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Everything posted by binman

  1. I haven't heard Niall's comments. I'm guessing that was in the Real Footy podcast? Did he seriously imply we were not 'all about systems'? Fair dinkum, how is it possible for someone PAID to cover football come to that conclusion? We have by far the strongest system in the AFL. And a very simple one at that. Goody as said for years he wants fan to come to the footy knowing what effort they will see from our players AND what it will 'look like' in terms of how we play. And we have well and truly arrived at that point. Even the most see ball, watch ball dees fan (and i don't mean that in critical way, nothing wrong with just watching the game and not worrying about structures and systems) can tell Jake how we will play any given game. They can tell Jake exactly where may will kick to after a point, who will be at that aerial contest rom the kick and the role of of each and every player in the team. Sheesh. Coincidentally i was just thinking las night watching the pies and saints turn the ball over time and time again that we have now arrived at point where we have an incredibly effective and consistent system AND an incredibly talented list, spearheaded by four or five true A graders. That's why i am so bullish about chances this year. And the next few years after that for that matter. What an idiotic comment from Niall.
  2. Fair enough In my defence i did say he was pretty strong in both of those skills. And you're right may is a more reliable kick. I think Smith is improving rapidly in bit kicking skils and decision making - in particular when to zone off and hit a pack 9a very tricky skil to master). So plenty of upside. I'm no doubt guilty of a fair dose of confirmation bias with Smith - albeit the opposite to most ie i see positives I wonder where Laurie is at. In some ways he is maybe a possible Salem replacement given he has been training as half back flanker and has excellent foot skills
  3. Exactly. Well almost. I think Smith is playing- and will continue to - play Petty’s role. Until petty is back. If Lever comes back Tomlinson will be out. When petty is back I'm tipping Smith will take hibberds role. Smith will never play Salem's role. But not because he is not a good kick or decision maker. I think there is a fair dose of confirmation bias when assessing Smith. It seems to be accepted wisdom he us an average kick and decision maker. But it is not based on fact. He is pretty strong in both of those skills. And in some ways he is a more reliable kick than may - who has never been able to eradicate his tendency to make some realy bad turnovers by foot when under little pressure.
  4. Because all messaging apps have a record audio option and lots of people use it rather than typing their message.
  5. He wasn't having a chat down the pub with a couple of mates. He recorded himself making his puerile, sexist proclamations. And sent it to a group chat of his friends. He exposed her sexuality to a group of people. I have a signal group of friends with about 12 people in it. Any message goes to the whole group. There is every chance Morris has more than 12 people in his group chat. He could have 50 in it. But it unlikely to be one or two because it sort of contradicts the whole point of a group chat. Not that number of people in the group matters.
  6. Such a crazy coincidence. I was just about to post EXACTLY the same thing. Well almost. I have him back in 2-3 weeks.
  7. Damn, you're right - how could I miss virtue signalling? Or soap box for that matter
  8. Not much point responding then i guess.....
  9. Or stupid enough to record them myself
  10. I would consider a what's app message to my partner is private. If that message was inappropriate (for example it made a racist comment about a colleague) and my partner shared it and it then became public I would expect to be held to account. A what's app message to a group of mates (I have such a group, but it's on signal)? 100% public. Which is why the cops who shared photos of Laidley in a what's app group got rightly carpeted. The issue wasn't that the photos (and disgusting comments) became MORE public. It was, one they were taken at all and two because rheid were made public by sharing with others in the what's app group.
  11. Let's play bingo: Points awarded for the following comments and phrases: Cancel culture Cancel culture gone mad Wokeness Morris is the real victim here What about..... What if..... Political correctness Left wing nut job MSM Court of public opinion In my day.... I've said a million times worse.... I don't see the problem That's not racist... It's all part of a feminist agenda.... Have you ever heard chick's talk about blokes.... Glass houses The mob Mob mentality Hand wringing Pearl clutches No justice Not a hanging offence Blokes being blokes Sanctimonious Next they'll ban all jokes Better not to speak at all Bent over
  12. Discussing the sexuality of a colleague with your mates is not making it public? Of course it is. For peta's sake it was on whats app group chat, with god knows how many members. And he couldn't even be bother typing his puerile rubbish - he recorded it. Apart from anything else just so, so stupid, particularly for a peanut who trades in gossip and understands the power of audio and text to bolster a story and drive clicks. His 'mate' has just made it even more public - which is just one of the reasons why it is is completely inappropriate for him to have discussed it AT ALL, and why he is almost certainly in breach of his work place policies and procedures and you'd think likely to be sacked. Bottom line if he didn't make it public in the first instance then it wouldn't have ever have become more widely distributed. Once he put it out there he lost control of the information. Talking to his mates in that way, whether that was widely know or not, is a complete breach of trust and no doubt a breach of his employment conditions. And in any case do you think his colleague would be ok with Morris discussing her sexuality with his mates, or rating her 'hotness' for that matter? He deserves every single thing coming his way.
  13. Spot on. Goody will change very little from last year. The stars like Salem will always come back in, but Goody will always look to reward players in winning teams. He believes in the incumbency model. So lets say Lever and Petty come back, Smith might keep Hibbered out (if he is still out injured), even though Hibberd might reasonably be considered a better player. A positive of some injuries' down back is that allows Goody to stick with the no change other an forced ones philosophy and still get some time not players on the fringe of selection - providing both a much needed reward for all their efforts and excellent match practice time as insurance should we need them come finals
  14. I didn't read it that way I thought he was laughing at the whole will he or won't he saga.
  15. If there is something, it will come out in time. Too early now as the dogs will be desperate to keep any such stuff under wraps and kill this as a story.
  16. A mate with a lifetime supply of dog food.
  17. Because they can't win contested ball any more.
  18. Ok. Thanks for clarifying. My opinion is that his job is to apt pressure - real and perceived. Create contests. Disrupt. Trap the ball in the front half. Gut run up and down the ground. He does all of those things week in week out. It might sound funny, given back in the day we measured performance on kicks and goals, but any possessions and goals kozzie are icing on the cake. So personally I'd pick him. And on the question what goody will do, it is inconceivable kozzie will be dropped for Bedford this week. Kozzie will play every game this year barring injury. Critical to our chances of going back to back.
  19. I really hope hardwick goes the full Beveridge in the presser.
  20. Blues playing a similar style to us
  21. Fake news. Looking at the actual headline and teaser para, it's his mate who shared the audio clips who has learnt his lesson. Didn’t think it would go viral apparently. That's his lesson Funny stuff.
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