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Everything posted by Retrospective

  1. Strauss Gone....Broken Leg a la Nathan Brown FMD....stretchered off Bate on
  2. Jones happened to him....he's back on now
  3. 3 possessions Goal.......No not us.
  4. When has this been about having a whip hand.... for either the club or players? That is the sort of combative bulltish that will ensure long term failure. For me this is about ensuring there is enough belief in the club and its direction left after 5 absolutely crap years to give us something to build around. Don't spend your morning rejoicing the dropping of one of our most talented.....especially if it moves from being bruise free to something else today
  5. Perhaps when we play tish footy even opposition supporters can't be bothered to come to watch us get pumped.
  6. You'd be spared from chasing too much from our forward line by the fact we cant get the ball through HF
  7. Why don't we get a senior coach first? Discussions about "sort of bloke we need around the club" is crazy no matter how good the candidate. We've either got a role in the structure that we think Kirk could fill or we don't. engineering some role to get him "around" risks compounding the issues we have now as Connolly, Schwab, Viney and Lyon all have a crack at being puppetmaster (and the 2 of that group most capable have said they are not interested beyond the current crisis)
  8. I doubt Daisy would struggle at the Dee's? It's players exactly like him we lack... Although, he is young and skinny I believe.
  9. If MFC can't inspire and/or retain our young talent long enough to mould it, it won't matter how many priority picks we have had/ compensation picks we get in the future
  10. I think he might be in a much bigger club.... blokes who aren't sure anymore about the plan or in fact whether the MFC will do the right thing by them. As a club we bitched and moaned about Scully putting off telling us he is leaving until the end of the year " he should commit now blah blah blah"..... in in the next breath Sylvia is a dog for wanting to clarify his position. Our history of shafting senior players doesnt help If Garry and Todd don't staunch the bleeding (and they are the right guys to do it)we could end up with a less experienced list than GWS.
  11. unlike Scully he probably is truly working out what to do at season end..... our approach.... isolate him as the only senior player dropped after last weeks debacle.How is this treating him with respect this is nothing like Bruce.....he is 25 yo and has genuine talent which has been demonstrated despite our completely sh*t game plan and lack of desire to win while we rebuild. FFS he is a quality player who sounds like he is at least giving us the opportunity to convince him that his career will be well served by staying (and that is considering $, likely success and club environment). If we want to try to keep Col, forget about telling HIM to seriously think about HIS asking price, How would you respond if he walked in your door tomorrow and asked why he should stay at MFC? Do it for Jimmy?
  12. Before Bailey Sylvia had played 50 games and had played enough good footy to ignite a lot of hope for a bright future If he hasn't developed as well as we like over the ensuing 4 years I don't think that can all be hung on the player
  13. We are barely a club at all at the moment.... CLUB implies we have some sort of organisation pursuing mutual objectives Well done GL...call it as it is
  14. And how do you best develop talent to elite performance a la Thomas? In a coordinated, organised club with a winning record and a clear plan and the structure and resolve to deliver it OR by playing your career in an organisation that loses 2 weeks in three during your career and now appears to be a fractured, dysfunctional, back biting train wreck.... at least from the players pov Sylvia is talent...
  15. Sylvia is a key player for our future Sylvia: 119 games avg disposals: 16.6, avg goals: 0.8 Tackles: 3.2 Marks: 4.9 Dale Thomas: 126 games, avg disposals: 18.6, avg goals: 0.8 Tackles: 2.8 Marks: 5.8 Sylvia in a side which has lost 63% of its matches and Thomas in a side that has won 66%. It could be argued (and probably will be in the contract negotiatons) that Sylvia is wasting his career on a losing proposition....so why does he stay? because he believes (or believed ) in the plan. If there is anyone providing leadership at the club, show him the plan........FFS......show all of the talent that we've accumulated that having signed them we actually have some idea of what to do next And show the rest of us while your at it
  16. maybe you are right....we are actually in great shape and everything is looking fantastic.....more cracks over here...hope you've got plenty of paper maybe you can use some of the "scripts" once they're done
  17. Spot on, And it won't stop with Scully... others will look for alternatives or worse, stay because they can't get out but not really commit. I wouldn't give two bob for the club's capability to create a unified group with a common goal and belief in the future at the moment...and if they can't do that then what's their plan? talking about it and achieving it are not the same thing. What do I expect? They'll duck and weave around the Andrew's report because it's not the answer they wanted and pretend that Bailey was the entire issue and ask us to convince ourselves that we never really wanted Scully cos he's got a dicky knee and doesn't really love us. Resolution and revitalisation starts with admitting the truth! about the club......not just the players
  18. Unfortunately they'll soundly beat us. Carlton by 6 goals (I've mentally redefined valiant defeat, sound beating, flogging and mauling after last week...anything under 10 probably sounds good)
  19. Says he doesn't want to take a formal role. Has said that forever. Spends most of his time this week positioning that he is still not taking a formal role just helping out an old mate. What do you do if he decides to offer himself up for a formal position at the culmination of this sh*tstorm? Which GL are you talking to? Hopefully he can assist in the here and now.......forget about him long term
  20. Nearly 90% of Generation Ys describe themselves as loyal to their employer, but that doesn’t mean they will stick with you forever. They don’t believe in or expect a ‘job for life’.If their needs are not met, they will move on (mentally or physically). This is the demographic of the AFL playing group at all clubs! . I'm not saying I agree with their approach, but I reckon this general assessment of Gen Y is spot on. Don't worry about demanding an ultimatum from them.....they are more likely to demand some vastly improved performance from our administration, and vote with their feet if they don't get it, and fair enough.... based on what has surfaced this week regarding the dysfunction behind the glossy front at our club I'd question pouring my career into our club when the opportunity for success apparently lies elsewhere And if you think this is BS then cast your mind back to our great hope for player retention...."they'll stay because we are assembling a great side (through honestly earned early draft picks)that will give those involved a chance for success" This is not the 1960's...if we can't sell a vision for the future to the youth we need to deliver the outcomes we are screwed
  21. right there is the corporate value of sponsoring MFC.....the recognition lasts!
  22. Didn't know JC was available but I agree.....he's been out of the game too long and tends to be all "turn the other cheek" and "forgive them father" not the hard nut we apparently need
  23. He's already decided....he hasn't announced....and if you can't work out what he's decided cast your mind back over this week. The real issue for MFC right now is that what Scully does is now the least of our problems....and that stinks. What remaining credibility we have could be p155ed up against a wall over the next month
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