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Everything posted by bing181

  1. 10 possesions and did next to nothing against Collingwood. He's not the saviour. Yet.
  2. Ah, short memories. Maybe go back and re-read some of the reports re those 4 from last week's Casey game, both from Gotch and from pundits on this forum (and others) who were there. The phrase "not an AFL footballer" was used more than once. Clutching at straws.
  3. The problem isn't the forward line, it's the way and number of times we're getting it down there. Conversion rate today was good ... even very good, considering what was going on further up the ground.
  4. 5 players in from a Casey team that was slaughtered?
  5. Then keep puzzling ... one big difference between Miller and Bell/Johnson is that he's in the leadership group. Perhaps people who work/play alongside Brad have a different, even a better persepective, on what he brings to the team?
  6. Presumably a specialist football journalist. As opposed to an armchair expert?
  7. Yes, absolutely. Both coming back into it after longer term injuries.
  8. "Shane O'Bree pulled up sore in training and was withdrawn from Monday's squad with Brad Dick coming into the 25-man squad." ... Collingwood Twitter apparently.
  9. Atrocius? Hardly. He's played 3 games (only) since he came back in. One of them he was one of the best and kicked 5 goals, the next he was OK (just) when the whole team was pretty cooked, and last week, nearly everyone was below par (and in the wet).
  10. Agree 100%. A moment of reason buried in yet another pointless Jack W thread.
  11. There's nothing wrong with the preparation that experience won't fix. Young players, working out what to do each week. Sometimes they get it wrong.
  12. Michael Newton I thought Juice was probably one of our best couple of players. He took eight marks, and in those conditions, that was really good. He played a bit in the ruck, and he was part of the last passage as well. He got the mark from the kick in, got it to Johnno, and then Johnno passed it to McGough for the goal. So, he did some really constructive things. He was a very important player.
  13. A footballer has a short career, and generally wants to play in finals and win premierships ...
  14. er ....?? Who's being precious? Thought this was "the place to share your thoughts". Were you expecting everyone to agree with you? Meanwhile, back on thread, my one-word player analysis for the whole 22: Tired.
  15. Agree with most of that. Not to sure about being too hard on the forward line, the way it was coming in was pretty desperate much of the time. Not to mention, look at Port this week ... probably no coincidence both teams went down. Darwin ... only before a week off for me!
  16. Yep. Also along similar lines, Strauss, Cheney and Bail. Could be some openings if they have a good game tomorrow. But equally, hard to single out any particular players today, we were just over-run by a team a league above us and in full flight.
  17. Yep. Good to remember. Some nice positives for the boys, but we aren't going to be winning this one I suspect!
  18. Maybe, but it's not necessary that every player is "perfect", or has great stats every week. It's just important that they do the job that they have to do, which would hopefully be a job that takes into account their individual strengths and shortcomings. It is, after all, a team sport, and the sum of the parts etc. etc.
  19. Everyone's always talking about how they have to "earn their place", yet when a player gets dropped, there are posts like this. Jordie didn't have a great game last week so .... ??? But he's still young, and sure he'll learn/improve/bounce back.
  20. Yes, but going to Yuendemo along with Jurrah etc., the guys who are basically not playing.
  21. Casey don't play this week. Imagine he would only be dropped if he's a) really out of form (??) or B) injured (??). Re the above, a bit tough for Hughes if true. He didn't do all that much, but wasn't alone. Wonder if it'll be the same "you've got 2 games to show your worth" for Watts. We may not have any more outs, at least one of the above would be an emergency, and as they're probably wanting to play as many indigenous players as possible in Darwin, I wonder if Morton could be carrying the drinks.
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