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Everything posted by Retrospective

  1. Our off field performance wouldn't be such a worry if we didn't serve up the sort of absolute carp delivered yesterday. Perhaps those involved should offer to only accept the salary they think they earned for yesterday's debacle... might provide an interesting insight into a group who look like a bunch of takers who are starting to believe their own [censored] about everything taking more time.....and if they were fair dinkum would deliver the club a dividend to offset those who haven't renewed their membership yet and won't be encouraged to shell out now.
  2. 1. I reckon you could easily put our strategy into 30 words for twitter... I reckon you could get it into one word, 6 letters 2. If you reckon Daniher is still the problem do you think Northey's time is also holding us back.....we need to get real. 3 years in and we are still rooted in the past.....very rooted
  3. Other point from Brereton was that playing kids one on one will expose them to the basis of AFL footy through standing an existing player.....might be typical Dermie bulldust but could it be any worse than yesterday's display which, by the time it' s been repeated for another season, leaves some scars on otherwise promising young talent
  4. Bloody hell, train tickets, MFC memberships, high priced light beer in a plastic cup......All of these gougings have become expected and just part of going to see the Dees put on their weekly pathetic display BUT the Record to $5....FMD my masochism is not limitless
  5. I take my 2 kids each week... after today they are refusing to come if they can't bring their Nintendo DS.... My son will never barrack for anyone other than Melbourne.....but they pointed out to me today that..."the Demon's flags will last for years cos we only wave them when we kick goal or win a game" What have I done to them? My father made me a Demons supporter and I've done the same thing......is this another example of the sad cycle of family abuse?
  6. Well you blokes are pretty right... what the man with the plan actually said was.... "Today we were poor in the first half. At least we showed some fight in the second half, but we've got to be competitive for the whole game, not just in bits and pieces." full points for those who guessed he'd ignore the fact that we only looked slightly better than awful when the Hawks had sent their best for a shower He also noticed that they seemed to be better skilled and have a better plan than us... he took longer to say it but that was the crux
  7. So how many more years do we have to wait to see our side play decent, honourable and successful footy?
  8. I think after today you any theory on us being better than Richmond looks like the ruminations of a deluded array of pathological exhibits... based on the games each side has played we are the worst in the comp atm No heart No desire to win for team or team mate No plan limited skills Pathetic
  9. "I only saw the second half on TV, and apart from some sloppiness at the beginning of the third quarter, the boys were starting to look OK." I wish I'd only watched the second half on the TV...sitting through the first half at the ground waas EXCRUCIATING Unfortunately, if the second half looked positive on the Tele, it didn't in real life. Only positives were performance of 3 kids, 9, 13 and 31...rest of it was shite
  10. I say yes. We are obviously short of cattle, have a lot of youth, are rebuilding,blah blah ...insert excuse here. I went to the G expecting we'd lose but hoping we'd show something As a start to the season that was insipid and the blokes out there, and those directing that disgrace should have a serious look at themselves. I'm wondering how to drag myself in there for the rest of the season..one of you rose coloured glasses types please post quickly and help me understand that this is part of a irresistable surge toward success
  11. Agreed.....and now that Saturday is over I have only one regret...not loading up on us for the spoon. We are "Richmond bad" and worse
  12. Watching tonight a couple of things strike me...... Richmond aren't up to it... no doubt The umpires won't change the result... no doubt But When you are not quite right and struggling for form the dodgy guesses of the officials go heavily against you I'm just hoping I'm proved wrong on Saturday
  13. I expect that by 5 seasons into this decade plan we will need to lobby for the NAB cup to be abandoned and a move to 30 round home and away seasons to catch up. I'll be there Saturday///of course but I don't expect the pain of the long suffering Dees supporter to end soon
  14. I'm watching Richmond Carlton now... and I'm feeling pretty good about an investment in MFC to push the Toiges out of bottom spot....I reckon we are Richmond bad and I'm waiting for Saturday with trepidation
  15. I too have tried to join 'ology, I started the process mid last season. The problems with signing up there haven't been all bad for me, I've ended up as a member here in recent weeks. What is the relationship between the sites? I note there is a common badge available.
  16. Positive thought is great, but have a look at the side Australia took to the WI M. A. Taylor (New South Wales) (captain), I. A. Healy (Queensland) (vice-captain), G. S. Blewett (South Australia), D. C. Boon (Tasmania), D. W. Fleming (Victoria), J. L. Langer (Western Australia), C. J. McDermott (Queensland), G. D. McGrath (New South Wales), T. B. A. May (South Australia), R. T. Ponting (Tasmania), P. R. Reiffel (Victoria), M. J. Slater (New South Wales), S. K. Warne (Victoria), M. E. Waugh (New South Wales), S. R. Waugh (New South Wales). B. P. Julian (Western Australia) and C. G. Rackemann (Queensland) joined the tour as replacements for the injured Fleming and McDermott. Pretty handy side although underrated at the time...and they mostly went on to show how good in the following years Julian in particular revealed his famous "mystery ball" during the tour..... one that lands on a line and length Perhaps in 2014 we'll have a MFC side just about to break through for a sustained period of dominance..I hope so
  17. Unfortunately I think anything less than a 5 goal loss will be our best day
  18. Tough start to the year with a lot of injuries The 22 the picked will be a long way from the coaches preferred list It will be an opportunity for young and fringe players to establish themselves Given that both sides are using the same media spin there can be no excuses.... at the very least we should be able to get a sense for how our depth lines up against a definite final eight contender. Unfortunately I expect we'll get flogged... I'm just hoping I don't have to sit through another debacle like March 23rd 2008 as we opened the season with a 104 point bath from the Hawks....23.16.154 Dees 6.14.50
  19. Nice post: Logical, succinct, easy to follow and understand. Obviously never going to be any use in understanding the AFL Match Review Process
  20. Sportingbet has us at $3.50 to take the Wooden spoon. Unfortunately I think this might be the surest MFC based punting option for the year. Get on now before the odds shorten post round 1 Sportingbet
  21. The Footy Show....deeply insightful reporting: Col says he was surprised but hopes the bump stays in the game Gary Lyon says he is confused about the tribunal's position on what constitutes a fair bump J Brown says unrealistic to think you can bump without getting the head B Hall says it should be simple if you've done something blatant you should get rubbed out (didn't say what he thought defined simple, maybe they should interview Staker next week) In summary: Surprised, confused, unrealistic and simple.........sounds like our forward set up
  22. Compare the videos and tell me which you think is fair? Video Video
  23. He's a big enough bloke with a decent kick, We are cruelled injury.....reckon playing him forward can't hurt....it's not like he'd be holding a gun proven forward out of the side
  24. What a debacle....for an entire season all we heard was "it is the player's responsibility to ensure they do not make contact with the head" Now it seems if you are anywhere near the play and a bump can be expected it won't matter how high it lands Fraser is off to a cracking start as head of the Match review Panel What a crock
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