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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I know you are being light heart ET Do you think any player with half a brain would go onto a fan website? After years of dreadful results would any MFC player come on here? I always find it hard to believe they would. Just interested in peoples thoughts.
  2. Careful don't go outside I think the reality bus just turned into your street.
  3. Contrary to popular opinion R and B I am a very optimistic person. It is just the mighty MFC that turns my nature. It has only taken about 48 years to not expect a lot from the MFC that has produced my pessimism around the MFC. So I guess I spend 90% of my life optimistic not a bad result I would have thought.
  4. Have to agree Nasher a real Sophie's choice I think I would punt for option (A) as (b) is guaranteed.
  5. Still is Bossdog The problem as I see it is there are too many in FD's that need to justify their existence. A bit like the constant changes to web sites that do nothing for the user of the site and usually make them harder to navigate.
  6. The injuries has reduced our list to the quality of this time last year. We know how the last half of 2014 turned out it is difficult to see us winning too many more games with the current list to choose from.
  7. So do I Boss dog however I get a strong feeling he wants out just the same a s a number of others in recent years. They get tired of the constant losing. Yes you have come home too early weather carp and we are playing Geelong at Geelong.
  8. As we are playing the Cats at Geelong RN that might be a very good plan
  9. No hardtack just having a small libation while they look for a couple of new tyres.
  10. I could not have put it better Ernest. I will be with my sister having lunch and some of her lovely Pinot that I postponed to watch the disaster of QB Pies Game. She will no doubt have the game on in the back ground . IMHO with our current injuries the only thing to be decided is the size of the margin.
  11. Will just be surprised if his foot holds up.And like you I hope I am wrong
  12. Now Ernest I hate to be the one to tell you But it is all about the money mate. Money first and last and all in between
  13. I would be really surprised if he know he exists or gives a stuff about anything we say.
  14. Sounds a way better way to spend Sunday afternoon to me
  15. I have 1.7 litres just opened Ernest I will send some down the line. Ready?
  16. Put your trust in the single malt Reverend you can sure of the result.
  17. Dreaming has never been bad dpositive As Dees supporters if they took away our dreams what would we have left?
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