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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Frustrating that the reports on Morton are wildly conflicting, makes it bloody hard to figure out what actually happens. Thanks for the reports all the same, people. Nice to see you're tempering your expectations, d-l.
  2. Bum that Strauss isn't playing. He's one that I was really hoping would push for selection this week. Genuine contenders would have to be Couch, Morton, Tapscott and possibly Blease, with Fitzpatrick a long shot.
  3. It did cross my mind that it's a bit alarming that I'm so used to losing. My brain is definitely in need of the endorphins a great win produces.
  4. I'm presuming Lawrence and Williams played in this match?
  5. I adopt the forward-looking mindset mindset because if I focus solely on the pile of dung we currently are, I'll end up like "old dee", where how we currently are is all I can ever see.
  6. I agree sue. It's weird. I'm not normally one to forecast 100 point losses as I need to remain at least a bit optimistic for my own sanity. But I could see this one coming from an absolute mile away and it's probably for that reason I found it a lot less cutting. If anything, while very disappointing, I thought the 100 point margin was about right for the difference in class between the two sides and how distracted the club was during the week. Certainly I found it a lot less cutting than the previous week, which for me was unexpected.
  7. I completely agree - our defensive 6 or so has the inertia of an entire team to contend with. Of course it's not going to hold up. Our defense isn't perfect and at the moment there's a couple of players in there that I don't rate, but it's by far the most workable area on the ground for us. We've seen what Frawley and Garland in particular look like when things come together.
  8. So what ought we be now other than what we are? rpfc was repeatedly posting circa 2010 that, in spite of it being post-bottoming out, our list had gotten younger since the 2007-2009 "events". I don't know if anyone's bothered crunching the numbers recently, but I'd be stunned if we weren't still in the bottom four clubs in terms of experience on the playing list and potentially still going backwards.
  9. There are at least 3 other threads on the main page this would've fitted in to. Please use one of those next time. My suggestion would be the post match thread: http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/29818-post-match-discussion-v-west-coast/
  10. People want him to rant and rave and be out of control. Apparently there's something wrong with being calm and measured - it means you've got no HEART or SPIRIT (because they mean more if you write them in BIG LETTERS) or some other such hyperbolic nonsense.
  11. Yet another inane thread.
  12. Thanks for injecting a bit of humour, but do we need yet another thread? http://demonland.com...n-v-west-coast/
  13. You could be a not-expert in the post-match thread if you like: http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/29818-post-match-discussion-v-west-coast/
  14. I know, that's why it's a joke that so far in this thread Clark has been the most whinged about.
  15. Spot on right to the last point so far old - 48 down at half time.
  16. That'll happen Doc, but come on, as if it was ever going to be this week. With the events of this week and the absolute gulf in class between the sides, there was never going to be any result other than this one.
  17. I too am shattered Clark isn't single handedly pulling us out of the poo. We should give that money to the midfielders and defenders who are also getting completely spanked.
  18. Gee, I'm surprised West Coast are beating us soundly.
  19. It doesn't matter how "steeled" they are. Even if they absolutely play out of their skins, I can't see them winning. We are severely outclassed, playing on their dung heap. I wish it were as simple as "if they just tried harder they'd win". Yeah, nah. It's been quite a while since I've gone in to a match with this much with this much trepidation dread. This is going to hurt, severely.
  20. I had the same thought about that line in particular. Er...? It's a board level decision, Patty. How can the board make a decision without meeting? Weird.
  21. No they can't - Demonland is not particularly interested in being sued by the Herald Sun for publishing their private content. If you want to read the HS articles, you'll have to subscribe.
  22. I'm here for you Clint. 30 posts zapped - clearly some of you boys had nothing better to do today
  23. That's Rivvo from Demonology isn't it?
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