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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. I like to imagine CJ will be the next Demon late developer, like Carroll (not in team, then good average) or Bell (not in team, then good good). From what I can gather he'll be competing for the spots vacated by Brown and Ward on the one hand and possibly TJ's on the other. Actually, I know this is the wrong thread for this thought, but the TJ trade looks a lot more positive when you consider that it's not just pick 14, but also an opportunity for players like Buckley and CJ to find their way into the team. We'll see what comes around.
  2. Yep, and $30m or so into the big redevelopment of Whitten oval, Which had a huge electoral effect in Melbourne Western Suburbs marginal seats. Guys, I think we need to all move to marginal electorates. Getting back to Tasmania, you've gotta remember that Geelong managed to get a very strong deal with Kardinia Park where they don't actually need a big crowd to turn a reasonable game income. The figure I saw a couple of years back (when it was still Colonial Stadium instead of Telstra Dome) was that a game at the Dome need to pass about 40,000 to be worth as much to Geelong as 25,000 at Kardinia Park. So smaller venues and crowds can still be viable. On the other hand, not yet. If some crazy freaky government actually started investing in regional development instead of just tacking on extra 'suburb-in-a-box' areas to Sydney and Melbourne, then we might see a viable Tassie team.
  3. Bingo. Come to think of it, in the last couple of years we've a ) eliminated St. Kilda from the finals and b ) took the finals spot away from Footscray. Sadly we don't really get c) knocked Richmond out of the finals, but the opportunity only comes up once in a decade! And before anyone mentions it, it would be poor taste to point out that Brown breaking his leg under Matthew Whelan, and the belting we handed them on the scoreboard the same night, scuttled Richmond's 2005 campaign. I'm looking forward to the next Blues/Demons game and, as we steadily thrash them until they're too ashamed to look their mothers in the eye, holding up a banner "How do you like the training facilities NOW?" Carlton weren't born losers, they had to cheat to get there.
  4. Wow, aren't you classy. Please try not to go straight to discussing looks and dropping stupid innuendos as soon as a woman is mentioned. I'd be interested if you have some info on her relative experience/resume compared to Gardner, or the off field leadership at other clubs.
  5. There's a good stat on Jared Rivers - he's one fo only two players who come in the top bracket for both spoils and marks from opposition kicks. It just says exactly what we all see with our own eyes, he is a matchwinner. The guy could have seven possessions in a game and three of them would be goal-savers. He is priceless, and by that I really mean there is no price high enough for me to be happy to trade him. For Judd? On face value maybe, but would it be worth the bitterness?
  6. Nah, I don't like it. Johnstone to Sydney for pick 11 I'm ok with. Miller aswell? Meh. Green I just don't think should go. I'd rather have Green & pick 21 than just pick 6 any day. And please, it's time for Jamar to start somewhere else, he's officially ^%$# me off with his weak performances. I don't know much about the detail of the draft, but I'm inclined to use our high picks on McEvoy and Rance. Would 4 and 11 get them both, though? With at least three more players to pick up, plus two rookie list places, I'd like to see a couple of speedy guys and a speculative ruckman from the late picks. I know the argument for taking the best talent with high picks rather than drafting for specific needs, as it can go painfully wrong (Smith & Molan come to mind), but by all accounts both Rance and McEvoy ARE amongst the best talent, as well as being suited to our needs. Of course, I think I'd be comfortable if we ended up with Cotchin instead.
  7. Don't know about Martin, but I agree with the general picture you're painting. I see PJ as a tall-defender and part-time ruckman. And frankly I see him doing it well, too.
  8. The current logo is much better. Maybe they wouldn't need to readjust the logo every few years if they actually put some thought into getting it out there, instead of thinking "oh, gee, our Brand isn't high profile, I guess the only thing to do is chuck it out and get a new one'. Grrr...
  9. You'd be even more stoked if we got pick 11 and Jolly for Johnstone and Miller, no? I get the serious impression you'd rather have a slot on the list ready for pick 94 than keep Miller. Let's say I disagree but definately sympathise.
  10. Oddly, TJ's efficiency hasn't been that great. I guess the issue is the number of times he takes the high-risk option (such as centering the ball with a 50m pass to a congested area.... We all love it when it comes off, but he actually loses us the ball a fair bit. I've reached the point where I can take him or leave him, sadly. I'm just not attached to him the way I am to the other near-veteran players like Bruce and Green. I'm almost to the same point with Sylvia, from the old 'five horseman' group. Who exactly was in that group? McLean, Sylvia, Moloney, Bell, ??? There was definately a fifth horseman, and this is before Jones was added (Moloney was the one who made it five) But I digress...
  11. I guess hypocrisy isn't in your vocabularly either.
  12. Ahhh... interesting. I'll take Tadgh then, thanks! I've gotta admit, don't see much bonus in Jolly, unless its a Johnstone-pick 11 plus Jamar direct for Jolly. Maybe it's just a psych experiment to see if we can make Jamar & Jolly REALLY hate eachother.
