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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. So he is a gun next year right? God I hope you are right, the crap I get from friends is getting hard to take. Still think he should play for Casey next weekend.
  2. old dee

    My gripe

    I went to the Casey vs Williamstown game a couple of weeks ago. Casey players seemed to be slipping over a lot more than the Willy players. In that game Casey got thrashed. I wonder if you make your own luck in this situation. The team that is second to the ball or trying to change direction when tackling falls more because the leading team is not changing direction as often. On Sunday we were constantly second to the action or chasing, is that the main problem!
  3. So what do you think he will get? I honestly have no idea. Is $200k high low or about right? PS I am sure he does not think 'stuff it I'm making $200K so who cares'?
  4. He is a beauty, wish we had three more like him. Never puts in a poor game and has lots very good ones. In case we have forgotten he is at the Demons because we traded Travis J.
  5. This is a serious question I am not being a smart arse. Do guys like Watts that have played a hand full of games and at best been average get paid 200 big ones a year?
  6. Can we then find a very very good footballer who can play a decent game of Basket ball!
  7. Good grief I won't see him play a good game. I am too old for that long of a wait, probably be in the ground by then. Can we bring it forward a bit? a bit of mercy for an old Dee!
  8. A question. "if Watts was a number 50 pick would he be in the team? Other wise I agree with your selections.
  9. Well "Wise blood" I think you have my feelings down perfect. I could not have said it better. I can understand a bad performance against Geelong or St kilda but Adelaide! it beggars belief. In 64 I was 15 years old and there has been a lot of thin and not much Thick in the 46 years since. After days like yesterday I wonder will I live long enough to see us become a top 4 side. I am so desperate I would be happy to win 10 games next year but alas I see more misery ahead.
  10. You are right. I am not his biggest fan but he deserves a go next week. I can think of 5 players that should make way for him. What about Bell he has played well for Casey, surely could not make us any worse!
  11. No doubt we have all made bad investments at one time or another. The trick is knowing when to cut your losses before you drown in the egg on your face. Now having said that I would make him a reasonable offer for next year but if his manager thinks there is more on offer at GC so be it. How much do you think he is worth? 100 big ones seems enough for me at present unless he turns in some game winning performances at Casey. That might increase his worth.
  12. It should not matter, he should be at Casey. I am no fan but surely he needs to get out of the spot light. At present he is not playing well and a run at Casey will hopfully give him some confidence. Take the poor kid out of the spot light before he gets run over by the "Stkilda machine" They will kill him next week if he plays.
  13. Does it matter what number pick he was! If a player is not up to it does matter if he is 2 or 52.
  14. They weren't in red and blue. They were in that god terrible white thing, seems very time we put that on we play like the Manangatang seconds ( apologies to Manangatang we were not that good). The game today was as bad as anything we have dished up over the last three years. At the end of the game today the over powering feeling I had was we have not improved at all this year to be beaten that badly by a team below is betond belief. Am I wrong?
  15. You have my vote! why is the guy untouchable? In his time with Melbourne he has shown me very little except the souls of his feet. Gold Coast can over pay him if they like.
  16. You have got to be kidding why is Watts the only player that cannot be dropped? Why don't you say "Don't drop Jetta he won't learn anything at Casey" The greatest load of rubbish I have heard. He does not deserve his spot and should be dropped to Casey next week. He is playing terrible and should not be in the senior team. He has a lot of mates I might add. There should be 5 changes next week, don't ask me which 5 because there at least 10 candidates.
  17. So in your opinion what is main claim to fame?
  18. God I hope he is right! I am running out of years and 49 years will be a long time between drinks.
  19. Not sure what why people have the hots for Cheney. I have seen him a number of times at Casy and a few times he has played in the seniors. He is a goer and always gives 100% but he is just a little short in the speed area, Unfortunately he is a good VFL player who is a battler at Senior level. IMO he will never be more than stop gap guy when the injury list lenghtens.
  20. I wont cope with a loss. To loose means we have not come very far at all, Adelaide are poor, we have to win this if it is played on the moon. if we loose and then play St Kilda we will be 4.5 wins from 14 games does not look like much improvment to me.
  21. We have taken a few steps forward but still have a long way to go. Look who we have beaten! No one of consequence, not one of our victims is a danger to the finals this year. If we have improved on last year knocking over Adelaide is a must. they are below us and have IMO a poor side that is not playing well. The only option is a win, if we cannot beat Adelaide then the number of wins we get in the next 10 weeks looks a low number.
  22. But then if selected against Adelaide they get no rest! Have no idea what the rules are in this area does any one know?
  23. I agree I think his is fairly accurate. Our success rate is only 38% add a bit for the game we lost because of bloddy pink umpires and 5/10 looks good to me. I am however fearful for the next ten games, we have to win on the weekend. This is a team below us with a poor side we must win this one wether it is in Adelaide or not. In front at quarter time is in my opinion the key, only the very best sides can give starts and still win and we are far from one of the best sides at present. In this second half of the season only wins count. No more honourable losses!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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