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Everything posted by binman

  1. I agree with all of thst. What I was referring to is that I wonder if Morris if guilty of spreading unsavoury rumours about dog's players or revealing personal details. As the jessie Hogan text suggests, he has form in thst regard. And as the leaked audio suggests he lacks integrity (not to mention, and is a racist, homophobe and misogynist). There is something else going on here than selection related leaks. It felt very personal for Beveridge. But you are right, none of that excuses Beveridge's behaviour. Perhaps helps explain it, but definitely not excuse it. On the above I heard the dogs ceo (his name escapes me) being interviewed on 3aw. Was asked if there was something else here to explain such an over the top reaction from Beveridge. Very instructive answer. After a pause said, paraphrasing, I don't want to go into any further detail and we don't want to be making any excuses. The implication was clear. There is something else at play here. Ironically, needs a gutter 'journalist like Morris to uncover the real story
  2. There is something wrong with being borderline obsessed with the dees. It's too half hearted. Fully obsessed is the go.
  3. Doubt they can sack him from a legal perspective yet. They will have to investigate and dot all their i s
  4. It would explain some of the oblique, seemingly unrelated comments, for example the suggestion of mental health impacts of Morrison's reporting
  5. Yes, i chuckled at that. The content of those audio clips does make me wonder what sort of malicious scuttlebutt Morris might have been pushing spreading to his 'mates' about some of the doggie's players that he wasn't reporting on, but that Beveridge was aware of. It is a very small industry and gossip works two ways. Might go some way to explaining how livid Beveridge was.
  6. It's not only the righty number of talls, having two permanent talls in brown and Tmac who get up and down the ground, augmented by Jackson or gawn is a central plank of our game plan, how we enter 50 and how we look to score. For example one teams do not take intercept marks against us. If we don't mark it, it comes to ground and we then look to score or failing that trap it inside our 50. And the running power of Brown and Tmac means when we kick out long from a point, or down the line after a stoppage, it is to pack that almost always includes at least two of Max, Jackson, Brown or Tmac. Again, if we don't mark it, it comes to ground in predictable spot and we win the ground ball before sweeping it forward. I have little doubt Goody was playing ducks and drakes in the first half of the season. The plan was always to use three talls up forward come finals time. opposition teams simply could not cope with our set up from round 18 on, least of all the Cats and Dogs, when we averaged something like 109 points per match. Why show your cards early? I would not be surprised if Goody plays some similar funny buggers this year.
  7. Is that what you think will actually happen? Or what you think should happen?
  8. Agree with all comments. Funnily enough, i was watching the fox coverage of the game last night and marveling how Fox thinks its flys in 2022 having four blokey, uber alpha ex footballers in Lyon, Bucks, Brown and Riewoldt presenting the footy. Credit where it is due, Bucks was by far the most polished performer. Respectful, smart and informative. The rest spent an hour interrupting each other and Lyon went all blokey, hairy chest out, in my day we would have tagged trac, why don't they now bucks! Lyon, who was nominally hosting, actually looked three sheets to the wind and literally could not stop interrupting the other three. At one point Bucks, having been interrupted for the umpteenth time, stopped trying to get a word in, gave Lyon the side eye and, patted his arm and said something along the lines of 'relax big fella'. And they were like a bunch of giggling school boys, again with the exception of Bucks, winding Morris up about facing Beveridge right before he headed to the presser.
  9. I swear on my children's grave i posted this before i knew anything about the two audio recordings floating about. I'm glad we didn't have time to canonize Morris. What incredible irony that he has been exposed for who he truly is in this fashion. Surely he is toast employment wise. Dieter, don't the germans have word for the pleasure i am experiencing?
  10. So, let me get this straight, these people who own a deck of victim cards have 52 opportunities to pull out a victim card.
  11. I was joking. But be that as may, whilst beveridge was way, way out of line lets resist the urge to canonize Morris. Morris is nothing more than a jumped gossip columnist who adds literally nothing to either my understanding or enjoyment of the game. If i was put in charge of Fox, the second thing i'd do is sack him and invest his annual salary into someone who can provide considered, intelligent analysis of the actual game, rather than trawling for inconsequential clicks and sound bites.
  12. Not a bad effort by Tommy boy - two AFL clubs hate him!
  13. I reckon the reason tmac moved back was because our sub, Bedford, was always going to be used as a nibbler style running half forward. Goody mentioned in his presser that the plan pre game was to put tmac down back in the event we lost a defender to injury. I suspect that was because Bedford was the sub.
