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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Robbo, please note - sent message to your on Demonland, but seems to be blocked- please note the following: Thanks for taking up management for this year..promise- will try to be on good behaviour. offered to pay your out of pocket expenses. Having Cancer treatment in China- leaving 7th March - back,God willing April. I will be able to keep up to date and play.However, any confirmed changes,please advise. Is spoils definitely in? Are 3 points for handballs definitely in? Please advise re confirmation . These are the requirements, I and others need to know before draft. Please confirm - Is the draft order finalised as is now? Many thanks sincerely JCB 31
  2. Robbo, please note I have sent you a private message regarding my health etc.. Don't worry RFPC , I will still be around. All the best to all players for season ahead.
  3. OMR- thanks for feedback & explanation. Really appreciate it JCB 31
  4. No spoils for me - agree re 60 seconds & 3 points for kicks & handballs. Still I do not understand "Snake " draft system, but will get it - on draft night....Wed, 25th March & 8pm is the right time & date. Robbo or OMR - when draft order is done, please tell me my pick order...this will help me a lot. In anticipating your kind help JCB 31
  5. I believe in the KISS principle as Robbo has suggested.Keep as Robbo outlines .And hope all of you behave like I will.Got the message loud & clear Robbo.Glad the culprits have almost disappeared . Thank you for setting it up - we will have a great year and I will support you.Thanks for outlining rules upfront.That is "What caused my stink last year " .
  6. Robbo. - strongly suggest you contact Range, Scarlett, HT etc..to see if they want to stay.Also noted Poita posted on Norm Smith League 2014 - offering to join. Maybe, you could message him accordingly. Please note this post is suggestion only. Take care JCB
  7. As we have played under certain rules suggest we keep keepers & not to many changes . As the AFL has gone backwards re many changes- keep it simple is my belief for our beloved Ultimate footy game. I therefore prefer the way we have been playing.Keepers to be kept etc... Please note, I don't understand- re Snake format, please explain but willing to go with whatever others want. Go Robbo & thanks - will try to behave....hope no one upsets me.....but will try to hold off my retaliation. I have since registered on Ultimate footy and seen date of draft re Wednesday, March 25 @8pm..I totally agree with this dateset.
  8. I would like very much to strip again. I will try to be on my best behaviour though. Still having Cancer treatment/s.Will be in China from the 7th March till the 24 th March, so hopefully we can arrange a Manager by then and pick our teams by late February. If not will try to do it overseas. Take care all & Happy New Year. Suggest someone to let Range Rover know on Demonolgy, if he does not respond here....he may even like to be Manager, if Robbo or others don't.
  9. I would like to wish all remaining finalist/s best wishes for finals.I look forward to being a part of it in 2015 and await knowledge of when we meet after finals to celebrate winner.
  10. My family and I agree after discussing this matter with Ryan and accepting Jarka Jokers apology, we have decided to drop any further actions at this stage and just continue in finishing the year on a high in our Norm Smith League. Sorry to all but we were not going to stand for virtually being called a liar when I nearly died and have gone through dramatic treatment for nearly two years now and it is ongoing. In concluding this saga, I and my family were saddened when a member of JJ's family is/was lost due to the original Malaysian airline saga.Furthermore, we felt extremely sorry to learn of JJ's mothers current issue with Cancer...we sincerely wish her well and my offer to meet JJ and give him an insight to my Cancer and my treatment is still on offer.
  11. Great show to watch to gain knowledge about rights wrongs.My [censored] was not the trading of Petrie as much as the principle of our beloved team Manager not showing the integrity and honesty of his word. If he could not be trusted then....how can we trust him right through our year I have never ever said or implied anything against his mother ..he us just a loose cannon that needs stopping. However, I admit ,I went to far in criticising him , I should have just copped it and moved on. By the way Ryan Powers has just been in contact with us and feels our complaints are just and reasonable and also fair. We will leave it to Ryan to handle this matter in the short term but keep in watching Judge Judy, you may learn something. Anyhow, I hope you play well for the rest of the season and we meet again next year. Take care and thank you for your candid thoughts.
  12. Furthermore,we have noted the further accusation referring me as not a sane person.. This person has to be stopped with accusations accordingly.furthermore it has been him that has kept this matter going. This is a loose cannon whom needs toSHUT up... And we intend to do just that.....
  13. I take your criticism son board....it he nothing to do with the game that the complaint was made.My family, wife is a solicitor took total offence that an accusation was made that I did not have Cancer.I nearly lost my life with it and my daughter whom also posts heard that Jarka had made comment ..that he did not think I even had Cancer. Furthermore, my wife took the matter up with the Age classifying it as slanderous , bullying and hurtful..We will not tolerate that. Sure if any of your loved ones would try to protect another if this happened. And he clams his own mother is suffering from the dreaded disease. It definitely has been asked that if an appropriate apology is not made regarding withdrawing that remark,then we will take the matter further. It was mentioned, we did not want to disrupt the game or indeed -- I would have just withdrawn .. Note, I am currently having further treatment -- last weekend had further treatment. So, we do not accept that..I am banter merchant whom can give it out and take it...but when it comes to health and it's issues--no way..hope you understand. This has now turned Into a legal matter which is under investigation Ryan Powers has come back to us Friday stating he is investigating it further and also a stated he has taken a copy of the posts for investigation. I have been in contact since asking him if he indeed stopped the posts claimed by Jarka and he confirms he did. I also told him I lay claim to some of the insults I levied at JJ, but he accepts not in the same vain as JJ has. We will leave it now for the legals to sort it out.....that I as Why I have laid low until the investigation has concluded. He appreciated the position I face with my health etc...and willing to keep the game going this year and beyond. However, if an apology is not forthcoming, then there may be other complications. I have offered to meet Tristram but he has refused....
