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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Just visiting some so called tourist attraction Roti Island or some such. Bah! Poor coffee. Worse food! And if that’s not bad enough the place is infested with giant rodents trying to purloin one’s shitty lunch Gave the ringleaders a jolly good whacking That taught the beggars some respect
  2. I must say I was quite chuffed by all the above encouragement .It resulted in a very emotional discharge Trawled through a few pubs last night. Must say there was a surprising number of drunks and derros about the place. I would usually thrash such types but I considered that Ethan may have been one of them and demonstrated considerable restraint re your queries dc No “Special” guests. I had considered WA’s quarantine laws and thus wrapped my offending pinkies in glad wrap pre flight. Nevertheless I was approached by a sniffer dog at the airport. Oddly the poor beast had some form of convulsion and began foaming at the mouth. Fatigue I suppose
  3. Greetings lawyers and other ne'er do wells. Your good old Uncle is heading orf to Westralia tomorrow, followed by a trekking adventure to Darwin. I shall be avoiding scat throwers in Freemantle and attempting to turn Demon frogs into road kill. The maid shall remain at The Manor, so no doubt I will be inundated with beautiful women hoping to accompany me. Be assured I shall put them through an arduous selection process.
  4. Putting Monday's aberration behind us and adding a touch of optimism, I reckon we can finish with 14 wins. Saints - win WB. - win GC - win GWS - win ( despite our last round of season history) This means Port - win ( we simply cannot afford to lose this) And one of Freo - ( at our best yes but these home games in the mulga concern me) Adelaide ( They'll be tougher next time but we flogged them once why not again?)
  5. Big game Big stage We couldn’t take the heat No excuses We must improve Simples
  6. Just arrived. There’s a [censored] load of people wearing North Melbourne beanies.
  7. Use your most lurid speculations. They will probably fall short of the sordid reality
  8. Most probably SWYL but I suspect it is being used in ....shall we say .... a manner likely to void any warranty.
  9. Well I'm just about to head off from The Manor in anticipation of a Dees win, a gutful of booze and, happily, not being followed by a Moonshadow. My info is that Moonie has put his nethers before footy loyalty and is locked in a steamy tryst in a romantic cottage by the sea.
  10. That was never in doubt Jane and I'm sure you will conduct yourself with the utmost decorum. However, in view of the occasion, a minor lapse or two is acceptable. In that spirit, I suggest spitting on them occasionally. It will wordlessly express your contempt while simultaneously make them feel comfortable - just as if they were in the filth social club.
  11. I hope to see him do a nifty sidestep or two around the big yank giraffe today.
  12. Bah! She obviously foresaw the "overtime" and has taken an RDO.
  13. I hope you have a wonderful day hurling abuse and vitriol at that lot Jane. BTW Jane, I'm guessing that "corporate" filth supporters can afford dental implants ( albeit of poor quality ). Check that out if you can. Although vomiting or spitting them out while simultaneously gorging a hot dog and a classy Jim Beam may make it an easy task
  14. Imagine going into the bye in second place with about as many wins as we usually cobble together in a season. Tell me I'm not dreaming.
  15. Indeed. However, as long as it's not us ...................... enjoy!
  16. Isn't it wonderful to bathe in the misfortune of others!!!!
  17. Possibly so dc. However, personally dc, I reckon the philosophies of Bacchus make more sense.
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