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Everything posted by Eth

  1. Melbourne pick up Jeremy Howe.
  2. Looks as if the Suns get to choose between Atley and Lynch, and we get the other.
  3. Hmm...didn't think he'd go that early.
  4. 12. Dyson Heppell 33. Lucas Cook 50. Zac Fitzgerald 53. Pass (for PSD pick)
  5. No, but that video's still funny, even after downloading both the original and the autotuned version and putting them on my iPod
  6. My Mum was signed up the year before I was born (I was in '95) and I think she's soon to get her membership, so it shouldn't be long.
  7. http://www.sen.com.au/mediaplayer
  8. If the fans voted for Wolves, wouldn't you choose that name to make the majority of fans happy? Giants is too American for my taste. Jumper looks bad too. The BigFooty designs are way better - even the one I did for visual communication this year is better. (If I may say so myself )
  9. Thanks Chook. The 16 game memberships are definitely worth it, as my mum found it annoying paying $20 to get into games when she already had an 11 game one. I don't know how much it is upgrading (considering I don't pay for mine, this year was my last as a Young Demon) but it's definitely worth it.
  10. November 12, 2010: We are currently sitting on 11,922 members. At the same stage last year we had an extra 1,141 people signed up, with a tally of 13,063. Maybe I should sign up. I'll keep it running for you guys.
  11. Okay, screw that, I'll make a new comparison thread
  12. I can start a running tally - do you want it to be on this thread, or should it have its own?
  13. Mate, you were too GC will pick him at 9-11. No doubting it.
  14. Grimes will stay half-back. Moving him to the midfield will weaken the backline too much. I'd go with Strauss and Gysberts to play more, but not necessarily filling Bruce and Junior's roles. Morton should/is already best 22 IMO.
  15. PM it to Demonland. Now. That is mad work there Deestroy
  16. The Melbourne comes from my mum's side of the family, Collingwood from my dad's. Grandfather on my mum's side always used to say 'Up the Dees, down the Pies', so I guess that's why I'm Melbourne. Unless it was just natural instinct of picking the best club.
  17. If we rookied him, I don't think that's a backwards step at all. Keep him there for 2 years and if he can keep fit and play well for Casey, you never know what could happen from there. He was still an elite junior and I think he deserves a chance to see if he can get over his hamstring.
  18. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=301975&id=285839797316
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