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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Mick is apparently around the club. According to his comments during the Geelong game, he's mentoring Davey.
  2. Surely not. Would love Mick in there somewhere.
  3. Probably true, except wouldn't have Rivers on that list.
  4. Could be, but worth a try. At least for this season. Colin is also a lot tougher than TJ.
  5. I'd say we've already got enough of his type. That said, wonder if that might entice his brother to come across?
  6. Gyberts will be awesome, providing we get some support around him. I just hope we can retain him. What's his contractual situation like? He can't be the sole midfield-go-to-man. At least not to begin with. He reminds me a lot of a younger Sam Mitchell. Quick hands, slightly built, but an extractor. Arguably shown more ball winning ability than Trengove and Scully combined. Still believe Trengove will be a gun, with more experienced, well-drilled heads around him though. Seriously, a midfield of Grimes, Gysberts, Trengove, Morton, Blease, Jones and Magner as a back up, will be powerful once you add Viney to that and a player of Sam Mitchell's ilk, experience and discipline, plus probably another line-breaker with good skills. As an aside, I'd be looking looking at another gun midfielder to compliment Viney with our later first round pick and look at trading our first or second pick to get a bonafide, experienced star (not Dangerfield - though I'd love to see him in a MFC jumper one day - instead, perhaps someone of more experience - I keep saying Mitchell). Once we have Viney, I'd suggest going after even two more experienced midfielders with our compo picks. Right now, it's more important that we utilise the talent we have and the best way to do that is ensuring they have solid leadership around them.
  7. It seems paradoxical I know, but I think he's really trying. Certainly wouldn't put him in the same category as Moloney or Sylvia.
  8. Think this is a great idea. Not only because he's a beautiful, penetrating kick, but because generally he makes good decisions with the footy. Perhaps more importantly, it might teach him a defensive side of the game and some accountability.
  9. IMO, people are a little harsh on Davey. I believe he's bought into it. He's an outside mid/forward who potentially still embodies a little bit of laziness, but has certainly picked up since last season. Meanwhile, Green hasn't really played enough this season to tell. It's obvious that Moloney and Sylvia haven't bought into it though. They won't get games in other sides if they have a refusal to adhere to basic structures and team rules. Brock McLean, Cameron Bruce etc.
  10. Fantastic post. And agree about Darcy. Never says anything remotely intelligent or insightful. Always the obvious. Was a [censored] when he played too.
  11. Did Neeld not hand pick most of his assistants this year?
  12. One of the least insightful commentators on television or radio.
  13. The frustration of our supporter base obviously comes from being through this with Bailey though, Juicebox. The Hawks lucked it up in 2008, but before that they didn't have to wait through two top-down rebuilds to achieve success. Admittedly, Richmond have had to endure this. Wallace made a number of critical recruiting errors (along with his recruiting team - what a joke he's known as a draft expert now!), which put them back five, arguably seven years. I, myself, am deeply frustrated by our performances this year. Hird was able to come in and instill a defensive mentality at Essendon (albeit for half a season), Neeld still hasn't. But that's not to say he won't, even by this year. The enormity of his task is perhaps greater than Hird's (leader's with experience like Fletcher to lead the youngsters from the back etc). He must be given a greater chance than seven rounds, but I think it's good that we as a supporter base question the development of our list, otherwise inadequacies fester. Finally, it's all well and good to have people that love the club running it, but if their egos are so big that it prevents them from getting results - what would you prefer? It's a no-brainer really.
  14. Not sure the sponsors would be that troubled. Their brand is getting more airtime and exposure than ever. Naturally, more prime-time games broaden that exposure, but it's not as bad as one might think.
  15. They're players. They don't get to decide which game plan to follow. That's the point of a coach. If they won't follow instructions, they can [censored] off elsewhere.
  16. Why would the board or FD tell Neeld to abandon a game plan they hired him for, seven games into it? Jesus, I'm not happy at all with the way things are going, but you have to give it a little more time than that. Rivers? Come on. No Chip or Garland? Rivers won't last much longer than his contract. I've loved him over the journey, but he's too slow, ordinary by foot and often the weak link in our back half.
  17. They had Lyon, until he went behind his manager's back. Have that on reasonable authority.
  18. Was sitting in the MCC as usual. My vocal supporting seemed to gall a family of Whorethorn supporters, who then proceeded to call my family and I "Upper class snobs", to which I reminded them of where they were sitting. Didn't have a reply for that one, but they didn't seem too bright either. Naturally, their smarmy comments continued, still directed at their feet, too scared to actually direct it at us. It's funny, Whorethorn supporters are usually one of the main offenders that trot out the line "upper class", yet it's actually fast becoming their reputation.
  19. Only problem is that if you can't get it up to the forwards, it's pointless having them there. We need to build a top midfield first. The beauty of drafting midfielders too is that they come on quicker. While bigger forwards who simply play a role are easier to find. Natural ball winners less so. Mooney, Brown and Dawes are names that spring to mind.
  20. I'm a big fan of Watts and believe he'll make it, but he needs to get the KPIs right. Then he'll deserve a call up. Good selection this week with regard to Fitzy. See if he can get it done at this level. Either way his height will hopefully provide Hawthorn a few headaches and he'll also give Jamar a chop out. We'll see Whopper back soon enough.
  21. No. No, that's not what I said. You're just changing the tenses to suit your argument. I said "So glad we got rid of him, yet still people were whinging about that trade." If you're gonna quote me, do it properly. "Were" is past tense, if we're getting all pedantic on phrasing. Some MFC supporters whinged at the time. On these boards, on Demonology and in the mainstream media. Here is a small example of some of it - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/archives/old-sport-pages/stevo-career-doubt/story-e6frf8w6-1225778906982
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