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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I believe Scully will stay and I still follow him and cheer him. But it's funny...one thing to come out of this for me...I already loved him, but it makes me love Trenners even more.
  2. Footy can sometimes be such an easy game. Today we kicked long to the top of the square and pretty much every time we scored. At the very least we put defenders under pressure. We overused the handball, obviously. Our midfield didn't run hard enough either. The majority of goals scored against us were so incredibly easy and were not the defenders fault. The midfield didn't press back hard enough. We need to utilise the long kick more often, as Geelong have. I'm sure there should be a team rule about kicking it as deep inside 50 as possible (but not too lose to the goal line to be spoiled through). We'd find scoring a whole lot easier. Finally, Jones, Bartam and Morton do not kick across goal in our back half unless you know you'll hit a target. It's cost us goals consistently over the past two to three weeks.
  3. Fantastic game. We've found another gun Tassie boy.
  4. I actually thought it was Lloyd that gave him three votes. But perhaps I'm wrong...
  5. I doubt it. He was more than likely dribbling on himself. Old man, Leigh.
  6. Yeah. Jack was fantastic today. Got three votes on the radio. Not sure it's his break out game, but he just keeps building nicely. Gets a little bit better every week. Tackles rarely stick to him. The sign of a good player. I'm glad he's been able to shut up the unintelligent MFC supporters and soon others will take notice too.
  7. One of the most overrated duds in the league. Typical of an Essendon player.
  8. Yeah, I think LJ clearly has a lot more to develop in his game. His physicality and size for one.
  9. Now I had intended to write this up as soon as I got home on Monday evening, however I have stayed away from the board, nursing my anger from the QB clash. Upon my return I thought I'd share this. Among many other frustrating aspects of our display against Collingwood, one dimension that really stood out for me was our forward 50 entries. I remember a fortnight earlier, Josh Mahoney had spoken on MFC website about our offensive entries being too shallow, and thus being repelled by the Carlton defence. So come the Essendon game we were kicking long to the square and what do you know...we had targets up there. You put the defenders under pressure and FFS you have a guy sitting in the goal square who's 7 foot 2. Kick on top of his head! We seemed to have rectified our problems from that game, but then against Collingwood, reverted straight back to our shallow forward entries. Inexplicably, we seemed to attempt to hit up leads around 45 to 50 metres out (to Brad Green numerous times) time and again, rather than kicking to the top of the square. Interestingly, when we did kick to the top of the square an LJ would take a mark. Notice, most of Sylvia's goals (if not all) came from 40 to 50 metres out. Whereas, if you look at Cloke's most of his came from the goal square. Cloke is a very ordinary kick and if we'd prevented him from set shots in the goal square it may have been a little different. Anyhow, in order to win this week (which frustratingly I believe we will - interstate team, following a pitiful performance), we must ensure that our forward entries are deep and that our will to keep the ball in there is far better stronger than it was on Monday. It was probably the most obvious and frustrating aspect of the game. We just kept idiotically trying to pin point passes, as though we'd been directed too. Surely that wouldn't have been the directive. Maxwell is ordinary at best when one on one, as is Shaw. Next time Melbourne, put their ordinary defenders under bloody pressure! Get the ball in quickly to the top of the square and you'll find a lot more will come of it.
  10. Commetti and Richo take the cake for me. Fantastic listening.
  11. Little bit lost on this one...what's our link with Patton?
  12. It was a fantastic win. We played our guts out and attacked the contests with ferocity (particularly in the second half). Our run was generally much better. We still need to push ourselves in this area and our forwards need to work harder in order to lay more tackles inside forward 50. I also thought we used the handball better than we had all year. As has been said, we did over handball a couple of times which cost us goals in the first quarter, however due to our harder running we were able to handball forward of the ball rather than backwards. This opened up a number of opportunities for fast breaks down corridor. For me Essendon's pressure was ordinary at times. They were reasonably slack on us in the corridor and almost invited it at times. When the chain of handballs and effective disposals by foot link up correctly, geez we're exciting to watch.
  13. The Watts family are close to the Scullys. I know they have dinners together at least semi-regularly. Tom won't ever move to Sydney. I doubt very much whether he'd uproot his life and his family to go up there. He'll play with Melbourne next year. Scully is probably too focused on training and getting himself out on the park, rather than sitting on Twitter. Morton and Petterd could take a lesson or two from him over the last few weeks. Their attitude hasn't been with it. Perhaps get off twitter.
