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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. A great footballer for the MFC he was. He will always warrant respect in that regard. However, and this is strictly my opinion, he doesn't seem to be the nicest of people going around (seriously, who sneaks behind his best mate and secretly gets together with his missus - albeit ex). Furthermore, he had a major hand (along with Schwab) in almost ending the existence of our club. He definitely brought it to its knees. I don't want Lyon to have anything to do with the functioning of our club, as he has proven to not have the intellect to handle it. He is more than welcome to interact with the club as a former player and supporter.
  2. I'm not a big fan of his, and i doubt i ever will be. But................what is evident is that he gives his all 100% of the time. This is evident in the amount of tackles he racks up each game and his continual running. IMO, we will be a better team when others have overtaken him, as his negatives really can hurt us, but i cannot fault his continual effort (a rare thing given the lapses we have afforded in every game so far this year). Sustained effort should be a non-negotiable, so until such time that we have buy in from 18 players on the park, he stays in the 22.
  3. He's still eligible for the Brownlow right?
  4. Not wanting to draw attention to it, but i thought Jetta's hit on Brown (as beautiful as it was), would warrant at least a fine, but he wasn't even charged (nor in years gone by, should he have been). All it does is further murky the waters in my mind, on what the judiciary deems as nothing, a fine, or a suspension. More unpredictable and inconsistent than ever.
  5. make that a lot better. Their zone defense will have a field day if we bring the same delivery into the forward line next week.
  6. It's all about determination. Is it really that had to try for 100% of the game? The Tigs showed last year what giving 100% (a non-negotiable) can win you.
  7. If Goodwin fails to drive this into them at half time, or the player's still are unable to figure this out, then the playing group and the coaching group deserves each other.
  8. Can't sneeze near him, he'll take it personally. Has had it in for Max ever since he thumped one of his sh!thouse bounces away a couple of years ago. Blokes jealous Max can grow more hair on his chin than he can on his head.
  9. Our game-plan screams 'make-up on the fly'. Not easy to watch.
  10. Done some stupid things like drop easy balls, but Buggy's having a good game so far. Putting on good pressure.
  11. Melksham and Tracc to goal kicking school please
  12. He hides behind the point post most of the time.
  13. Definitely needs to work on his kicking. Pin point someone in the crowd.
  14. If we are insisting on bombing it in quickly, get the smalls to the fall of the ball.
  15. we've been relatively small in the forward line this year, and our delivery is both appalling and not effective when we are short. Lower the [censored] eyes dumbasses.
  16. The fact that we have not come our breathing fire today, and have allowed for long periods of poor footy in the past 2 indicates that the players' are lazy and not inspired. An indictment on the coach. Our supposed game-plan is proving elusive, and we don't have a contigency in place for when it isn't working. All failings on the coaching group. Goodwin's time at the helm is fast approaching the point of no return.
  17. If this is our game plan, then Goody needs to go. If Goody can't get us to play his way, he needs to go. FMD this is so frustrating to watch.
  18. Can't argue with that. But players' need to turn up when the first siren sounds ffs. Goody must really know how to motivate
  19. We'll need to do the Hawks next week too to hit 45k.
  20. The closer this game gets, the less confident i become. Prove me wrong boys. Please prove me wrong.
  21. A win won't set up our season, but a loss will derail it.
  22. “If the non-Victorian clubs work together as a block, that’s six of them. That’s a strong force.” Wow, someone can't count. Last time i checked there were 8 interstate teams.
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