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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I installed Silverlight, refreshed the page etc etc and it is still telling me I need Silverlight... screw it.
  2. Now that's a euphemism I haven't heard before.
  3. Covering all possibilities there?
  4. Time enough to evacuate my bowels in readiness.
  5. Why even bother to say that when it appears you already decided we will cave anyway?
  6. Hopefully, pheromones aren't on the banned substances list yet.
  7. Good god no, please not Kenny... but it HAS come to this:
  8. Who knows, this might be just the beginning?
  9. So in essence, you are saying that the AFL should not involve itself with anything that is out of its jurisdiction? Ok, so if a player goes out and gets drunk and as a direct result becomes involved in a violent incident/car accident or whatever, then the AFL/club should not do anything to put that player's career at risk as that would limit his ability to pay any resultant fines.
  10. Well, if we look at this in terms of what is real as opposed to what is ideal, then it would have to be said that you are the one responding with emotion as opposed to logic. The fact is that by law (whether we like it or not), certain substances are considered illegal and usage is punishable in a court of law. If a player is using any of these substances, then they are in effect breaking the law and the AFL must act accordingly.
  11. Yes, and it's giving me reflux!
  12. Gee, if that was the case, I'd never get anything done...I'm always angry about something, be it CW and tanking, drugs in sport, talking phone menus or commuters that sit on the aisle making you climb over them to get a seat (among many other things).
  13. When you search in google images, go to advanced search options (click on the wheel at the top right of the page below the Sign in button)...then: 1. Click on the Image size option (it's the first option under "Then narrow your results by..." 2. Scroll down and select Larger than 1024x768 3. Click on the Advanced search button at the bottom of the page 4. Bob's your uncle!
  14. I'm pretty sure he found that through a google images search (you can specify image size)... remember, google is your friend.
  15. Remember Matthew Richardson? He recovered from an almost identical injury and went on to play superb footy.
  16. Last night I submitted a comment for CWs tanking article "No draft penalties likely for Melbourne" questioning her integrity and asking why DM's statement has not been written up in the Age (among other things in which I discussed the issue - not abusive in any way), and it has not been published.
  17. Don't know if it's been asked already, but did the Age bail, or did we simply not pursue them as a response to their shoddy journalism regarding the club? The fact that we have taken on the Hun could be seen as a deliberate move from both parties to stick it up The Age (MFC & Hun). Edit: but I still won't read the Hun :-)
  18. The worst thing to come out of that scenario is the fact that CW will be able to gloat over our misfortune and her impeccable sources and unquestionable worth as a sports journo... please don't let it be so!
  19. I always use my DSLR in manual mode because I want to feel that I am in control. The biggest difference between DSLR and older film SLRs is obviously the fact you get instant feedback and can take a shot again if you want (well, that doesn't apply to action shots) - when used in manual mode, that is a great teaching tool.
  20. Paraphrasing very quickly what was said, but here it is: Mentioned CW's latest article and her assumed penalties. Robbo spoke to AD on phone a short while ago and claims to have no knowledge of any penalties.
  21. Yes, they just mentioned they will be having something about the "tanking affair" in the next few minutes.
  22. And I thought that I was opening a thread about us taking the tanking issue to the highest level ;-)
  23. Nice... guilty until proven innocent. You're living in the wrong country pal.
  24. I wish I had a dollar for every time you have said that... then I could afford the book ;-)
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