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old dee

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Posts posted by old dee

  1. I would go to the Football for a while, but if we were continually wearing that White thing my interest would slowly wane, no doubt.

    I Barrack for the Red & Blue. Period. It costs me a lot of coin to get to the 'G and if i am denied my colours well i might go and see a film instead. B)

    I cannot remember but how many times did we wear it this year?

    I think the only games I went to were Carlton at the "G" and the Brisbane game.

    There were obviously others I just do not remember them.

    Probably indicates that I have got used to it and the AFL has seduced one!

  2. Well i feel sorry for you. That was one of the best days in our clubs history!!

    I loved the Wwestern oval. I used to make $5.00 as a kid crshing cans and putting them into garbage bags!

    Ps; this thread is way off topic. Take it to the thread i bumped.

    Don't feel sorry for me I have had my share of good days and expect to have a lot more

    even if they are in a white jumper ( sorry could not help myself )

  3. Do I detect a little hesitation there Old Dee?

    We'll swing you around yet (despite your venerable years)

    Daisycutter lets get this straight I like everyone else would much prefer to play every game in our red and blue jumper.

    I do not want to play in the white jumper!

    I just think we are spitting into the wind.

  4. You could be right.....BUT

    Crowds will taper off Old Dee that is all i am going to say if that happens. Remember the AFL Loves MONEY....

    I do not think so but I could be wrong I can remember the occasions when I was wrong( just a joke there ).

    Would you stay away from a preliminary final because the dees were wearing their white jumper?

    Let me know I will take your seat.

    Perhaps I am just cynical but I do not believe peole would stay away because of the white jumper.

  5. But old Dee how can you get used to it when they are not our colours???

    You must have been there at the western oval in '87. Did you have any problem working out that R Flower had taken that Hanger in the Goal Square...??? I didn't!!!

    Sorry I missed that one, Western oval was not big on my list of grounds to go to.

  6. Red & Light Blue will mean we are deemed to Clash old dee, Just you wait.

    Thanks for the update, i only care about Melbourne so news on our enemies i usually gather a little later!!

    I guess we will know next year!

    I know it is very important to you and a lot of others

    but I have got used to it and as long as we win I will endure it.

  7. You are Spot On DC. pictures have NEVER looks Sharper or more Clearer, and we rarely get Mud anymore like the good old days.

    If somebody cannot see the difference between two Teams Jumpers on a HD Flat Screen (soon to Be 3 D) then they are Blind & it is not the fault of the Football club Jumpers.

    As i said. Clash Jumpers are NOT worn in September, which i would have thought is the most important Part.

    No the AFL make all their coin during the 22 H & A rounds make no mistake and they will maximize Ground revenues for this reason B)

    You want my thoughts ( which you probably don't ) I think it is not too far off.

    It may be ten years but guess what finishing first or second will bring in the future!!!!

    You get to wear your normal jumper throughout the finals and the others have to wear white where there is a clash!!!

    Now remember I am only the messenger.

  8. Cheers This is not a joke.

    The AFL are bringing in 2 new teams that will have RED & Blue in them....WHY???

    Just so we get to wear a White clash strip for a "Legitimate" reason

    But until we win some flags and fill our MCG regularly with Demon supporters the AFL will pull Rank.

    BUT NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, and we will win this fight.

    Perhaps my eye sight is worse than I thought.I remember that the GWS is Red and yellow.

    I will now have to go and look!

    Have not seen anything suggesting GWS is red and Blue Have I missed it?

    Now please do not get upset WYL but a think you are being little bit paranoid!

  9. Totally Agree. There is far more to this story than has been let out. Daniel Harford on SEN after midday admitted he knew more but was unable to speak on it , as it is a Police Matter..

    I would be just as worried if i was in charge of Brisbanes list management. My they have just killed themselves, and i feel Fev is being used as the release valve.

    There are IMO two clubs at present that need a lot more criticism than they are getting i.e. Board / Management

    (1 Essendon, the group that extended Knights contract and then one year later sack him at the expense of $1million + should be shown the door.

    This must go close to the worst management decision of the last ten years.

    (2 Brisbane how could you give Fev that size deal without any clause relating to how he behaves while under contract.

