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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I have a feeling we are going to hear about a new home in the Olympic park area in next couple of months.
  2. I actually think our marketing department do a fairly good job considering what they have to work with.
  3. Sorry I thought you were referring to the clubs objective statement.
  4. Fairly confident there was no "chance" in it.
  5. What they are trying to achieve is very difficult make no mistake. Better them than me.
  6. I am glad I am not going DJ it just looks too hard! Might see you at a Casey game later in the year.
  7. What if you have to maintain 1.5 m ?
  8. But its not in the G vicinity binman!
  9. Not surprised Goodwin's contribution is not up binman. It was all of 1 minute and he looked totally disinterested.
  10. After much thought I have decided that a announcement will be made in the next couple of months and this thread will make for interesting reading.
  11. It was stated last year that numbers had been reduced. At the AGM this was restated that the staff number are a lot less than in 2019. Was this a previous position that is now vacant? What we don’t know would fill a very large file.
  12. For some time I have been wondering why you would take out a membership of the Tigers / Collingwood etc. there is no way all members can get into any game. Even against the sides like Melbourne. I doubt this will happen but when Melbourne get higher than 50k members I will stop. Two reason at 50k+ they won’t need me and it will mean I am up on the third tier of the stands that I hate. As to your question probably, or they will wait till premium members have notified their intentions then send the email to the poorer members,
  13. Excuse my ignorance but how is this competition going to operate when the AFL is forecasting trouble already with the senior teams being able to fly around the country. It seems to me folly in the extreme to be starting this system in 2021. Has anyone seen any recent comment about the system from the AFL?
  14. That is how it looks George and I don’t have any problem with the “ higher you pay the better chance of enter” system. I find it difficult to believe that in the first couple of months there will be more than 50% allowed. By mid year when the vaccinated rates have risen there is a chance of more people being allowed enter.
  15. It is not about alternatives or where the players want to live BW. It is about where the board and a substantial part of the membership wants the facility to be I.e. near the G. Everything else are red herrings.
  16. You are crying in the wilderness Macca. The MFC ( well the board ) are welded to the G and surrounds. It is there or nowhere. I just hope that you all are not still discussing this subject when I am in the ground.
  17. If you don't think that is not the way most football goes see us you are just seeing what you want.
  18. I just think when things get hard they don't try as hard as they would for Dogs or cats. Add that to the fact we are putting up the hardest case of any club. Using public open green space in 2021for a football club is far from easy.
  19. Why? Why would a labour government be keen to give money to a mainly conservative voting football club who's members are spread all over Melbourne the majority of which won't vote for them anytime. Compare that to Geelong. Plenty of potential voters to persuade there.
  20. Myth or not CD that is how we are viewed like it or not. I have numerous Pies, Tigers and Bomber member friends, they all call toffs from the MCC. The MFC is viewed as an off shoot of the MCC we have had numerous Liberal party members / leaders as board members and Office holders over the years. A number of X players have been liberal members of parliament in Vic and TAS. Our members are predominately conservative. A Labour government would know there is hardly any votes in the MFC.
  21. The MFC is viewed as a club of silver tails. So expect way less support than a St Kilda or Footscray.
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