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Everything posted by Retrospective

  1. Here it comes......how on earth can we need an influx of talent? we've had all the front running in selection for years. What we need is a game plan and some guys willing to stick with it.... MFC today = rabble Big test.....how long does it take to turn around?
  2. Please HELP ME.....I can't stop the voices.....they are telling me BAD things....I don't want to end up lobotomised and a RFC member
  3. Gee whiz, I'm not sure if my fragile psyche can cope with a loss (or even a close, stumbling victory) today. Have we already missed our premiership window....run down by the ultimate "youth" focus.
  4. What in goodness gracious is going on. Our fellows appear to be intent on topping their underwhelming efforts of recent weeks. How will we deploy the "we are too young...just wait and see" excuse if we lose to GCFC? Gosh I hope the second half is an improvement
  5. My point: Sylvia = quality. Important to the side, should be retained I'm not sure how to respond when it seems that your latest contention is that you'd be happy for Sylvia to go if you can keep McKenzie was it a large bottle? how much is left?
  6. Touche' and accolades on your determination......but please McKenzie (33games)? Martin (46games)? a little too much absinthe for breakfast perhaps?
  7. I think you'll understand..... if you think quite hard about it....... that my contention is that he shouldn't have been dropped..... see how that works.... I DISAGREE with the decision to drop him and Jurrah, think it was poor timing, selected 2 players as scapegoats for a season that is in tatters. let's see if he stays, and if/ when he goes you can cheer on the next callow 70kg youth we throw out there as part of our rolling 50 year plan for greatness.... before you call for us to get rid of him 8 yrs later
  8. He is in our top 3 players, in a season where we have no structure or plan and he is carrying a medial ligament injury. Which of those is an excuse? You sir risk being cast as a cad in the dogged pursuit of one player and with some deranged parallel universe view that if we get rid of Sylvia we will somehow improve as a team. How do you judge him overpaid? Do you know what he is asking for? What if he is saying "MFC your performance based pay scale is unacceptable because it has the wrong metrics and is too subjective" (maybe less eloquently) You wouldn't know. Neither do I....but I see a talented footballer , 2011 4th in Kicks 5th in HB 3rd in disposals 5th in contested marks 2nd in Tackles 2nd contested possessions 3rd in goalkicking accuracy 4th for running bounces 1st inside 50s I'm not sure what you are watching
  9. That is just self serving crap.......one game.....you could give that message and still have played them....but noone expects that the club is going to come out and say...."we over reacted, and we looked a lot worse because we didn't have you out there on the weekend"
  10. Sylvia believed to have played carrying a medial ligament problem all year...... And apparently having been flogged for a second straight week and deprived ourselves of any cahnce of redemption by sending Sylvia and Jurrah to Casey now they are OK to come back in......The Age today
  11. I note no mention of CC.......and this defines part of our problem.......I'm not sure everyone knows whose job is which....until the perfrormance is carp......then it's pin the tail on the donkey. Hope GL can sort this out and we can see the Andrew's report acted upon
  12. We have a dysfunctional club, seemingly without a plan beyond getting early picks and there is a persistent gibbering array on this site who still think its just about sacking players. Want to talk about accountability.......Look at the CEO and Football Manager. IMO They have presided over a complete dog's breakfast.... Oh hang on... we've extended those contracts! Why not settle down for a bit, make a decent plan, work out who to coach it and what assistance they'd need and then review the last piece, the player group to get the right "cattle" to deliver it. THAT would be MANAGEMENT
  13. just so I am clear, having played for picks and gotten the most talented young players available aggregated at the club and done next to notthing with them (other than set them up to go with our disgraceful performances), is the prescription now that we just need to lure a few more top young players from other sides? Wake up
  14. I too have shamefully blown my kids chances for a happy future by rasing them as demons members and supporters. It is a circle of violence that started with my grandfather and has been inflicted on each generation since. I comfort myself that: a) it will help teach them character (not so sure now....we have little of that in the team) B) it will teach them humility (no problems there) c) it will teach them that things could always be worse (not sure about that either atm) d) it will save me big bucks when they need psychotherapy/ later in life....no digging aroound for months finding the issues....."I think you hate your father for having you support MFC"
  15. .......then sack him from the leadership group
  16. Maybe but today he is playing in the forward line....how does he inspire influence when he's not in the game. Send him to the half back line for the rest of the game with a message to harden up
  17. Do we have a single winner out there? What about someone who is breaking even? Be honest, if Carlton were as polished as Geelong we'd be more than 10 goals down at half time and on track for another 20+ goal flogging. maybe our plan is to wear the blues out by making them run thru the midfield at pace all game, making sure we don't get in their way
  18. 10 in a row for the Blues.......Will we sack Viney if this get to 30 goals
  19. Yep we've really taught him a thing or two...... Maybe he is actually worth more to us than he asked for? Without him we are even more confused going forward than usual.
  20. He should also be in today... we might have something better than 3.9 for our effort in the first 40 mins of footy
  21. Scotland Kicks another one... Blues 10.2 62, Demons 3.8.26... and now we've pulled Watts back behind the ball
  22. Judd to Betts Blues out to 5 goals in front
  23. Blues have kicked the last 5 goals in 8 minutes..........better than 8 goals in 5 minutes
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