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Everything posted by bing181

  1. Nice win, slogged it out. But bet they're glad to have the extended break, looked tired.
  2. After you. No, after you. No, after you, I insist. etc.
  3. Yes, but it just confirms how much like getting a camel through the eye of a needle winning a GF is. You just need everything, from the smallest to the biggest, to go right. Also confirms how little it takes for it all to go belly up.
  4. Just to say, as someone who lives in Paris: I walk our dog most mornings in a local park. The only person there who isn't carrying dog-poo bags is ... me. (I figure it's good fertiliser?) Paris is a bit like Oscar McDonald - you see what you want to see.
  5. They have to do the full warm-up and prep as if they're going to play. They're only free to do their own work once the game starts. Standard practise.
  6. Whatever - but they still had 14 (I believe) of last year's GF side, plus Gibbs and Ellis-Yolman, plus Doedoo who's supposed to be the second coming.
  7. Re Garlett, Tyson etc. getting back in ... we're not going to get through the season without injuries, perhaps the odd suspension - spots will open up. I suspect also they might start resting/rotating players - September now looking increasingly likely (without wanting to put a jinx on it)
  8. Viney's 35 possessions when he spent least time on the ground (out of both teams) wasn't too shabby.
  9. Much to celebrate, but really impressed with how Spargo has slotted in and what he brings. Not yet getting a heap of it, but he's smart and a really clean ball-user, great for the structure.
  10. Some ideas are not popular because they're wrong. Or stupid.
  11. Actually, if you read my post/s, you'll see that nowhere did I say that I was offended ... but grasping the difference between "I'm offended" and "I can see how others could be offended" would require perspective-taking and nuance, which in your case. As for someone using a childish term like "lol" in the same post as "grow up" ...
  12. I'll take that as a compliment.
  13. Getting back to the thread: would be surprised if there's a change, but between mystery injuries and players loading/resting, who's to say.
  14. Sure, but it would be somewhat disingenuous to ignore the subject matter of the song in question, even if the reference was unintentional and/or poorly thought through. There are other Midnight Oil songs.
  15. Offence, what offence? White male privilege personified.
  16. Backline superb, and the what's making this possible. Also, Jordan Lewis, you can't buy what he brings.
  17. Missing Sam Weideman. Structure/roles looking very different, and Tim Smith not really giving us much/anything for the moment.
  18. Just don't try the above with Dustin Martin, you'll have a hard time making it past half time. Tyson is 4th at the club for effective disposals/match, 9th for efficiency. Also in the top 10 in plenty of other categories. It's easy to pick out what doesn't work while ignoring what does. You see what you want to see.
  19. Indefinite = we're having a coffee with his manger next week.
  20. Actually club media speak for "longer than a week or two, but shorter than a LTI or half a season".
  21. Phew. Lucky that that wasn't his role or responsibility then.
  22. For starters, you always need a Hoodwinker and a Hoodwinkee - it takes two. It's clear in retrospect (as everything always is) that our selection process was seriously flawed, but that's not Neeld's fault. In any case, he was widely expected to be next cab off the rank into senior coaching at the time. As for Essendon, he'd been there a couple of years in development before he was moved across/up to assistant coaching, so they knew exactly what they were doing and exactly what they were getting. Though seems not to have hurt them last year having Neeld as an assistant.
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