  14. I've gotta say he looked injured last week too.
  15. Well said, although I think our defensive zones or lack there of are just as bad. We also don't run hard enough forward, when we win the ball in the defensive 50. You only need to watch our hard Geelong run out of their back 50. I couldn't think of a more transparent game plan than what we used tonight (which we've used as our only plan all year) - long kick to a pack on the half back flank, which if we don't mark (on a night like tonight we never were), we look to kill the ball out of bounds and reset. It's hopeless strategising. The only possible explanation for our lack of plan B all over the ground is that Bailey doesn't want us to be worked out by other teams before we're actually physically up to challenging for a flag. This is of course crazy talk. It's not so much that we lose the game (we were never going to beat Carlton), it's how we went about it. Barely anyone gave a yelp and we played like we knew we'd loose. It's not just the forwards, it's tackling all over the ground. Pitiful. Furthermore, the things that have let us down this year is poor decision making, coupled with poor skill execution. Of course it's most often the latter rather than merely a poor possession. Never centre the ball unless you're absolutely certain your team mate will take it. If you're ever going to break this rule, you've gotta make sure you execute the skill you were drafted for. If not you ought to be dragged. How far have we come this year? Well, we still have Jones, Warnock and Newton on our list. Warnock can usually shut down your mongrel full forward, but with those types far less prevalent, he simply hasn't been up to it. Newton showed signs one or two seasons back that if he got his kicking right he could have been anything. Unfortunately, he seems to be getting less of the ball, consequently less shots on goal and not converting his opportunities. Perhaps it's the team being placed under pressure or perhaps it's his leading patterns, but he seems to find himself on 45 degree angles far more than he used too. As for Jones, well I cannot understand why he's still on our list and why people rave about him. Okay, so he wins the ball, but he hasn't a clue of his limitations. He constantly tries to take them on and 99% of the time gets caught and turns it over. If he's not turning it over being tackled, he's turning it over by foot. I truly believe we've drafted a fantastic midfield. Even our second string midfield has done well the past three weeks without Jamar. Martin's ruck work has improved out of sight and Moloney, Gysberts, Sylvia and McKenzie seem to be working nicely together. They're not tackling quite enough, but are beating their team mates easily. Inject Scully, Trengove and even Davey in there and you've got a top midfield in a couple of years. Then there's Viney. Where we fall down is a) our structures b ) our forwards' inability to lay tackles and keep the opposition pinned in our half and c) our lack of a tall target "get-out-of-jail" player that we can direct the ball too, so our crumbers can get to work. I originally thought that a medium sized, mobile forwardline would prove more difficult to match up on (and could still prove to be), but this season has so far shown me that we do in fact lack the mongrel to kick it on top of. Jamar, Fitzpatrick, Campbell and Gawn's absence of course delivers a fairly significant blow to our hope of a big bloke up forward, but the more I see us play, the more I think we are screaming out for a tall forward to take the pressure off Jurrah, Petterd and Watts. Maybe finals was too much to expect from such a young team this year, but I certainly want us to improve on our record from last year. Moreover, I'd like to think we'd have sorted out all of our zonal problems by the end of the season. Then again, I was hoping that half way through last season.
  16. So excited by his game. Can't wait for another 30 games under the belt and he can stick it to all the doubters.
  17. I thought Warnock was embarrassing at times today. He did his job, but was certainly the weak link in our defence. He just holds on every week. Something I've noted others do when they're out of form. Perhaps if he can string some consistent games together, he'll begin to position himself better in contests and use his big body. In short, I think his game today has been overrated. He should play next week though.
  18. Still goes in and out of games too often for my liking. Particularly a player who was drafted in '03. He'd be arguably our best player if he was a consistent, four quarter player.
  19. I'll eat some humble pie this week and the turn around was exactly what I wanted. However, it means bugger all if we don't turn up next week. I don't expect us too. As soon as we play away from the 'G, we're very ordinary. I hope some of the players read this and prove me wrong.
  20. Kangas have killed us in recent times due to their massive forwardline. Next week's a time to go top heavy if ever there was.
  21. Add a third to that one. Already showing signs of fantastic leadership and sheer class.
  22. Seems to happen that way. When things go your way...well, things go your way.
  23. It was a good goal. The only downside is he'll think he can do it every week and that's the problem. He'll get tackled every other week. He needs to play to his strengths.
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