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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. It helps when you've learnt your trade down back and then go forward. He put pressure on their defence all night and PLAYED IN FRONT. Certainly needs to work on his kicking, but unlucky not to have that last mark. It's good to see Neeld's move pay off.
  2. Go redlegs, but I'm hoping for another four quarter performance. We've only done it once this year. If we continue to do it and put in the effort we did tonight, we'll be moving in the right direction.
  3. We didn't go public, but the club certainly pressured him for an answer. And he'd already signed...
  4. If he was a winner that might be an argument, but he doesn't have a medal.
  5. Stanton has had 6 or 7 good games in just as many seasons and they've all come in this season. Ordinary player, not blessed with astounding pace or good foot skills. Meanwhile, Goddard is a really good player, but not leadership material. He's also not a fast line-breaker. I'd prefer to spend big cash on a young inside/outside mid like Boak or a key position player like Cloke. I'd even throw big coin at the three Hawks. They all have leadership and ball extraction ability. They're our best plays. As for Milne, he's a very good player. I'm only against him because I decry the weed that he is.
  6. Not Stanton, Goddard or Milne. Would certainly go the three Hawks though.
  7. Clinton Grybas was easily the best. Very nice guy too.
  8. Order of importance for me: Garland, Blease, McDonald, McKenzie, Jones, Jamar, Jurrah, Rivers, Howe, Strauss and then the rest.
  9. Jamar owes us for the years he's spent on our list and the faith placed in him by the football club. We're not a charity. We've allowed him to play AFL when others may not have. "Poor bugger"? What is this?
  10. Perhaps. Though I still think Port won't let Boak go.
  11. I'd take Yarran for the right price. As I would Boak. I'd go hard at Ling to be honest. Yarran would add much needed pace and footskills from the back and/or the midfield. If we went Boak, I'd definitely want senior bodies around. I've been saying for a while, I want Sam Mitchell and/or Brad Sewell. Don't think Port will give up Boak for anything less than two first rounders and he's not worth that. Too speculative at this stage.
  12. Pitch this to The Comedy Channel. It'll probably get up.
  13. I'd disagree with this then. Jared Rivers backing back into packs every week says hi. If anything, a forward has a chance to run and jump at the ball, while a defender has to sit under it. Once again though, the OP wasn't intended to be a mini-JW thread. It's about the media and football fans playing 'sink the boot in' with one player and rarely anyone else.
  14. I think we need both. It's vital that new talent coming through has strong character, experienced players to look up at.
  15. Yeah, I like your posts Jose, but you gotta give us more than that. EDIT. Thanks.
  16. If we're talking about understanding footy, fifty per cent of the game is now played running back into defence, on the fast break. I would have agreed with you if we were talking about the '90s, where blokes like Silvagni would use their hands in the back, at every possible opportunity. Now that is monitored so heavily, it closely negates a defender coming in from behind (of course it still happens occasionally, but that would clearly be in the minority). You can't chop the arms, you must face the ball as it comes towards you and your opponent. So much of the game is about judging when to spoil, rather than merely coming over the top. I understand perfectly why he has been targeted by the media (hence my line about improving his physicality), but once again, my entire point was that there are those who offend just as much yet escape criticism.
  17. That was quite a substantial amount of my original point. Without sounding like too much of a dick, instead of picking and choosing what you want from a post to suit your own opinion, read the entire thing. I said Jack needed to improve on his physicality, but what annoyed me about his situation was those that escape criticism at other clubs for doing exactly the same thing. Furthermore, I'm not sure I agree with the assertion that the backline is any less tough than the forwardline. In fact, if anything I'd claim it's the complete opposite. Far tougher to be a defender in modern footy than it is to be a forward. The rules are catered towards forwards. Finally, what good is it for MFC supporters to add fuel to the media fire? Who's that actually going to help? It's up to the coaches to get the best out of Jack. I believe he'll get there with his physicality. Neeld won't allow any other approach. Edit. typo
  18. He had to go yesterday. He'd set the bar last year with those infamous comments.
  19. I reckon he looks bigger again. I'll wager that he's put on a couple of kilos too. Still could put on another 10kg.
  20. Todd could be massive plus, but only as an assistant in my view. We need a head recruiter of calibre of Rendell working for us now, scouring the under 18s for talent. I'm not sure I subscribe to the hyperbole that it will be make or break for the MFC, but there's no doubting the importance of this draft. We must get it done at the trade table too.
  21. I can see the same thing, WYL. But he's played over 40 AFL games now, he's missed out on that TAC footy. The only way he'll learn, IMO, is by applying his skills at the elite level.
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