  14. A couple of Swannies would Membrey & Briggs would do me just fine...
  15. An absolute abuse of power , similar to what you are doing to me....Discrimination by not allowing me to voice my posts etc....this was restricted by not even giving me the decency of notification.. I really and truly want to meet you....whether it is at our end of year get together or in court...
  16. Just to let everybody know- I am being discriminated against by not allowing me to have involvement and be able to post.I have taken this matter up with The Age - owner of Ultimate footy with its creator Ryan Powers looking into this matter along with the slandourous remarks made- in relationship of the accusation that I do not have cancer etc.. My wife took this action last week as I was having treatment.We classify this as cowardly and being a victim of bullying etc... If indeed, you cannot accept my plight, I understand it. But, I am not going to go through life threatening situations to have these allegations against me. I have pleaded with Ryan not to disrupt the game but to look into protecting himself etc....from litigation. I will be continuing my team until finals conclusion and be offering myself as a player next year.
  17. Agree with Brayshaw & Petracca - both do compliment each other with skills that match our requirements.But we also need a tall to develop.Membrey from the Swans or Briggs would also be added bonuses to compliment our early picks if,indeed Chips leaves
  18. At least I can say...we all have intending in common... GO DEES.. Love to setup with all you guys including JJ...after finals to apologise in person.... However, as JJ rightly points out...I should not have called him names...especially, it seems to sensitive ones...even @ 62, one can learn.. I await Ryan's contact...& I will accept blame. All the best...to take my mind of the Ultimate Footy Issue.. I am going to watch the Dees on TV smack theDogs..
  19. MM.....I accept the punishment and very sorry JJ took it so badly.The name calling was made several days earlier when he blanked his players and I did the same....as I felt, he was out so I should go to.That's what happened...however, I agree he is in the right this time and he is the sheriff as such or the moderator... Guys I am very very sorry for stuffing it up for all..my FAULT.
  20. On reflection....JJ is right....I took it to far.....I made a mistake in calling him names.....deserve my penalty....all be it never ever read the terms and conditions. I accept. My punishment and apologise to all. Best of luck to all. NB: Sorry JJ and all the best to your Mum.
  21. Serhal is going fine...possibly doing better than you....all be it..you have a great memory..What about the other two I suggested ..one on the Footscray list...the other on the Sydney list....2 out of 3 is not to bad....Remember those two as well?
  22. For the game sake if he lets me in.....I will set my side for the next rounds to final time and he can then suspend me to finals time if get likes....I only need an hour...he knows ...how to alert me.... [email protected]. . All the best.... I have already alerted Ultimate footy that I am locked out.....on a technical issue. I will speak to Ryan on Monday next.... By the way, if he had of traded Petrie to someone else, I still would have questioned his integrity, especially I am upset ....not just his( JJ) logging me out but with no explanation....just shows the type of person he is...I have lost heart in the fame anyhow.... I have contacted him several tines complimenting him regarding taking over the management of this site....he is the cause.....I am the effect....and he is the power whom cannot stand criticism and/or the heat in the kitchen All the best and please -- post my apologies to the rest of the coaches for allowing me to be a part of this great league..and please apologise for the logging out of myself. As they say, if their is to much heat in the kitchen...get out or remove yourself...JJ decided to remove me....should have removed himself... I did not ask for that...just wanted to explain..."What our manager did...with lack of integrity.... Take care ALL.
  23. OMR....please please email me or post here to confirm whether....JJ has Very sad ending indeed...with no notice..please let me know...note I only stayed in it because of RR, yourself and a few others....my family wanted me to pull out earlier in the week as I have been in Peter Mac for the last few weeks. Sincerely hope JJ's mum ends up OK..the medicine knocks ones around Thank you very much...but would love to have beaten you or RR I the final. Watch out for dark days or R24 JCB .
  24. " What I am saying is --- I cannot log in....either the system is down....or been logged out...by JJ or by system been down.I cannot get into the league.... I had no notification...had civil conversation with him tonight....thought it was over....took your advise.. Got belted by R24 , then wS logged out... If I have by JJ...without notice...then indeed " I want out.." Please note however....I will miss it especially - 4 weeks before finals. Hope to get back in next year...at least I can say...I ended up- never lower than 4th.. My name is " Barker "-- like a dog with a bone...I should have let go....but I wanted him to realise...in a game..you cannot say - you will do something & you rely on his word...stuffed up my list planning enormously... O well...that is life.....Sanyo....keep in contact..you have my email address. And if you do have a break up party and I can make it..love to meet you guys Take great care and hope now you brain them Regards to all JCB
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