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Everything posted by jackaub

  1. This reformed punter isn't betting against us is he?? More than interesting. Inexplicable???? Kent? Pederson? Mystifiing.
  2. also called "seeming" as in seeming to be a caring soul for the express purpose of gratification
  3. Selling to another operator isjust transferring the problem washing hands after getting them soiled. Whilst looks good in press release does nothing to address the underlying issue We will no doubt book a capital profit on the sale I for one would reallybe impressed if this ill gotten profit was reinvested in programmes assisting the victims Now that really something to crow about
  4. Thanks for the update fellow demonlanders?
  5. I really liked Dom Barrys' game yesterday was clean, hard at it and was effecive as a link man on a number offorays forward Can someone remind me of why he was cleared?
  6. Yep D9 the same problems we had all last year are still there Rose coloured glasses wont make them go away Coaching and planning will! I just really want to see that improvement ok?and BTW cheap shots about not being the coach dont do you any service Lookss lil nasty .its just a discussion.
  7. I am not just talking about facial expressions but also about timely coaching moves on the ground Maybe behind that fixed facial facade is a supercharged mind racing along ahead of the game planning moves and strategies to win Dont really know as you said I cannot in reality just looks clueless to me Ok??
  8. Agree with all of this Why havent the coaches addressed these issues. Lever situation especially. Goodwin must be asleep or stupid. Watched him in the box during the game Looks clueless when we are under thepump
  9. Any body still think Tyson and Salem for Josh kelly was a good trade
  10. Jones is cooked Harmes is dinking bathwater
  11. Patton and Cameron are certified duds What an appaling display
  12. Why not play him last week absolutely mystifying
  13. Our in ability to control the ball and be clean is very very worrying. Where are our skills
  14. Where can I find the game is it Free to air or Foxtel
  15. we have been the worst at contested marks fo a long long time I cannot understand why this hasnt been addressed in selection and training over the years It is not exactly a new phenomena is it Webber? Not marking just increases the pressure at the contest until we lose it. Too many are committed to the contests making it easy for good sides to clear and transition to goal Our game plan is the problem in my opinion like the first five minutes of schoolboy football So bloody frustrating to watch
  16. Pro you are eternally optimistic I really admire that I wish I could but I cant I am with Webber. Nothing has changed to make me think we will win enough games by enough margin to get in the 8 tenth for me. Wish i saw it differently I really do.
  17. will have multi on it try to get something back after losing money on Sunday hmmmmmmmm?
  18. Yes Ethan He knows something but wasnt prepared to say it was my impression. Anyway I just wish these shooting in the foot moments disappear from the dees there appears always to be a distraction of some sort It really looks amatuerish
  19. The game plan either is Sh%÷€¥use or the players have learned absolutley nothing from last year Same old problems Sack the coach!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Wayne Carey went down the same path on the other show semed pretty sure Gee I really hope Goodwin is above this and is not playing mind games BTW I really believe the way the captaincy was announced has seriously affected Jonesys' game
  21. Same problem we had last year We have learned nothing and the coaching staff dont seem able to make an appropriate plan, very dissapointing.
  22. Melbourne can still not take enough contested marks Its a huge issue yet to be addressed ANd we still have 4 or 5 players leaping for the ball School boy football This lot have laerned nothing
  23. Nothing has changed with this lot Same old problems again and again and again
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