  13. I don't know much about Kruezer actually, but the other day I found a draft preview that was written some time ago, I think it was 2007 AFL prospectus, so start of the year. The article was about players likely to be worth watching during the under 18s season. Interestingly, there were about nine ruckmen in their top 25 players. I've only really heard anything about Kruezer and McEvoy. Obviously if the hype has avoided others, there would be some reason, but there might be an opportunity for a couple of late-draft CAC specials. Maybe here we have the reason Neaves was pushed off the rookie list - we have new speculative ruckman in mind? One thing's for sure, we'll be loaded up with late draft picks to speculate with.
  14. Weak. Cop out. Why did you bother saying it?
  15. Meeson is a nice little story huh? Guy wants to come to Melbourne, is sure he wants to come to Melbourne, and has told his club he wants to go to Melbourne. If only they could all be that simple. Meanwhile, it's a welcome reversal of mentality really - instead of "Damn, we're short of quality ruckmen" it's "Hey, lots of opportunities for ruckmen who come to the Demons". Anything that happens to encourage us all to look on the positive side is a good thing. Mind you, it can stretch a bit - "Hey, all these injuries this year have put us in a great position in the draft" doesn't really work for me.
  16. Yep, couldn't agree more. Then again... I'm just some bum who dropped out of year 12. But now I'm doing post-grad, so go figure. Never forget - sit a one-day test when you turn 21 (Special Tertiary Admissions Test) and you can be into Uni with barely more delay than the rich kids who did a 'gap' year backbacking around Europe posing as Swedes and assaulting footballers... Godd VCE is a useful thing, but don't freak out too much.
  17. Yep, that's the clincher for me. Mind you, I wouldn't say Frawley isn't, but Petterd just looks so calm so often, and gets right on with it. It's strange but while I like Frawley as a prospect, I just haven't developed an attachment to him yet. So for me, on both a list and emotional level, I'd be keeping Petterd. And because his name is fun to say. As a side note, I'd rather be saying goodbye to Johnstone, particularly if Judd was coming on board.
  18. "whatever the $#^& it takes" sounds good. Except, that's what Carlton were thinking shortly before they lost a few year's draft picks! How 'bout "Do what Dean says or %^# off?" Then in 09 we can launch the slogan - "It was that Bailey guy's fault"
  19. Really it should be White in the sprint, a last ditch attempt to have our ENTIRE senior list injured at some point during the season.
  20. You'll break a few hearts asking after the 2001 draft. Y'see. It kinda sucked for us. What am I saying, kinda? It sucked. Like a tornado. Like a tornado full of vacuum cleaners falling into a black hole. It was 'the superdraft', and I doubt there's a club out there that did worse than us in the end. This draft is one of the reasons many people still hesitate in their worship of Craig Cameron. To improve everyone's mood, ask about the 1999 draft (but don't mention salary cap penalties or Matthew Pavlich) Pick 9 Luke Molan Not sure exactly what happened, but I think he copped a bad injury and then never really delivered. Not sure he even played a game. Pick 25 Steven Armstrong Showed promise winning a rising star nomination while being the much-needed crumber at Neitz's feet towards the end of 2002. Routinely played between 5 and 10 games a season for the next few years before being delisted, picked up as a rookie by West Coast and playing in their premiership as a handy but unexceptional small-forward. Pick 26 Aaron Rogers No idea. I guess he didn't come through. Can't find any record of him playing. Pick 55 Brad Miller For a late pick a good return, but has driven people mad by showing considerable promise but never quite reaching that next level. Very good in 2006 final vs Freo, as well as some bursts of a few games here and there. Currently at a cross-roads, maybe trade-bait, maybe a forward, maybe a defender, no-one really knows what is going to happen next with Miller, and I don't mean that in the good 'Aaron Davey' way. On a more useful note - anytime you have questions about drafts and players there are two websites I've been finding priceless - www.thedrafter.net keeps a record of all drafts (not rookie though) and you can vote on the quality of each clubs drafting! http://www.stats.rleague.com/afl/afl_index.html has player stats for all players since 1991, game by game. Very handy, but it really annoys me that it's got 'rleague' in the address.
  21. I'm sorry, the RISING STAR WINNER and ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED CHB Jared Rivers for whatsisname van ok player? That's so stupid it's just not credible. I'd puke a fountain, even if we did get Judd. Why would WC want van berlo so much? Trapper to Sydney for 11 isn't so bad, though. Bah, this is all getting stupid. I'm gonna go watch some footy, I hear there's a game on today?
  22. Wow. Fickle. Delisting Mclean? I'm gonna keep repeating it because I like the sound of it - pick 4, Sylvia, pick 21 for Judd is a fair deal, not a bonanza for WC, but a fair sacrifice from the Demons. But I would puke if we gave up one star to get another. Particularly when you consider that Judd's arrival would obviously take the first tagger, giving Mclean a little more space to get used to attention.
  23. Jamar would be off, if Adelaide lose both Meeson and Hudson they'll need a ruck anyway. Maybe draft position swap a low thirty pick from us for a high thirty pick from them. That should settle it and I'd be quite happy with the result.
  24. Excited? Who's excited? And what is this decision about, anyway... Oh, you mean there's a possibility that Chris Judd might come to the Demons to play out the ten years and 200 games left of his career? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... S#$%FHFD!~~~ G&*(HQET!$#% $&^%& 4%^$# 5^# &%^ YGGRADDISL pointy boing BARKBARKBARK - YES WE HAVE NO BANANAS, WE HAVE NO BANANAS TODAY :thud:
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