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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Not sure he is strong enough for the full gig in wet conditions.
  2. That is an unfair post Biffen!!! My sweaters and slacks are quite spiffy.
  3. Christ! That might send your school plummeting down the NAPLAN table!!!!
  4. Well the ninjas could do it, so it must be possible. Keep practising RL.
  5. At last a cultured soul among the barbarians. Tombay was something of a Tonto though generally useless.
  6. BTW. Are there no afficionados of Shintaro here? Responses to me post 9873 ?
  7. Just caught me. I'm not defending C+B That's his problem.The point I'm trying to make is that debate about such matters (it's not like arguing who is the fastest or can jump the highest) is pointless and should not be encouraged. For all we know C+B might be fighting his own demons. We just Don't know . So rather than misunderstand or hurt - leave it alone.
  8. That is both a poor analogy and a simplistic view of depression. Yet a "moderator" gives it a like. As I inferred above, the stupidity I post is one thing but the ignorance that is posted on this site is quite amazing. FMD - I'm going to watch some mindless television.
  9. I suppose he hacksaws a couple of legs off (the frame that is)
  10. Mate, I'm a known bigmouth and shitstirrer, but on these sorts of subjects, it is best not to pick up the second stone!
  11. Now here's the thing! C and B has made some outlandish comments. In fact all comments on this topic are outlandish because we are neither Mich Clarke nor his Doctors. C+B has expressed an opinion. Attack the opinion if you must but unless you are C+B or his doctor/s do not attack him!
  12. I told you some time ago C+B, that change of avatar was a poor decision!!
  13. I pay people for all varieties of services Biff - it is difficult to keep track.
  14. Now, I don't want to derail this thread (is there a thread to this thread to derail?) but I've just made a purchase on ebay and want to know who is with me on this. I have just purchased " The Samurai" complete series - every episode. Now fess up - who loved this show?
  15. Maybe Biff! However, I've also heard he lets down the tyres in their wheelchairs.
  16. I read some mindless spy novel a few years ago where the villain (an assassin) had had his lower legs amputated. He then had a number of screw on prosthetics available so he could disguise himself as various heights. BTW. . I hope Biffen doesn't get any ideas!
  17. Bad luck Daise, she hasn't got a blue rinse. Although I'll bet they're often legless.
  18. Anyway OD you can share the misery with Jazza today - he'll be very "cheesed off". He's probably still fondling teats atm but I'll be interested in his comments later.
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