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Everything posted by Retrospective

  1. Liam may also avoid conviction and gaol time by being innocent of the charges
  2. Sounds like there was a bit to like tonight albeit a NAB cup game. I hope his preseverance and the faith of the club are rewarded. Matthew Bate playing with confidence can really add value for the Dees in 2012 and beyond
  3. Do you mean you think Moloney should model himself on Jones? drop his tackles per game, his contested possessions, clearances and B&F and Brownlow votes but have less variation between games? Haven't seen any sign that Moloney can't take criticism ....could argue the opposite in fact.
  4. RP, Thanks for the invitation. First the Math/ stats...This is just carp analysis. 1. MFC worst and best games are further apart than Moloney's.... 2. In losses the club averages less possessions than when we win. And in other breaking news.....in 100% of games losing teams score less than winning teams so what! Next the humanist 3. arent we all flawed? as humans and supporters. aren't we all flawed? (just thought I should follow the same format) Are the current members of the LG perfect? and finally consensus 4. Sure hope so
  5. Scully? Judd and to a lesser extent Kerr are rare commodities... that is why they go for pick one or big contracts ......and with the departure of TS we don't have anyone that naturally fits that sort of role. Need to use what we've got to the best effect from here. I think Bate can still be very good.... has been cruelled over the last few years by either 1. a game plan that didn't suit him or 2. The absence of much of a game plan at all. I think he'll contribute a lot this season
  6. "tender age " of 17 and 18.......can't be away from home.....understandable? Bilge. these are young men trying to carve themselves out a career. I left home (with most of my country based university colleagues) at 17. I have relatives and friends who had been in the armed forces for a year at that age....... Harden up
  7. I don't see a lot of the inhabitants of Western Sydney clamouring for an AFL team to call their own...language/ ethnicity aside I think GWS is just an irrelevancy for this market. Will that change? Who knows. Do I expect that this folly will suck up huge amounts of AFL cash over the next 10 years ? yep, whether they are gifted success in the first decade (or in their case decayed) or not
  8. Sheedy.... Looking for success in the Inner West by heading to the Far East! AFL strategy at it's finest
  9. Forget the Clark (e) part of the equation......I just hope our Mitch delivers more than the ACB's Mitch (ell Johnson)
  10. Right now looks like Neeld is certainly getting cracking. He has definitely got a better list than the last bloke....and a club that is on a decent financial footing ......and he seems to be getting on with it. That is all great to see and I expect it helps us all look forward to the new season. As far as the media statements (particularly around individual players) go I can do with out that. I wonder if it's actually Mark's style or a club plan. Anyway pretty minor in the scheme of things but it would be interesting to ask Neeld in a few years time whether he recokons that was the best way. If we are holding Premiership 13 I guess the answer will be yes!
  11. BB, the site is http://www.51AFL.com but having a website doesnt change the fact that if there is any interest in AFL in China (other than amongst the expat community) it is close enough to zero not to matter. Pandering is a good description The "push to China" under Gardner/ McNamee was another distraction we foisted upon ourselves. Just because "we had already though of that" doesnt make it a good idea. I though it was rubbish then and I reckon it makes even less sense now. Clear up all this BS. Play some decent footy. Get the MFC winning and delivering success in Australia. How about that for a plan?
  12. http://www.smh.com.a...0927-1kvjk.html Malthouse had the hard discussion with Swan in 2003....and there are plenty of hard discussions MFC needs ot have. In the case of Malthouse it took 8 yrs for him to brief the papers. In comparison, and in my opinion, Neeld seems like he can't wait to get to a journo and tell them how hard assed he is
  13. Abridged version Played for us for while. Wasn't that good. Left to follow big bucks at the AFL Bigtop under ringmaster Kevin. Little in his history to date to commend him Move on
  14. Chinese care factor for AFL.....zero My care factor for anything Sheedy says.....zero say NO to stage managed crap in support of GWS
  15. The point of my post was not to debate the obvious a need for change BH... if you read it you'll see that. Is it important to bring the playing list along through the change? I think so. Is the method right? Who knows. Who is accountable? Neeld Pretty simple
  16. All fine to change the way things are done... that is why you replace a coach but Neeld ultimately bears the responsibility of bringing his player group with him. Is a continuous string of statements in the press about individuals the best way...who knows.
  17. Eagles ready to swoop on Clark; Fremantle bid could be trumped by: Greg Denham From: The Australian October 06, 2011 12:00AM WEST Coast yesterday emerged as a surprise frontrunner to secure the services of disgruntled out-of-contract Brisbane key forward Mitch Clark. http://www.theaustra...f-1226159629080 Maybe he is still wounded about getting this scoop "de" scooped.......and blames MFC
  18. Playing as the big name in that debacle of a club should ensure 6 years seems like life....especially on one leg.
  19. You sir are either a fool (and have problems with comprehension and logic) or a curmudgeon. But given that I've clarified the comments from the poster I'll find something more rewarding to do than correspond with you
  20. If you pause in your foaming at the mouth at the mention of Sylvia you would see that my question (to H_T not to you) was 1) whether he thought the punishment needed to hurt the club (answer yes) 2) why? Answer (as a subsequent edit) because it will better for the long term. Everything clear without your help I did not propose that the sanction hurts the club Perhaps the fact that you think you can read tone (overtone or otherwise ) on a forum explains some of your responses. Who is your sponsor... Dennis Denuto lawfirm "It's just... the vibe... of the thing........."
  21. read the post BB59......before you get on your high horse..... WHY would you want to punish the CLUB... H_T suggests that an appropriate punishment should hurt the player and the club......is this a deep belief in the "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you" principle?
  22. Why would you be looking for the club to punish itself over this? I reckon CS in general has had some pretty significant lapses in judgement though his career. This just really isn't one of them. Passenger in a car accident when the player is in the "vacation"window is pretty minor.... I think the MFC got it right...needed a message sent that the behaviour isnt up to scratch....... doesn't need a public hanging
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