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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. He's an old Wesley Collegian, but there are an awful lot of successful ex-Wesley businessman...or so my old man tells me.
  2. Neeld is a horrible media personality. He's said some absolutely ridiculous things in public. If anything, it says something about the MFC "propaganda machine", or rather how we as supporters have preferred to place entire faith in the club, rather than question. The majority of fans are now speaking up this season though. As soon as 146 happened, Schwab fell and McLardy was always going to step down, it was just a matter of time. He was a reluctant leader in the first place. We will get what we want eventually. Hopefully by the top of 2014, we'll have a new FD (including a new coach), revitalised board (including a new President) and experienced people in administration.
  3. I'll be interested to know the full ticket, but I did find out who his major backer is today and it's not someone with footy club experience. He's another powerful and influential businessman.
  4. Sorry. What are we basing this cultural change on? I don't think any of us can really tell. Though there's certainly little evidence to suggest positive cultural change has occurred. If you're basing it on performance, considering we get thumped every week and drop our heads five minutes in, then I'd say the "culture" has gone downhill. Obviously though, it's not as simple as that. We severely lack experience, skill and decision making in the most important area on the ground and there may well be some positive signs we're not seeing as outsiders. Having said all that, cultural change is essentially redundant as a measurement of anything, if the on field performance remains uncompetitive.
  5. Well, I'm not saying it will necessarily be at the end of this season, just he'll be out before the 2014 season starts. Personally, I think he'll be gone as soon as the new HFO is appointed and announced.
  6. I'm pretty sure I overheard you saying this on the train the other day. And in answer to your question, no. Nothing will save Neeld. He'll be gone before the year is out.
  7. Pretty much exactly my thoughts, PM.
  8. Except Matthews is finished and was in 2008. He's past it, mate. I'm not saying we shouldn't interview him if he's keen, but there'd be a number I'd be choosing ahead of him.
  9. Hang on, so you have Ayres on your list, but you complain of Ratten not having enough runs on the board? What exactly is it that Ayres has done that makes some people think he'll make a great coach? It's mind boggling. Simply mind boggling. You also make a valid point regarding Leigh Matthews' time out of the game. Ayres hasn't coached at the top level since 2006. Even then it was only in an assistant position too.
  10. Your guess is as good as mine DemonOX, but whilst I'd love Roos, I can't see it happening. Williams is the more realistic candidate. Clarkson would be my number one "pie in the sky" though.
  11. No, we should actually canvass a number of candidates this time. Not just one or two. We have to hear what a number of potential coaches might provide our list. I'd be pushing really strongly for two or three though. Thoughtful and considered. Hardnut is right. I think the AFL will ensure we get the best coach available.
  12. God, I hope not. What a monumentally horrid decision that would be. He's a fricken VFL coach who could never get it done at AFL level. I'd prefer Craig to Ayres. At least he's coached at AFL level in the past five years. That would be a non-sensical appointment.
  13. Agree on Gawn, Terlich and McKenzie. Josh Hunt is soft too, but if you can kick it, there are things you can get away with at AFL level. Mackie's another one who gets away with it. Strauss's problem is he doesn't get enough of it. I'd persevere with him though. New coach with some solid defensive structures and a plan for utilising our better disposers of the ball may well prove to be an important ingredient. Tapscott's on thin ice, but I'd agree. He's shown a couple of signs this year. I can't see him being truly comfortable at this level until next year, but if he can string together some games at the back end of this season, it will do his confidence the world of good. Agree on Bail. Horrible, horrible decision maker too. He looks alright when we're going forward too, but seems to lack the defensive work-rate. I disagree on Evans. I probably would have gone with a two year deal on this one, but I see something promise in him. His disposal and decision making is streets ahead of Bail, with half Rohan's game time. The three year deal is a show of faith though, along with our persistence despite his injuries. I think if he improves to become a solid B grader, he will repay the faith the club has shown him. That's the beauty of a three year deal in my eyes. Investment in someone. It wouldn't be a big contract anyway. Blease will probably always be a downhill skier for mine. He will look very dangerous in a functioning forwardline, with good midfield supply though. Agree on Pedersen, Sylvia, Davey, Fitzpatrick, Jamar and Dunn. I can see Watts playing the Gunston role too. As soon as Dawes went off last week he looked half the player he was in the first half. He will never work as a true KPF for mine. He could be a very good third tall, with an ability to play on the wing and high half forward too. Totally agree on the future, though I haven't seen enough of Kent yet to judge him. However, he appears to have quite a left peg.
  14. I suspect his contract will probably be enough to get him over the line for another season.
  15. I wanted Don gone. I'm pleased he's stepped down, but I appreciate all he's given to this club over the last few years. He stepped in to help the club in a dire period and provided us with much needed stability. Seems like a passionate guy and I thank him greatly for his services to the club. I hope he can relax now and enjoy the football, without the burden of being President.
  16. Yeah, Couch is gone. Depending who we pick up, Magner may also make way.
  17. It was a mongrel that went all over the place. It effectively had topspin on it.
  18. Round Six? Is that just an arbitrary number you've pulled out AD? As HH says, there's no way he'll be coach in 2014. He'll be gone before the end of the season.
  19. The problem is, albeit having two key defenders down, we had absolutely no structures defensive or offensive. There's no doubt once we get some talent and experience into our midfield the rest of the ground is looking very promising. It's structures and game plans we lack. Really looking forward to seeing what an experienced coach can do with our list.
  20. I guess it felt like nearly every time he touched it he turned it over. I suppose it goes to show all his in and under that you don't necessarily see.
  21. Interesting. Very surprising. He seemed to miss handball targets consistently and miss targets by foot too. 70% is decent though.
  22. Positives for me: * Watt's ability to fend off players and take them on without being out muscled. He still needs to lay some tackles though, but is getting there. * Toumpas with ball in hand and laying a tackle or two. * Garland's effort on Cloke. Absolutely terrific. Very unheralded. * Was pretty happy with Rodan's stoppage work too. That's about it. Nathan Jones had an absolute shocker. I'd hate to see his disposal efficiency.
  23. Fanciful. I'd be ecstatic for merely Jamar for Adams.
  24. Well then it comes down to the gameplan and structures.
  25. It's weird. For the amount of times I've said we should take midfielders, midfielders and more midfielders, I now believe we should take the best available. If Boyd is the best available, we'd be crazy not to take him. The next best sounds like they'll be a mid. I'd look at trading a PP (if we do get one) for an established A grader. I'd then go hard at an experienced, solid B-grader free agent. Throw cash at the FA. We don't want to give someone like Freo, the Blues or the Hawks a player like Boyd (if he is indeed believed to be the best bet) if that will help complete their premiership puzzle. Our midfield needs a shot in the arm, but our list needs further class across it too. If Boyd represents that then I'd be going with him at one. Naturally, this is based on the assumption that we get pick 1. It seems like Boyd may not be there at two and perhaps it says something about him if he is.
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