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Everything posted by monoccular

  1. Question for the regular Casey watchers: How are Baker, Balic, Spargo, Keilty and Petty progressing in their respective roles? Are any of them near ready and if so what roles? Thanks
  2. He really is (and always has been) a thoroughly unlikeable pratt Started round 23 last year actually - gained self belief that day ?
  3. Well not quite zero impact but reasonably held anyway. Worried that there may be a few bikies at their door one dark night ?? Or some ? in their ? ? (But then the latter could probably do little to impair their severely limited vision) Grabbing his wrist and pulling or swinging could well dislocate his shoulder, which would no doubt limit his influence on the game; and would almost certainly result in incorrect disposal which could even be penalized occasionally. I seem to remember our MIA co-captain doing similar things to a Saint a couple of years ago .... pity he isn’t playing at present. Could have been handy especially in the three games we lost.
  4. Not only premium members, but ordinary members (and non member fans) are being totally dudded by yet another year of pumped up optimism but zero delivery by this heartless club.
  5. Worse that than as well as no avenue to goal, the defence leaks like a sieve.
  6. And seriously why would someone skilled and motivated want to stay st this club, a club that I have worshiped for over60 years, if they got an offer to go somewhere that was going places? Far too many false dawns, and this looks familiarly like yet another.
  7. I do really think that is a huge part of the problem. Tail wagging the dog Too many don’t want to put in second, third and fourth efforts ...... even first efforts would be welcome some times And, in lieu of the boot camp, they quite bviously did not devote the time to skillls training - how many miskics and missed handballs and running over the ball tonight? If they can’t be hard at least they could be skilled.
  8. Jetta - something desperately wrong (could hardly raise a trot at one stage, still courageous - anyone know about an injury? Hope it is not accumulated concussions.)
  9. THAT would be novel
  10. Skills just awful
  11. Harmes - how long do we carry hm? The umpiring is a [censored] disgrace too
  12. 3 goals in five quarters is nothing short of pathetic Goidwin????
  13. They, sorry, he (an individual not a panel) sure look after their favorites and Downlow favorites. Deliberate, high, off the play ..... but there is always an excuse when they want to find one.
  14. I am surprised that nobody has tried grabbing the arm with both hands. 1/ It would force him to attempt a kick, and a likely incorrect disposal (should the umpires decide that that rule will be applied on that particular day) 2/ hold on hard enough and it could dislocate his shoulder.
  15. Not suggesting that he is, at least yet, in Hogan’s class, but I do recall that in what I remember as Jesse’s first clash with Rance he took him apart in a rare Friday night appearance and win. It is being ru(i)n by someone whose best (I am told) was an amateur footballer. Certainly Gill seems to retain too many amateur traits.
  16. Did Petty play? How has he gone throughout the season so far?
  17. Yet we beat Norf. After they got off to a great start. Weird season.
  18. Re Max and hot outs: as I recall in his AA year, Jamar won a squillion hit ours but only a small handful resulted in clearances. This is a huge part of the game we need to urgently learn / formulate a plan to use to our advantage. It requires teamwork in the mids and wings.
  19. Stormy - why is that more odd? Wouldnt trust the AFL one inch ...... rigged fixture, or rather fixed ire, just for starters.
  20. All the focus was on whether it was touched or not: I wondered if it actually after that brushed on the shin of a Swan closer to goal? Didn't seem to review that.
  21. The deliberate OOB decisions are even more embarrassing.
  22. Are Adelaide missing our #8, or is Dooday covering him well?
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