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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. I was thinking god I hope we get 20,000 to the game jsut so we don't have to hand out a cheque. So when 36,000 was posted up on the screen I was rapt. If that game was a year ago we would have got half that, probably less. Trust me I sit in the mcc memebrs (Yes im also a MFC member) and there was a lot of noise going on. Trengove practially got a standing ovation when he came off after kicking his 1st goal. Michael Roberts kept saying on the radip about us supporters and how much noise we are making. I loved the atmosphere last night.
  2. For the past 2 seasons I have turned up with no expectations on the team and sat back and watched the team play. Shockingly if we won I would think we can only afford to win 1 or 2 more to get the priority pick. But this season I exepected more improvement and we have it. I have loved the last 3 weeks. Our crowds are up, supporters are on there feet cheering our players and we are winning. I have loved watching our backline, love how Trengove and Scully have slotted right in, loved when Scully kicked that goal last night everyone ran to him, , have enjoyed watching Jamar turn into an awesome ruckman, loved seeing Bate and Pettard improve, loved seeing Jim there and congratulating every player as they come off the ground and lastly its great to see Dean Bailey get rewarded for his coaching efforts. Lets just keep on winning.
  3. Today is big Jim's 44th birthday. Lets hope the boys can give him a nice present and win tomorrow night. Heres hoping for many many more birthdays. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  4. I thought Newton's defensive tackling pressure in our foward line was pretty good yesterday and he tried hard but he has to kick more goals. Martin is someone with a bigger body who can take the centre ruck giving Jamar a break and he also kicked 3 goals for casey on the weekend. I think it's time to give Martin a go. Thoughts?
  5. We need a good crowd there on sunday so we won't have to be writing a cheque to the MCC. If we get over 20,000 then I think thats a profit. Anyway I believe we will win on sunday so we need to make some noise and show we are there supproting them. Also if our president is there then that will be an inspiration in its self. Jim wants to be there on sunday. Personally I think he should be resting but thats how much he loves our club. The poor bloke had 5 tumours removed and all he can think about is his footy club and being there on sunday. That should inspire the players. So get there and hope we see a win.
  6. Watching the Sunday Footy Show James Brayshaw said for Melbourne fans watch Footy Classified where Dean Bailey will be a special guest. So stay up or tape it if you want to see what has to be said. Should be interesting with him and Garry with Garry saying he wouldn't give him a new contract just yet. Anyway just thought I'd give the heads up.
  7. It's ok in a few years when we are actually good she will be be growing up with her team regularly playing finals. (Fingers crossed) Tell her that there will be worse teams than us in the future. I remember being at the StKilda game at Waverley in 1997 when Gutnick went on triple m at half time and bagged Neil Balme. It was raining, cold and we were getting thrashed. But my parents made us stay to the end because thats what you do as a supporter. Or in 1996 when Hawthorn were thrashing us at Waverley and it came up on the scoreboard that Fitzroy beat remantle putting us to the bottom of the ladder. All hawks fans cheered because Fitzroy had finally won a game. Just keep taking her because as a supporter you go through the good and bad times. There are 45 years old supporters out there who have been waiting a long time to see a premiership. Your daughter is 6. Victory will come.
  8. They beat the premiership favourites and a team that will probably finish top 4 or be somewhere in the 8 by 6 goals. I fear in what they will do to us. Can we stop Jolly from smashing us int eh ruck, will we be able to stop there foward line and midfield. I hope the boys saw this game today to see how a real side plays. I know we are a long way from the pies but god I hope we put up a real fight next week.
  9. Well I've already renewed my memebrship ages ago and so have the rest of my family. I presumed it was jsut trying to get people to the game and in case no body has renewed then do it now.
  10. Just got a call on my home phone and got the start of the melbourne song then Jim's voice got on the phone saying about this weeks game. Mentioned the crusty demons guy, kick to kick is back. If people are allowed on the G afterwards then they should really promote this because I know people who went to the freo game last year who barracked for other clubs because they wanted to go ont he G. Mentioned the debut of 2 players then said he wants 30,000 members buy this week and press 1 now to renew or go online. Not a bad strategy. It was a nice phone call to get.
