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Everything posted by binman

  1. Doubt it. I think they will stick with Bedford.
  2. No doubt. But they are unlikely to disqualify you from public office. In fact they may well help.
  3. Admitting it immediately disqualified you from seeking public office.
  4. No. Four hours in the same space inside is the rule as far as i know (and possibly only family?)
  5. I think 7 have a vfl match of the week, and I'd it will be on catch up (7plus)
  6. I watched it a fee times and it is a bit unclear if he hit him. But what is clear is that Brown went to ground and was subbed out of the game. I have assumed he was concussed- has that been confirmed. If yes, then it defies logic that it didn't warrant, at the very least, a hearing.
  7. I'm a fan too, but i see your point about his weaknesses, in particular his positioning. I agree that he will keep his spot until Salem comes back and then it becomes a battle, in my view between Hunt and Smith and hiiberd for the final spot in the preferred defensive unit. If that proves to the case Smith has few weeks to improve on his weaknesses, and make a strong case he is the man.
  8. Computer says, in all probability, yes.
  9. Really good calls. I think that is exactly what will happen, with the possible exception of Tmac staying in and Weed going out. I was of the mind that Tmac would stay in but i think you make good point about giving Weed a crack at it now. BB being a late out gave Weed an unexpected shot at playing and his excellent performance, combined with the need for BB to come back in, has given Goody a good opportunity to be true to his stick with a winning team philosophy AND give Weed his shot and the Weed BB combo a trial. And as you rightly point out we can afford to give that set up a solid trial over 3 to 4 weeks. Funnily enough, it is a mirror of the last years back and forth about the forward line set up - with the difference being Tmac is the one at risk of being dropped, not BB or Weed (well that's not exactly true - it still could be Weed). And like last year, i don't think Goody minds that at all at this point in the season as it gives them something to work on and they can land on the final set up in the back third of the season.
  10. Available is not specific enough for me.
  11. Great stuff Watson1. It is a very revealing stat. No surprise to see Port at the foot of the table as they ate miles off with their intensity and gut running. Major alarm bells. By the by, on tactics the best thing ive heard on radio or TV, just about ever, is Sanderson on wheatley's show on Thursdays. Terrific insight and he explains things so clearly and so well. Highly recommended for anyone interested in tactics and strategy.
  12. Goody look like he' been on the billies (Sam McClure - that was a joke)
  13. Yes, unless they want to give weed another week to make his case and not have to make the tmac v weed call this week.
  14. That theory is about to be tested.
  15. I know. I put him on ignore instead.
  16. You might be right Bing. Brown is one of the players that cones straight back in when fit (Lever and petty are the only others that are currently not in the team). So a tall has to come out - and weed made a very strong case it shouldn't be him. And tmac didn't have a good game, on the back of a couple of just ok games. But it really depends on how well he has been playing his role - in particular his gut running up and down the ground, providing a hit up target, blocking and bringing the ball to ground. On the final one, he failed to do so a few times whe out marked inside our 50. But the others are harder to assess. Does weed have the tank, and strength in one on one contests, to play tmac's role? I doubt it, so expect tmac to keep his spot. Tomo will definitely make way for Lever when he comes back.
  17. That's probably a bit unfair on the statisticians. They no doubt do lots more than just provide data to the fitness and coaching teams. For example, they have to find a way to measure and record team specific kpis set by the coaches (eg role specific data) and build and maintain the data system Important role.
  18. I'll think you'll find 'statisticians' only role is to to monitor time and distance of each player in order to keep the person in the Burgess role informed about loading. Burgess, and his equivalent, at every club design the schedule for TOG percentages, time on ball and rotations. And are in almost complete charge of it (save some negotiation with the head coach). In the gf burgo went away from HIS OWN plan to give more time to Jackson. The person on the laptop is not a decision maker. Their job is to provide the person in the burgo role with exact, real time information (and obviously the coaches all the key data they need).
  19. That combination of information would be perfect.. No detail required about the specifics of an injury or progress of rehab. But enough info to make your own assessment of time out and progrss.
  20. Really glad I went. Smallish crowd, but great energy. And it was fantastic that the team were able to spend time on the ground after tge win, such it up and engage with the fans Appalling standard of umpiring
  21. That's how I see it. Though I think if Lever comes in it will definitely be tomlinson out
  22. Sic day break after playing a physical interstate game in a sauna. Players were felling it and the bombers made tge match a grind. So def not fully arouses, so to speak. No need to be really. Still kicked nigh on 100 points and won by 5 goals. Super professional win, which in of itself makes it an impressive win.
  23. I was thinking the same thing. Part of it is the mental strength, and confidence in their ability to run it out, they develop along with the increased fitness.
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