  14. Great post. I couldn't go last night due to being in ISO. I love the combination of watching a game live at the ground and then watching the replay. But just watching on TV gives such a one dimensional perspective on the game. There are many reasons why that is the case, but a simple one is the ridiculous way the camera is so often really super narrowly focused and you often have no sense of what is happening up the ground or even on the peripheral of the contest. Juts about the only exception, which sort of came about in 2020 with the reduced cameras at some grounds, is the angled down the ground shot when players are either kicking out after a point ('just look at how well Melbourne are set up ahead of the ball...') and the the same shot when static players (ie after a free or mark) are kicking long into the forward line. The one dimensional feel is exacerbated by commentators simply not doing their job and explaining where players are on the field at any given point in time. Or for that matter, the broadcasters not using a simple graphic at regular intervals in the corner box on the screen showing where players are at that point in time (like the telstra tracking app) - or even a simple overhead shot at the start of each quarter with names against players so you could at least see how they are set up at the first bounce. All of the above means i had no clue Fritter played on the wing, couldn't see the unrewarded gut running whatwhat say what noted Kozzie did, or the off ball work by Bedford, or the defensive set up by the dogs (was there any ]thing different?), or how well the dogs covered the ground in the second half, or whether we dropped of our defensive spread running in the second (my assumption is we did - but becuase the commentators don't bother to mention it, despite, i presume having access to the GPS numbers, i'm only guessing) - the list goes on. There are so many simple ways the broadcasters could improve the coverage of the game. The commentators doing their job would be a good place to start. I'm not a huge Gridiron fan but watched the Super Bowl this year for the first time in years. Despite being clueless about the game, with their smart analysis, clever use of graphics and overlays and breakdown of events I reckon i understood more what was happening on the field than i did last night.
  15. I thought exactly the same thing. Seems to be chipping into space more often, allowing the receiver to run to that spot, rather than the low drilling kicks that were his go to (and that he often butchered). Seems a few players are doing the same - hunt comes to mind. Interestingly i watched a MFC interview with Yze (who, by the by, is such a ridiculously cool cat) last night and he singled out Viney as a player who had improved his game over the preseason, noting that it was one of his only uninterrupted preseasons. Scarily, he also said Trac and Clarry have got better and that max is always pushing himself to get better.
  16. Could not disagree more. Is WAY above average and i predict will be a star, in large part BECAUSE he is is such a quick thinker and has such great footy IQ. He makes such smart decisions, for example when to release the footy when tackled and when to hold onto the ball. That footy IQ, and natural football skills means Goody can, and does, use him as a utility to plug holes and give key players a chop out when needed - wing, half back, midfield he can play it all. And he is total solid citizen - a culture builder. You only need to look at the players he kept out of the team last year, such as Jonsey, to understand how highly goody rates him. Needs to build his body up to get a bit stronger (which i why Sparrow got the nod come the business end of the season i reckon), but that said is deceptively strong as evidenced by how often he get the ball off when tackled. I suspect he has the sort of physical makeup that means he struggles to put on muscle bulk (paging @webber is that a thing?). But has only just turned 21 and by the time he is 25 will be built like a brick, have elite endurance, have 100 plus games under his belt (he already has 25) and be a mainstay of of our midfield. No player has reminded me more of Jnr McDonald. And like junior, i can see him becoming a captain of the dees at some point.
  17. It is impossible to imagine the loss didn't play a role. As a competitive beast, he would have been stung by the almighty hammering his team received in the grand final. And stung by the questions about his tactical response to the 3rd quarter onslaught. They have all preseason to prepare for a rematch against the team he must think is their key rival for the flag this year. One assumes he thinks they are real contenders. We have all but three of our premiership back 7 out, including Lever, and lose Salem in the first quarter. His players come out and are once again shell shocked and absolutely hopeless (they were lucky we didn't kick 10 goals). He can hear the press wondering if Bevo has lost his ability to get his team ready for big games. They go crazy and get out to a 4 goal lead. And like a bad dream the gf repeats itself and we hammer them, putting the whip away in the last to cruise to another easy victory against them. And to top it off we hadn't bothered tagging Macrae, as we did to such great effect in the GF (compare the stats). Sure he'll keep the front going that they are a realistic flag chance (and of course they are some sort of chance). But he knows we are the real deal and absolutely have their measure. And goody has his measure. All that roiling away and he had to front a presser. And sees Morris. Can barely contain himself. And it all explodes when Morris asks his question. About selection of all things. Classic projection.
  18. Morris is certainly not free from his ire. I'm here all week,try the fish...
  19. Perhaps less underdone than physically exhausted. Kozzie, rivers, bowey, jordon and Sparrow are all really young, so you'd think a short preseason would take its toll. More than for older blokes with 6,7 8 preseasons to fall back on.
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