    They had two key forwards who kicked almost 150 goals in 2009, so you release one of them for a problem waiting to happen.

    Lets not forget he was flung by Carlton for numerous problems over a long period. The board who agreed to this should resign.

    Not to mention the size of his contract that is now destroying their list.

    Never ceases to amaze me that Coaches and players get it in the neck but very seldom Board members or CEO

  10. Old dee. Where have I applied a question here? What are you struggling with that I might not understand? Please explain as all I did was respond to one comment as to why we are wearing a white clash strip.

    Times have changed is far from the reasoning I require.

    Mate, I am aware that you are being pragmatic here and call me one eyed, but I say The Melbourne Footballl Club matters a hell of a lot.

    You were looking ok with the point on teams that would leave the AFL struggling until you added St Kilda into that group? And you reckon the dees don't matter?

    Sorry Demon Hill I have attached my comments to the wrong person.

    Re the Saints, you maybe right.

    I think that over the last ten years a lot of Melbourne supports have just assumed the MFC would always exist

    in spite of the fact we were $5 million in debt.

    During 2007 I thought we were destined to become the "Western Sydney Demons" and I still think that was a big possibility as far as the AFL was concerned.

    Fortunately a guy called Jim Stynes came along and dragged a hell of a lot of MFC supporters into the real world.

    If not for him and the movement he helped create I truely Believe that is were we would have been in 2011.

    Believe me the MFC has been part of my life for a long time and will I hope be for a lot more years.

  11. "until you are as old as me" - how do you know i'm not already? ;)

    "a battle you have a small chance of winning" - all the more challenging!

    "You are wasting valuable energy" - thanks for considering my energy valuable, but I have enough spare

    We can agree to disagree, eh ;)

    BTW you probably think its an obsession with me. It's not. I just don't have to agree or "accept" something I don't like nor agree with the reasons for.

    All the best, DC

    Good point I do not know how old you are! lets just say I was there in 64, seems a long time ago unfortunately!

    It is your energy to burn.

    obsessions are not always a waste of energy, I have one too it is the MFC and trying to make sure the Dees are around when I am not.

    If by some chance you win this one I will be at the front of the queue cheering, just do not see it happening.

  12. With all due respect old dee, I think most of us more vocal critics do understand all the above

    We know its not something that will change in the short-term

    We don't believe that it must necessarily be like that for all time

    It will be a long battle, but we're up to it

    The red and the blue forever

    Daisycutter for what my advise is worth fight a battle you have a small chance of winning.

    You are wasting valuable energy on this one.

    Our Club has conceeded, you can complain here until you are as old as me ( I hope not )

    nothing will change.

    Carn the Dees

  13. Times have changed is a pretty weak and flippant response to the argument that we are being forced to not only wear an alternative strip, but receive specifics from the AFL as to what the primary color is.

    There would be no AFL if it weren't for the MFC. The clubs should have rights to this.

    I am struggling with what you do not understand.

    The TV industry wants one team to play in a predominately white strip.

    The TV industry provides the majority of the money that make the wheels go round.

    The AFl wants the money to continue and increase.

    As a result they will give the TV industry the majority of what they want,

    Almost anything to keep the money flowing especially now we have two new costly teams in QLD and NSW.

    Re your comment On the AFL not existing without the MFC.

    That has not been the case for at least the last 40 years I think you are grossly over stating our strenght in the scheme of things.

    The AFL would struggle without Collingwood, Essendon, Carlton, St Kilda, Adelaide, West Coast and Sydney.

    It would go on quite well without the MFC, I love the Dees as much as anyone else on this site

    however we do not matter that much.

  14. Still can't understand why it's necessary to have a clash jumper that has white in it. Things worked nicely for more than 100 years without them at all (nearly 115 in the case of Collingwood and Essendon).

    And how on earth did the AFL allow a new franchise in the GCS to have a predominantly red jumper when there are already enough in the competition with that colour?

    I suppose GWS will have a blue and white guernsey?

    Hi "Jack" Not sure why I am making this post but here goes!

    From my discussions with MFC people earlier in the year they said that that the AFL

    Want all clash / Away jumpers to be a basis white Jumper with minor club additions.

