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Everything posted by Rogue

  1. I'm pretty sure Paul Gardner - maybe someone else like Harris, though - was talking about a MCC-owned boutique stadium, so if it's a pipedream it's one shared by others
  2. What's the travel time between Launceston and Hobart?
  3. Regardless of where it's built, you need really accessable public transport, and decent parking. From what I can remember, Princes Park wasn't too easy to get to, but I have fairly vague memories. My view of the ground is probably tainted by the fact that you'd be forced to stand while the whole 'Legends' stand was vacant, though. ...and we thought we did it tough.
  4. I think Garland's more suited to the forward line than Martin is.
  5. Pretty sure I read it about it a while back. edit: 22/7, to be exact
  6. Hardly. Jones and Bell are two totally different players.
  7. Rogue


    Urgh. Reading that article I was reminded that we're wearing that atrocious jumper tomorrow :|
  8. I agree. It also means a chance for guys in decent form to step up.
  9. No idea The game did get pushed forward slightly, so I imagine they're trying to avoid a clash. Don't Ch. 7 have the rights to the Fri night footy and the ceremony anyway?
  10. Monaghan said that Grimes will have another couple of games at Sandy 2s before he's considered for promotion, regardless of form.
  11. Great idea. I'd say you'd be the highest bidder, so what would you pay?
  12. There have been numerous threads along the lines of the current one, and nothing much changes. Tbh, I haven't found the 'banter' of late to be much different to usual. Y_M was banned, so lets move on. Some people feed off the attention their controversial comments make, so creating threads about it seems almost counter-productive. If you have a problem with a user, I'd suggest PM'ing a mod to draw their attention to the post(s), and letting them decide whether it's breaching the rules.
  13. I'd suggest that fixing the finances, finding a home, building around our youth, marketing the club better, and having good relationships with key stakeholders are all goals (or as you put it, aims). I'd label a plan the 'how', and there was little of that, apart from Debt Demolition month (previously announced), and the fact we had subcomms based around our five 'pillars'. Fwiw, someone pulled out a quote from Harris that showed the goals of the old guard were quite similar - they labelled four priorities, and those four priorities form part of the new guard's five pillars. I think we'd all agree that the five focus areas are important, and I think we'd all idenfitied that they were key issues that needed to be addressed. It's great to know that Board's identified them, but creating a plan that will make us successful in these areas is something different altogether. While assigning Directors to different areas as part of subcommittees is a sensible move, I don't think that's what bb's referring to when he says he'd like to know the plans of the Stynes Board. Hope that makes sense
  14. Outline the plan to me. Telling me we have five subcommittees isn't a plan
  15. Indeed. Always makes me laugh when people bring up the 'free country' lines when participating in discussions on privately owned and operated sites.
  16. I tend to agree with the latter part of that.
  17. You're only as old as you feel. Wait, did I just make that worse?
  18. I'm sure that'd be appreciated by DB Tbh, I think that sort of stuff's better off here. That said, the fact the Board often goes into meltdown after a loss - and conversely, is ridiculously optmistic after a win, ie. my favourite is our "great depth" - is a bit lame. Sure. Before you tell me about the bad movie you saw the other night, let me know how many Hollywood productions you've been involved in.
  19. I'm in the same boat. I liken him more to Bruce than a CHF, too. As you say, time will tell. I'd be happy enough to see him develop into a gun midfielder.
  20. The more the merrier. So true. I was at the game in 2000, and the amount of non-affiliated fans there was huge. It's disappointing to see, considering so many of the competing Club's members miss out. *not affiliated with the competing teams, anyway
  21. Buckley's almost a monty Most opposition fans rate Bruce pretty highly, but he cops a reasonable amount of flak from Dees fans for a player quite highly rated by outsiders.
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