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Everything posted by binman

  1. With all due respect saty i'm not sure there is much evidence of so called usual suspects hammering the club in this thread. If you think otherwise can you name who you are referring to.
  2. Good Lord angry. Are you for real? You should change your name to don't make me coherant
  3. I have locked in leave for the arvo of the roos game. Really looking forward to it
  4. I think there is something in this. From memory it has been floated but clubs want some proper practice games and the AFL want to monetise them. We are choosing to have two additional practice games so clubs must want them.
  5. You do do you. That's interesting to know. Because i have such a record on demonland of potting the club. That will come as a surprise to the posters who suggested i work for the club and am a MFC plant on this site, such was my supposedly happy clapper blind defence of the club and push back against those actually potting the club last season (see the sack the Goodwin thread, which has thankfully gone into remission). It might come as surprise to you angry, but is possible to hold disparate and sometimes seemingly contradictory opinions. I can support the club, think the FD and coaches are dong a good job, think the board is stable and effective etc etc AND think the communication from the club is poor and a cause for concern.
  6. You're right George - there is no use complaining about the lack of notification. You're right it was emailed to members and on the website (not that i saw it). I checked my email and i received it 17 December last year (but hadn't opened it). I did not receive a proxy form in the mail. If in my case if i was hell bent on going i would have made sure i knew the date. It's great that you, Saty, Cbd and others made the effort. My bad for not being as switched on. Be that as it may i still maintain the club could have done a better job of alerting members given the limited information they did provide was in the shadows of XMAS and two and half months ago. I mean i receive emails about insurance, paint and expensive cars all the time from the club. One more email flagging the AGM a week out wouldn't of hurt. Or a tweet, or reminder on the website. I have gone previously precisely because of such a reminder. How hard would that be? Not hard obviously. It would be easy to conclude they were not super keen to have many members there. It's particularly strange they didn't put any further information out other than their pre xmas comms or make any real effort to promote it given they were launching their new strategic plan. I would have thought they would want as many members as possible there for the launch of such an important document.
  7. I would have liked a fith goal - show MFC fans respect by communicating properly (eg about injuries and important events like AGMs)
  8. Which leaves me out of the picture.....
  9. Yes. Or at the least certainly not encouraged. I mean they post a notice on the MFC site 6 December and that's it? You have to be kidding.What sort of message does that send? If asked why they will no doubt talk about the members forum. But i didn't go t that as i wanted to go to the AGM and ask the board via the chairperson and CEO a question related to off filed performance not on filed stuff which i knew would be the focus of the members forum. Sure i could have checked when it was but i had fully expected it would be promoted (and then flagged on here). It has in previous years. I am not happy and will write to the club to express my frustration.
  10. What? I had no idea it was on tonight. I was thinking just today it must be soon. Where was the communication? No email. Nothing that I saw on the MFC site. I had planned to go. Ironically was going to ask about their poor communication and what strategies they had to improve it.
  11. HB was like a lamb to the slaughter. Stupid joke the fellas name is something (Tim?) Lamb
  12. Credit where credit is due. Both episodes have been terrific, though i enjoyed the second more as it provided more insight into their training and rehab. On the latter, like others it is incredible to see the detail and work in the rehab that VDB has done. Gives a real sense of how hard it must have been for him to sit ourt all of last season after being hopeful that he would be playing. Clever to have an episode every Sunday right up to the season opener. Good for fans but also sponsors as it is getting great media coverage (and apart from Cornes all positive). In addition to the standard interviews and jumper presentations from the women's team there has also been a couple of terrific behind the scenes stuff such as one with go pro from Maddi Gay leading them off As i say credit where it is due. This is exactly the sort of stuff fans and potential fans engage with. I'll be interested in finding out how many times the Hell and Back videos are watched.
  13. I think we should debate this more
  14. Yeah right on, such a high horse. Some peanut makes yet another blatantly sexist, offensive boneheaded remark and my response is to let him know he is on my ignore list by providing a link to a great song by a great all female hard rock trio. Yeah so self righteous. So over the top. Sorry. Wait, no it wasn't. Now that i think about it you are cut from the same cloth as your brethren JakovichScissorKick. Life's too short to engage with triggered men babies who fervently wish it was still 1961, a time when women knew their place. Which certainly, most positively WAS NOT THE FOOTBALL FIELD! So you have also made my,..... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DAkmLpTXbNDQ&ved=2ahUKEwjX4cSW7NTnAhUgyDgGHdG5AHUQjjgwCnoECAIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1peaWZYJqsjw9PA11X3oU5 PS - at least my link made sense. I mean, can i give you a....... ....small boy riding a horse?
  15. I was sure it was only three episodes. I was thinking they are only at week one of training - they will have to cram a lot in 1 more episode!
  16. I thought exactly the same thing
  17. You've made my https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DAkmLpTXbNDQ&ved=2ahUKEwjX4cSW7NTnAhUgyDgGHdG5AHUQjjgwCnoECAIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1peaWZYJqsjw9PA11X3oU5
  18. True 'nuff. I watched the Matildas play China last night. Fantastic stuff. I enjoy watching them more than the soccer roos. I know they are all the best players in the country so but almost all are playing in the oz WSL, a league tbat must lose money. But like the AFLW is a smart investement.
  19. Interesting article in the context of the discussion about the next wave of talent coming into AFLW: https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-14/the-maddy-prespakis-era-has-arrived-good-news-for-aflw/11964922
  20. With some justification. Particularly if they say 4-6 weeks and will be right to go round 1.
  21. Bottom 5 as in 13-18? Surely you jest. If not why is not making the finals a fail?
  22. Spot on hot rod. As Ras D Nesbit rightly pointed out football the AFL is limited to an Australian market., unlike say basketball and soccer - footy's two biggest natural competitors for both viewers and participants. So broadcast rights have a natural cap. Supporting and driving women's football makes sound business sense in terms of ensuring half of the Australian population are encouraged to watch and AFL games. the AFL can get overseas viewers. So it can't afford to lose potential viewers here. if it does attendance will drop (and of course the revenue), club membership will drop (ditto) and broadcast rights will be less valuable. Discussion about pay rates and what might be regarded as elite are furphys. This is an investment. Not charity or some feel good exercise in promoting quality. A shrewd investment in my opinion. Soccer is decades ahead in this space. But look where they are now. The Matlidas are arguably Australia's most loved national team. And are great to watch. Snap TPF39
  23. On one level i agree with the bolded bit. It was always a risk creating new teams and thinning the talent pool and there was a strong argument for leaving it as it was for at least another year. I also agree the talent pool is stretched too thin in the AFL and it has impacted the game (just look at the number of players coming up from state leagues and lower levels something that rarely used to happen) But a big difference between the two comps is that unlike the men's game participation is growing exponentially in women's football, at both the senior level but more crucially the junior level. As Terry Wallace points out the standard will take a huge jump when girls who started playing at say under 12s start entering the AFLW in numbers. That process has commenced and will accelerate quickly in the next few seasons. Which will mean more natural footballers with all the skills like Daisy and less elite level athletes coming across from other sports that haven't grown up playing footy. So the extra teams is in some ways a calculated gamble. More teams, more reach to female fans of those teams driving increased participation and a bigger talent pool. Just look at how many saints fan turned up to watch them. I'll bet 3/4 were parents and their daughters. The other factor about more AFLW teams is that there are more players training at an elite level. And these players go back to the VFLW as fitter an d better players. More teams also increases the opportunity and pathways for young guns and those who aspire to play AFLW.
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