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Binmans PA

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Everything posted by Binmans PA

  1. Disagree about Chip and Garland. Didn't have top days, but defender brilliantly a number of times. As usual, wrong suspects. Our backline (with the exception of Rivers one-on-one with a much bigger opponent) usually spoilt or cleared the ball...except for the last quarter.
  2. He can learn the things he needs to at AFL level, WYL. Mind-boggling. I thought you were joking when I first read your earlier post. You're usually level-headed. Don't let the media and opposition fans drag you down. (excuse the patronisation)
  3. Enough of this babying of Watts. Leave him out there. He won't develop at VFL. He's developing fine at AFL level. He's had 34 and 21 touches in respective weeks. He's finding the ball and he laid tackles today. He's clearly making progress.
  4. The marking contest was not a shirk. As for neutrals, who gives a toss? They'd believe anything the media spurts. Anyone who's not MFC, inherently thinks Watts is ordinary, because they're either ill-informed and have decided to listen to the media or they simply like giving it to an opposition at any opportunity (who doesn't?). One of the most frustrating things is that half of our supporter base helps perpetuate the crap that the media and opposition fans expel. It reeks of stupidity. It boggles the mind at times.
  5. I still think Franklin looks skinny. It's across the chest that his strength comes from. Another year or two (at the stage where Buddy started to dominate the competition) and Jack will have a similar frame. No, he's not built like Brown or Cloke, but has the same body, arguably even bigger than Franklin's physique.
  6. It's a good point. I don't think CS will be there come the end of the year, but he's had a hand in some nice initiatives in his second stint and deserves acknowledgement. The logo and the proudness of history, the new facilities etc. Cameron has done a lot of good for the club. I have no idea if he micro-managed the FD last year, but either way, he's got enough runs on the board to deserve my thanks.
  7. Always hated him. An arrogant [censored], whose best is well, well past him.
  8. Yeah, he had a decent second half, but you're right. No acceleration whatsoever.
  9. What's more, Gibbs has someone of the ilk of Chris Judd to look up at. Who does Watts have?
  10. I'd say he made three poor decisions today and one poor effort at attack on the footy. Other than that, I saw him tackle, I saw him deliver pin-point-passes all over the shop and win a couple of clearances. He was definitely in or top 5 or 6 today. In a half decent performance and effort from the team, that is a good sign. Of course, he still a long way to go, but that is only a testament to his upside.
  11. If we play like we did in the first quarter today, we'll account for GWS and Gold Coast. If we bring what we did to Sydney last week, we won't win a game for the season.
  12. ...blokes like Watts copping all the flack, despite clearly making progress. Then you've got a guy like Kruezer, who is consistently hailed by Carlton fans (at least the ones I know) and some press, as an A-grader. One of the most ineffective and overrated players in the competition. Though, as I tweeted Emma Quayle the other day, he escapes criticism. Then there's another guy - Bryce Gibbs - as soft as butter, but it's Watts who is under the microscope every time (apparently the commentators on TV were into him today). I'm not saying we can't question someone like Watts' development, but don't get sucked in by all the media hyperbole. All it demonstrates is a lack of intelligence and foresight. In Jack's case, the media attention is particularly severe. There's no doubt Jack needs to improve on his hardness at the contest, but his decision-making and disposal are usually right on the money. He is class and with the addition of toughness, his ability would be unquestioned. PS. Mods - I have no idea if this warrants a topic of its own, but I thought I'd share it, nevertheless. Edit. Spelling.
  13. Yes he was. He and Bruce. Then Green learnt it. Bruce didn't. See ya later Bruce.
  14. They've recruited a very solid, young midfield. If we had their young midfield, we'd be a top 8 side. It's their backline that is their weakness and will never stand up in a finals situation. It may sound crazy, but we're not actually that far from where Richmond are right now. It's just where the game is won or lost is in the midfield. Our strength is our defence and to an extent our forwardline - who despite today's missed chances, usually convert well from very limited opportunity. We certainly have the other pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together. Inject some talent into that midfield, a year of learning our new game plan and I think we'll see quite a rapid climb up the ladder. It may only take another year of heartache, providing we draft well (both experience and young, elite midfield talent).
  15. Rubbish. Green didn't use to have an iota of hardness, but over a few preseasons, he learnt it. Far too narrow-minded that comment.
  16. This club will never get anywhere if we made a decision like this. Whilst I agree he needs to develop an appetite for the harder contest, he's easily the best kick in our team and developing nicely. As long as Neeld doesn't do what Bailey did and baby him, he'll develop that thirst for body contact and then he'll be an A grader in two years.
  17. I reckon Ratten'll go season's end if they loose to us this week.
  18. Sorry, I was under the illusion that this draft was still a compromised one (being that picks one and two still go to GWS and GC). Not true?
  19. I'd agree. But that's not the case, as I understand it. You're right though, because something doesn't quite add up. You don't tell the players they've got a certain coach before he's actually signed.
  20. Um, yes it will. That's exactly what it'll do. If they presented up field and ran hard to block and cover for each other, the defenders would have somewhere to kick it.
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