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Everything posted by binman

  1. This is a load of rubbish. Particularly the last para. On his role, work it out. You part answered yourself in the post I've quoted. One man's getting in BB and Fritter's way is another's (you know, like goody) blocking and selflessness.
  2. Keith Greig played predominantly on rhe wing didn't he?
  3. I think the tactic was about our preparation for our next game in terms of it being in 6 days time The humidity looked full on. And such high humidity is super taxing, particularly given our game plan relies so much on all players doing heaps of running. We were unusually aggressive with our ball movement in the first quarter- and paid the price. I wonder if the reason was to try to and get a jump on them early. Get an early lead and go into control mode, ie what they ended up doing in the last I reckon that tactic, something they did all last season, was aimed at mitigating against the impact of the humidity and a six day break. They did it all last home and away last season, to some degree, and I'm convinced it was way of managing fatigue. It's why we win so many games in the 3-5 goal range. The other part of that comment that was interesting was it in response to a question that framed the margin as a function of being tired. Goodies answered we weren't fatigued, which is bollocks. They looked totally gassed. But I suspect he said we weren't with an eye to essendon players hearing thst response, or more accurately not wanting to give them any ammunition by saying yes, they were spent. So I'd say his comment about us not needing to score was not so much honest, as disingenuous
  4. .Exactly. I dont get the knocks of tmac. He played his role fine (ie the one you accurately describe) this week. And in round one, he went back and played great. I think people need to get their head around the need to look past the raw numbers and stats when assessing a player's form. The focus should be on how they are performing their role. The same conversation happens on here about kossie. It is no coincidence that when asked sbout syers his distractions mention was praising kossie's pressure. No mention of the goals.
  5. Not coincidentally, Schache was dropped this week
  6. I was going to mid last year but was worried about possible glitches after the crows loss
  7. His issue is he is an old school small forward who offers nothing if he isn't scoring. No pressure, few tackles, doesn't get up and down the ground, no clearances. Amazing he went so high in the draft.
  8. This is exactly the sort of match the dees lose - beat a top team and then drink our own bathwater, get ahead of ourselves and falter the next week against bottom team. Hold on a minute... how did that post from 2019 appear? Weird tech issue alert
  9. Unless Bedford is injured (or he replaces an injured player in the 22), I reckon there is zero chance he won't be the medi sub. It's not how goody operates.
  10. Brilliant. And that's exactly how we evolve and change
  11. I'm a million miles away from a Tom Morris apologist - and agree both audio clips were completely repugnant. But i reject the idea that he does not 'deserve a road back'. Everyone, no matter their 'sin', for want of a better word, deserves the opportunity for redemption. To put things in perspective, Morris hasn't broken any law. He rightfully lost his job, has trashed his personal 'brand' (and for anyone working in TV or radio this is huge) and has suffered public humiliation. Again, all of this is deserved and is function of both his own warped view of the world and his stupidity. And perhaps even naivety in that he must have assumed none of his 'mates' would release the audio clips (by the by i'm guessing his what's app group had a lot of people in it, almost certainly all blokes - maybe he [censored] one of them off and they saw an opportunity to 'sell' or give the clips to a wealthy bevo supporter). I say naïve, because he is/was in the gossip and titillation game, so knows full well the interest and market value of these clips (and other such audio clips and/or text - which, I'll bet my bottom dollar there are heaps more of) But what would you have him to do? Never work again in his chosen profession? Even if he changes and understands how and why his comments were so wrong? People can, and do, change. And people deserve second chances. Society would stop functioning if that were not the case.
  12. Again, he recorded the audio clip about his colleague HIMSELF. Then posted it in a group chat. The other one someone appears to have recorded. But as I understand it it was posted in the same group chat. So he knew about the post. Meaning he could have deleted them BOTH at any point after they were posted (and my guess is they were not recent posts). Leaving aside the content, how stupid is he for, one making the audio recording HIMSELF. And two, not deleting both.
  13. Not to mention the correct answer to a question at dees fund raising trivia nights for decades to come.
  14. TMac won't play back unless Bedford is sub and a defender goes down during the match again.
  15. Ta. No surprise at all. The silver lining with injury is that it provides opportunities for players banging on the door. And taking a super conservative approach with say a lever and/or hibbi means not having to consider dropping a player (at least for a week) like tomlinson or hunt, who both played ok and were dead unlucky last year. Another factor is being by being conservative and using a bigger pool of players, they mitigate a bit of the impact of a shorter off season (our shortest in 57 years!)
  16. He recorded himself. At least in the message about his colleague. The other one is less clear. And both were on a closed what's app channel for friends of his. So, not only did he record one message, both were up on his group chat. Meaning he had the option, and opportunity, to delete them from that chat at any point. But chose not to. Can't have been too concerned.
  17. Blimey nic nat looks unfit. Must be at least 10kg overweight
  18. The go here is to regularly ask him about how the tigers are going. Key is feigning a sincere interes, that is indistinguishable from smugness, in his responses.
  19. That is true. Because back then systems were not as important. The tigers, and to a lesser extent the dogs, changed that. Teams simply will not win a flag these days without the right system, no matter how talented their list is. Again, the Cats are the perfect example to illustrate that point. Under Scott they have had an incredibly talented list. He inherited an talented list and has topped up the talent ever since - just look who they brought in in the last few years. In the 11 years he has coached the team they have won one flag. Not coincidentally that was way back in 2011 (his first year as coach). I say say not coincidentally, because in a 2011 systems were a much less important factor. Under Scott their talent has got them to finals every year, and premlim most times to boot - and probably will this year too. But they don't have grand final winning system. So haven't won one.
  20. Geelong are the perfect example of why having the right system is the priority.
  21. That is no better. We are systems first, second, third and fourth. And fitness is fifth The difference between us and te tigers at their peak 2017 though 2020 is that we have a far more talented team. And our systems is actually way better too for that matter - in particular our defensive system. The tigers never cam close to implementing a defensive model as effective as ours was las year. And i think history will show we were a better team than the tigers ever were
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