As each season passes all ex footballers opinion becomes less relevant the longer the time since their retirement. Particularly about tactical info. The only way to mitigate this law of diminshing relevance is for them to work hard at developing their new craft ie journalism and analysis. With a handful of notable exceptions (Terry Wallace being one) few ex players seem to do this. So it is no surprise that so much of their analysis is paper thin and of little and is often nothing more than uninformed opinion based on their hazy memories of their playing days.
  3. The key reason most bigs take longer to develop is that strength is a more important factor for them than it is for mids, flanked, wingers etc. As I understand it men might get to their full height at say 20-21 but continue to fill out up to 25 or so. For a big like weed, who in some ways plays like a traditional forward that is a big factor. Bigger than say a more mobile forward like hipwood. Hawkins is a good comparison for weed I reckon. Took time to establish himself but once he got to his mid twenties became very formidable to play against. Big 12 months for Sammy.
  4. My 'small exodus comment' was oxymoronic sarcasm. And 'my take' is not an understatement. As i have noted i acknowledged there has been significant change. Losing Rawlings, Viney, Jennings, Maca, pietsch and the IT guy from the FD are actually quite minor changes in the scheme of things. And Misson announced he as leaving at the start of the year so he can't be included in the discussion and Rawlings elected to go. None are really 'major players".As Dr Gonzo suggested the CEO, President, Coach and Footy Manager are the major players. Look at the numbers of personnel who have just left the Crows following their review. That is an exodus. Every club would have had at least one equivalent of Viney, pietsch and the IT guy leave their club. SOS left the blues and Campbell was sacked from GWS. i'll bet some key people are leaving the Tigers.
  5. Am I missing something? I never said there hasn't been significant changes. I'm not spinning anything. Need for change was identified. And they got on with making those changes. Mud season. But not just as a reaction to poor season. Reactive management is stupid management. I pushed back against claims of a 'brigade of assistant coaches being sacked (if you count Jennings there has been three who have left and only 2 sacked) and a 'mass exodus frpm rbe FD (viney, pitsch, the IT guy - small exodus). That is spin
  6. So 2 assistants and a strategy person. Not a brigade then. Sam pietsch? Please. Hardly anyone would know what he did. Viney retired and went farming. And had been there long enough. I'm not playing technicalities. The above is hardly a mass exodus. Again I reckon it is close to industry standard. Gws just made a grand final. Their most successful year ever. And sacked their head of football. Change happens. What you call a mid year crisis meeting I call a sober review, with meaningful outcomes. In other words sound management. Meant we were well positioned to get richo, move on mcartemy in a respectful, non acrimonious manner and not wait till the end of the year to get required change happening. Change that tbey recogised they had to make. Unlike a club in crisis like the crows. Smart stuff. And has paid dividends with the quality people we have attracted.
  7. 100% agree last year was a horror show. On field. And most now understand and acknowledge the reasons why. But to say we were a club in crisis is, in my view complete rubbish. My definition of a club in crisis is the crows. As evidence of being in crisis you say we moved on a 'whole brigade of assistant coaches'. A whole brigade? How many have we moved on? I might be missing someone but all I can think of is McCartney and Jennings (who technically wasn't an assistant coach). Am I missing someone? Let's say I am. That means we have moved 2 assistant coaches and one strategy person on. Hardly a 'whole brigade'. In fact I'd suggest 2-3 changes a year would be industry standard.
  8. Is Herb somehow related to basil?
  9. Annoys me so much. On AFL.com they have some videos posted abut data for each team. Pretty basic stuff. But i guess it is something. Here's ours (apologies if this has already been posted): https://www.afl.com.au/video/2019-11-01/the-data-game-the-one-remaining-query-on-new-demon
  10. I am genuinely excited about the chance of benell playing for us. The last time I was this exited about a recruit from another club was clark. But harley is coming for free, so nothing to lose. And so.much to gain.
  11. No. My response was to paulrb's post about rolling the dice to try and win a flag and that not putting players out for surgery was understandable given the potential reward. Which I agreed wirh. And for what it's worth I also agree with deespencer's post on this topic. If you have a chance at a flag, which we did, you our off any surgeries that can be put off till season's end. Ill bet london to a brick tbst every team thst had won a flag in tbe last 50 years has done so with at least l one player.
  12. Wotcha talkin abour willis? One, I meant that the doggies flag and the tigers 2017 flag was unexpected and they grabbed the chance when the stars aligned. I wasn't saying anything about any injuries they may or may not have been carrying. But secondly even if I was making a point about injury - which I wasn't- both clubs struggled the next year, particularly the doggies, who like us in 2018 were a very yoing team. And Ilike us the doggies struggled with fitness.
  13. Terrific interview. Lyon and Watson obviously respect him. One take away is his comment about pre season surgery and rehab and the impact on fitness - you can never catch up in season. Also interesting he noted that of the 18 post season surgeries 16 were to players in our best 22. 16. As guru bob might say. Think about that.
  14. I have wondered the same tging, but i think you are exactly right. They rolled the dice with the possible reward a flag. As the doggies and tigers showed you need to take your chance if it presents. The right move I reckon.
  15. There does indeed. For once I am going to resist the temptation to be a smart [censored] and simply point out there are a number of posters who have had a clear agenda to paint the club as being in crisis. And provided zero evidence other than sculltebut and ghost like rumours to prosecute that case. The is goody the right coach was the favoured medium for this cabal. When I have pushed back on this front some have accused me of being a club lackey. Some of the less credible of this group have hilariously, seemingly seriously suggested I am an mfc employee reverse trolling. Well that group have gone very quiet of late as the evidence builds of a club that is the very opposite of the baskstcae some have tried so hard to paint us as.
  16. We should make one of the dees emojis a symbol for sarcasm. Ths one works for me (note: I am not being sarcastic)
  17. How about this video instead. It shows a fella who has something that is very hard to fake or learn - a natural instinct for kicking goals. He. knows. Where. The. Goals. Are. Love his left foot snap in the wet against Port. Perfect kicking technique too. And strong overhead. Play him at half forward flank and he will be a very tough match up. And his fitness won't be too exposed. https://www.afl.com.au/video/2015-10-14/get-excited-by-harley-bennell
  18. Ridiculous pace in the cup. nothing was going to come from begins wit that pace. Where were the European pace makers? Crazy. They shot themselves in the foot. With a decent pace one of Surprise Baby, Mer de glace or Finche would have won that - and filled the trifecta. Top runs by all 3 given the tempo. In my various first fours had 6 of of the first 8 finishers, But no joy. With a truly run race i'm sure i would have snagged it. Got out with Akiri in the last to make small profit for the day.
  19. Sorry, I'm confused. Do you think they made errors putting Smith, may and viney back on the park when injured? I wasn't sure where you stood in that. And am I right in saying you support the club's decision to trade Frost? I'm not sure I agree. I mean he us so fast. And we really need fast defenders.
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