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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. I'm not sure it's such a bad thing, fitness. It puts Malthouse in the frame as well. We have the cash to spend on a coach and a young, talented list. If Clarkson declines then Mick has his turn.
  2. That perception may have come from me reading Demonland too much.
  3. I reckon 600k is reasonable value for Scully. As long as Watts and JT are on similar amounts.
  4. No, I reckon we pay Scully what he's worth at the moment. In line with JT and Tappy. Spend the cash on a coach. No one on our list deserves that at the moment.
  5. Clarkson every day of the week for me. I actually think Clarkson has jumped ahead of Malthouse in my wants.
  6. Very interesting. Carries as much weight as anything else we've ever heard in the media, but I'd like to dream.:D
  7. God, I hope not. He's not proven at all! You're not proven until you win a flag. Very black and white.
  8. It doesn't help with a lack of structure for the players to follow. I cannot remember a single stage today where I thought, 'Yep, we've got our structures right'. Each time we looked to go forward, it was long and hopeful, or short and wide. When we got the ball on half back we rarely had line-breakers and our only game-plan was to try a switch in an attempt to catch the Eagles out. Our decision making and skill execution (particularly when entering the corridor) shot us in the foot every time.
  9. Agreed. The game is called football. If you can't kick it, you're a liability. I thought he played a great game on Kerr, but his skills and decision making aren't up to it. He and Jones are the worst offenders. Their endeavour can never be questioned, but their footy brains and skills certainly can.
  10. Better with their feet, yes. But it doesn't help when you make the incorrect decision in the first place. Decision making and confidence is the route of our problems at the moment.
  11. Aaron hasn't played a good game up forward since '07 or '06. He played the forward pocket last week (lacking fitness admittedly) and did bugger all. Three classy touches, but just didn't get it enough. It's about giving him a challenge and a focus. One aim. Keep it simple. All he has to do is beat his man. Hopefully he can gain some confidence from that. I sense I'm alone on this one though.
  12. Take any pressure off Aaron. Play him in the back pocket. Not necessarily as a quarter back (ala '08-'09), but as a true defender. Yarren and Davis have both looked superior backmen this year. Give Aaron a similar role. His job: to stop his man scoring and if he gets the chance to run off his man, do it. He can revive his career in a similar fashion to Davis. I wouldn't even be against starting him on a LeCras tomorrow. Anyone agree?
  13. Trengove every day of the week for me. Get him in there. He'll deal with. Gun.
  14. Yep. Have thought that every time they come out and praise Neeld.
  15. I don't think I could think of a worse ex-coach to go after though. Ayres is a hack.
  16. I'd take Bailey over Ayres every day of the week.
  17. Just me or is Trenners' media coverage going up? Captain '12 anyone?
  18. Not such a bad idea. I'd be more interested to see Flash play some defensive roles ala Leon Davis, and instead of a quarter back role, simply playing on a forward.
  19. Naturally. That's the other side of the coin (pardon the pun) - to simply take the money and run. But I believe Tom would back himself to overcome all hurdles and reach the A grade at MFC. He hasn't proved himself yet and I see him as a very proud individual.
  20. Well that awesome to watch. I'm both a Liverpool fan and an MFC man. There's always a way back. Before long we'll be up there.
  21. I was having a discussion with one of my Carlton mates and he made a very salient point. What's Tom Scully actually done (apart from the Bulldogs game and a few moments here and there)? Would he really want to leave a club and place undue pressure on himself with a multi-million dollar contract? I don't doubt he's set for stardom, but at the moment he hasn't proved himself at all. I've always believed Tom will stay, but when you put this fact on the table, it makes me even surer he'll stay.
  22. Garland? Really? Were you at yesterday's game? He was about our only defender that could hold his head high. Didn't stop for a second.
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