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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. What question? I do not wish to enter a discussion about purging bodily waste. Anyway what about you Lothario? I'll bet your silly comment was a result of the mental anguish of choosing between blue rinsers at some local dinner dance. Biff's drugs are apparently doing the business!
  2. Well with the around $550.00 it will save me, I'll be able to afford a new microwave.
  3. A club is made up individuals working for a common cause or interest. I've said many times that the only loyalty left in football is the dumb bastards like us who pay our memberships. But what are we loyal to? Players trade jumpers, clubs trade players, coaches are sacked, drugs are taken, players don't like coaches etc. etc. Sport and loyalty are gone. I love cricket but cannot get interested in the 20/20 comps because it reminds of school lunchtime " pick up sides". There is no sense of team. I realise this is living in the past but this Trengove deal would be the last straw for me.
  4. Anyway just home and just read the Trengove thread --- If true --- I'm done as a Dees/football supporter.
  5. Mate, teachers are bizarre lot but .... external wearing of the jocks .... sorry.
  6. If this is true I'm finished. I will ring the club and cancel my membership rollover. If this is true the notion of supporting a club is bullshite. There is no club.
  7. Farmers don't "chip in" they accept - as a god given right - from the the government!
  8. Indeed, I like it that way it is also. I have only been threatened twice by parents - but as I am a big bastard I have laughed it off!
  9. Well let's get down to it Jizz! Should I pay for this kid's glasses? The family's [censored] so they can't. Unfortunately there are are no grants from the dept of Ag or anyone else.. She's not a cow ..She's a person ... what does a dumb teacher do?
  10. Here’s the deal deal Jizza. I’m about over ignorant and uninformed criticism of teachers. I teach year nine kids who , at the start of this year, didn’t give a [censored] about anything. Now about about half of them have a go and submit their work ! I’m proud of that. Instead of fondling Buttercup the cow, I’m currently dealing with a kid who can’t see what’s going on because her father punched her in the face and broke her glasses. I’m paying the optometrists bill to sort this out. I’m not trying to promote myself as a hero here, I’m just saying that I’m sick of simplistic criticism. And BTW . I enjoy butter and cheese – so I’m not denigrating your job either.
  11. Ha Ha. I'm not going to allow you that escape route Jizz! Fess up and admit that teachers made you the [censored] you are!
  12. "Agreed,education for the smart ones.{already wrote that]" You gotta be taking the [censored] surely Jizz? Let the real workers leave in form 3 and get the real work done. FMD Jizz what century are you living in? But rsoles who stand over kids because of their position deserve a car wash every now and then I'm not sure what you mean by that Jizz. Skilled teachers "do not stand over kids" they encourage, support and positively reinforce kid'sself image so that they can reach their potential
  13. Now now, Jizza please don’t go all anti -intellectual. You see some of those [censored] that stayed at school and went on to university are no doubt benefitting you. Little Julie who sat next to you (and ignored the smell of cow [censored]) may have completed a science degree and be working for the Dept. of Agriculture – or whatever it is called – and be helping to breed cows that squirt more milk. Little Freddy, (who also ignored the smell of cow [censored]) went on to uni and is now working on better ways to treat mastitis or some other disease. And what about cute Laura? She couldn’t ignore the smell of cow [censored] and sat at the front of the room. She’s now an accountant and showing miserable [censored] farmers how to not pay tax. How’s that for education Jizza!
  14. When you complete your ascension up the ranks of peerage Earl,you may consider adding "turds rampant" to your coat of arms.
  15. and things usually look a bit ordinary post partum.
  16. You're an old tamperer dc( or is that a tamperer of olds?) . Either way - you can speak with authority on this matter.
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