    Hence this years jumper with red and blue trimmings.

    I again asked the same person this morning and nothing has changed.

    We can fiddle with the trimmings but basic white remains.

    There is no compromise from the AFL that is the requirement.

    Their long term plan is to have all clubs with this same basic design.

    i.e. white jumper with club trimmings!

    A couple of clubs are hold outs however the AFL will get their way in the long term.

    It is a subject that the MFC sees as a no win situation.

    I was told when we have $5 million in the bank and have won the last two premierships

    we might have some bargaining power.

    Until then forget it "we need the AFL more than they need us".

    We all just need to suck it in and get on with winning a flag because that is all that matters.

  15. After taking into account that this years draft is a seriously comprised one

    and listening to Cam Schwab last night I think we will only make the min. number of draft picks

    Which I think is three!

    We have a lot of picks from the previous couple of years that have not had a run due to injury etc.

    e.g.Sam Blease.

    I think 2011 will be about seeing which of the current crop of untried players can cut it at AFL level.

    So a couple of players we all assume will go e.g. PJ may stay on the list for another year.

  16. Sensational

    Thank you for giving us your time in that way, its awesome.

    IMHO ... We are so, so lucky to have a CEO like you.

    Could not agree more "Hangon007"

    God help me for raising this but!!!!!

    His comment re the clash jumper was interesting!

    What I got from the comment was similar to this year but with a little tinkering.

    So A white jumper with trimings in red and Blue. ( I can now endure it )

    Please do not go off at me, just my interpretation

  17. My goodness! Guys I just asked what I thought was a simple question as to were Sam Blease was at?

    Turned into the most heated discussion since the last Watts thread.

    Time to lighten up a little guys!

    Thanks everyone for info on his injury.

    Cannot remember who said it but with a solid preseason and no more serious injuries

    we will know if Sam Blease is the goods this time next year.

  18. Not really.... there are idiots everywhere in this world.

    Doesn't make them bad people.

    Unfortunately for Fev he is an AFL star with a questionable past, therefore when he does something wrong he is perceived as being a monster, a cancer, a criminal!

    When in reality life he is just a dumb footballer who made it out of the local leagues.

    That last line probably covers it.

    It amazes me that people like Fev have a great talent and screwed it all up.

    God I wish I had been given half his skill!

  19. It's a shame that Fev has done this, because he will be torn to shreds and could be the end of a great player ([censored]... but still a freak)

    He isn't a bad person, he is just dumb.

    Incredibly charitable "Demons 32"

    The guy is a walking disaster.

    Obviously has problem with the frothy stuff.

    Ever time he has a problem it is involved.

    As they say in the classics " if he could not play football you would not feed him".

    Need to join AA

  20. Sounds like he loves to run free on the bigger grounds, like a Stephen Hill.

    He was coming back from injury early on in the season and he didn't have the impact he wanted.

    What more are you trying to read into this?

    Nothing E25.

    Just wondering where he is at!

    Just asking the question does anyone know his situation re the leg.

    Has the smell of "Nathan Brown" about it to me.

    He had a very bad break and has obviously taken a long time to recover if he has at present.

  21. From enjoying the hillarious misadventrues of the Bluth family, to this- my day has been filled with comedy!

    Funny because Fev is a [censored]. Does anyone else smell a rat though... I mean, this is kind of convenient- and if it was anything major I think we'd all know...

    Still funny though.. running through the various things this neanderthals capable of doing in my mind is providing many laughs. Was there alchohol at this event? I recon he hit on a girl. Or [censored] on something, await developements..

    There is a press release on Lions web site, press conference at 3.30

    Radio just said he has been suspended by Lions until investigation is completed.

    Does not sound good.

  22. Where is Sam at? The comment below from Casey seems strange to me!

    "Sam Blease: I thought Sammy struggled. He had one decent patch in the third quarter. It was difficult for him on the small ground - he’s much better on the bigger grounds and he’ll be better at AFL level. He had eight touches on the boggy ground. With his limited preparation, it was unfortunate he couldn’t have a bigger impact."

    Could we be seeing a potential Champion limited by a very bad injury before he ever played at AFL level?

    God I hope not.

    Anyone know anymore re his situation?

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