  11. Should be interesting. By the way has Jim taken back the presidents gig from Don? Just wondering because he seems to be involvd in all announcements and promotions for this weeks game.
  12. On morning glory tomorrow dean bailey will be on. Im pretty sure he is in the studio. Not sure what time possbily 7:30.
  13. I was just watching ch7 news and in the sport they showed Morton on the ground and said he went off with a knee injury. Did it look bad for people who were at the game.
  14. Just wondering who we are playing and where? Also did I hear right that the week after we are playing at Casey?
  15. http://www.afl.com.au/Premiership/Season2009/MatchResults/tabid/11433/default.aspx?display=0&seasonid=74&roundid=766&fixtureid=5426 I just had a look on the afl website and I clicked on our game then teams and Scully's name is there. I guess we will find out closer to the bounce.
  16. I've been reading some threads and people seem to think the family day is on the sunday after our intra club. In my members email it states Sunday 14th March. Just thought id clear it up. Its a shame we can't have them at the G anymore.
  17. Just saw a channel 7 news update while watching the tennis and they aid that Jim Stnes parents received there australian citizen ships today and they showed Jim there with them and he made some comments. Guess there will be more on 7 news tonight.
  18. Its expected that Dean Bailey and Melbourne will announce a contract extension for Bailey during the NAb Cup. I think its smart because he does deserve a chance with this list and it will stop speculation this year as it would have been his final year. Hopefully the meida will lay off him and we perfom well for him.
  19. Luke Ball will definitely be the talking point of the draft. Personally if we don't get him then I hope someone else apart from Collingwood get him. Id laugh if Brisbane took him. Voss wouldn't care that he didn't want to go to any other team. He would say that Luke was fair game and they need him. Or Id laugh if Port took him. Anyway everyone will be waiting with there breaths held when they get to our pick 18. Personally if I was Luke I would have met with us and explained why he didn't want to come to our club. Then we would leave him alone. If we did get Luke then I wouldn't care. He can suffer for awhile like us supporters. Although we are on the way up. Can't wait until the draft. Im more excited about Scully and watching him play.
  20. Tune in to 3AW tonight at 6:20pm to hear the latest from National Recruiting Manager Barry Prendergast. Got this off melbourne twitter. Probably just get asked if we are taking Ball and who will we draft first. Anyway just thought someone would like to listen.
  21. I thought it was interesting. The club has worked well with Liam and his english. What about when Jim and Tim were sitting around the fire and Jim talking about his cancer and mentioned it being fun or something and Tim just looked straight at Jim and said Jim it's not fun. Anyway Jim is still the most positive person I know and it was good of him to keep his promise to Liam and fly to where he gre up. On another matter did anyone see the first story on Kurt Fearnley. Man that guy is a genius. What he achieved was remarkable.
  22. i saw the ad for it the first time tonight. It looks like it focuses more on Jim and his illness and the promise he made to Jurrah that he would go and see his homeland. As I have already written it looks like a very good story.
  23. Oh good. Tim mentioned on SEN that he was doing a liam Jurrah story. I just figured they would show it next season at a half time break or something. Glad that its going on a prime time high rating show. I was going to watch anyway because they were doing the story on Kurt Fearnley. The paralympian who has just finished crawling the Kokoda track. Now I have another reason to watch.
  24. I thought I'd start one. I can't go but can people report back on how it went. Most importantly what Jim Stynes said in his speech, how he looked etc. Also what Schwab and Bailey say and also the winners. That would be great.
  25. I can see the point of playing either west coast, freo or another interstate team round 1. It would be round 1 so we would get over 20,000 because people would come to see our new players play to see how they go, also we would be expected to win and winning round 1 would be great. It would be better than round 13 and we have only a few wins and then no one would come.
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