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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. At current pace, Garlett is on track to: - Come very close to having his best season in terms of goals kicked - Will exceed his highest score for a season (the behinds will push him over) - Is set to obliterate his previous record for tackles in a season. He also is currently second on the points kicking tally after Josh Kennedy, but last week excluded, he has been significantly better in the later games than he was early. I suspect he is in career best form. He is playing as well as any small forward in the game is at present. We found him lying in the $1 clearance bin. There's heaps to whinge about about the MFC at the moment, but if Garlett is your target then you're just looking for stuff I reckon.
  2. By it not healing, presumably...
  3. It was the worst score old dee, but it was isolated and somewhat exceptional circumstance due to the toxic goings-on off the field. For mine it was the catalyst for the wheels falling off, but not the actual worst moment of the whole saga with the reflection of hindsight.
  4. This should come as no surprise, really, it's well documented that footy supporters can only remember the last thing that happened. You see it within games ("if we win, I'll never post here again" oh look, we won), within years ("can't see us winning another game this year" oh look, we won the next week, make that "pencil us in to win every other game except Freo"), and across seasons ("this is even worse than the Neeld era.". No guys, nothing will ever be worse than the Neeld era).
  5. Don't know why, but the idea of Kent playing in the dev league seems comical to me. It think it's just the air of confidence he carries himself with. The boy likes a run and a goal, so if he can blow the cobwebs out early, it could be an entertaining half a match. I'd settle for a "got through it alive" kind of half a match, though.
  6. Whether he's right or wrong, I'm not reading the article. I feel morally obliged to avoid reading his tripe. Can't believe this dribbling oaf has made a successful career out of the sport I love. He's inarticulate, doesn't seem to understand the game, and is hopelessly biased. I don't understand why he has the gig he has and I won't support it.
  7. Loved reading everyone's stories about life and the MFC. We've covered everything from regulation brainwashing, to "my parents immigrated and didn't follow the herd" to "I was supposed to be a Collingwood supporter but got lost", to "how could I not be? We were awesome in the 50s/60s". So many different avenues in, but here we all are. Gotta say this thread has cheered me up a lot. It's nice to know that there's so many others out there feeling tortured in the same way I do at times. Ready for the MFC to break my heart again next week now!
  8. Did things suddenly just become a lot clearer for anyone else?
  9. The silver lining, if you can call it that, is that you wouldn't have been much better off at all if you'd backed the Saints.
  10. 1. No idea, just picked them as a kid. Had a brief stint as a Bummers supporter thanks to the brainwashing attempts of an uncle when I was 5 or 6 but eventually landed back with Melbourne. My parents barracked for other clubs and made no attempt at brainwashing. It was solidified when my older player started playing junior then senior footy with a club who also wore Melbourne colours and we went to watch them play every week. Seems hard to imagine being a Bummers fan now. Especially this week. I truly despise that footy club. 2. Greg Healy, because he had the same last name as my favourite cricketer, Ian Healy. Once I was old enough to actually get it, Stynes and Lyon because they were awesome, and the Febeys and Lovell because they were Tasmanian. 3. Finals in 2000, excl. the granny. 4. I remember watching a game in the 90s where we got hopelessly thrashed and bawling my eyes out. Can't remember who it was against or exactly when it was. Adult me reacts with anger or just mute frustration, but the inner feelings haven't changed one bit since I was 10. 5. I too use Demonland as my only avenue for mingling with other MFC fans. It's definitely been a lonely path, I hardly know any other MFC fans at all. There's one other bloke at work who I share a grin or cringe with depending on the result, who also occasionally posts on here. G'day "Monty"
  11. People keep saying that, but I can't see how playing like poo and getting slammed by the fan base every week increases his trade value. When was the last time he even took a speccie? It also hurts the team with the way he's playing. It's just a little too conspiracy theory-ish for me.If Roos doesn't want to play him, just get Misson to give some vague story about a hamstring injury and leave it at that.
  12. I don't take his frustration away from that, I take away your frustration and a polite dismissal.
  13. Agree with all that mate. Don't want McDonald as a forward either, I want him to be the elite defender he can be. Can only argue with the points put forward, though
  14. Before yesterday he had 4.5, then kicked for goal in the same way everyone else did: like crud. Too small a sample set with too much circumstancial evidence for mine. I also doubt he's done much goal kicking work since he's been groomed as a defender. It could be any issue that he has with goal kicking could be trained out.
  15. Exactly 23, or 23 or more? He got 25 against Collingwood in 2010, and 23 against Brisbane in 2011. You're welcome Edit: Incidentally, in that draw against Collingwood, they kicked 9.22 to our 11.10. Days where sides miss a truckload of goals do happen sometimes.
  16. He obviously had attributes that the recruiters liked - all players recruited do.
  17. Wow, that's not even remotely close to what I said, at all. Mate, we were all pissed at what happened yesterday. I didn't say it was weak - you introduced that word, not me. I just think some people need to get a grip and not let what happens on the football take over everything. No sane MFC fan wouldn't be livid, spewing, ropable, gutted about what happened yesterday, it's natural, but it becomes your choice if you continue to stew on it. If it angers you so much that people around you find you intolerable, I think you (not Lamashtu you, but general you) are out of control. At the end of the day its your life and your perogative, but others are taking it to the point where they think the players should feel the same and therefore shouldn't go out for a beer afterwards. That's where it crosses the line from "your business" to "embarrassing". Believe me, I don't judge people for being pissed about it, or getting emotional about footy. I do too. I can't help it. But with a lot of training and self discipline, I have learned to get it under control after a pretty serious heart to heart with my family about it. It can be done.
  18. You could have said the same about Heath Neville too though, Redleg. In the AFL if you're a bottom draft pick and can't get on the park for two years, you are almost never retained. You have to show at least a slither. He hadn't, now he has.
  19. If he suddenly kicks on over the next few weeks, it makes list management more interesting. Was a certainty to be gone two weeks ago.
  20. Here you go then, mate. Cheer up. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/2015-06-22/rd-12-all-the-dees-goals
  21. When you're watching through the red mist BBO, it's not going to look anything but the worst. And believe me, I'm not saying I'm super objective either, but if other members felt as utterly filthy as I did yesterday, nobody is going to be able to view this with a clear head. It's just a fact that emotions cloud your outlook. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves I reckon. It's why coaching would be a seriously hard gig - you have to be able to look past the emotion of it all.
  22. At risk of doing a Curry & Beer / Stuie "Classic Demonland" - it really is classic Demonland. Beat Geelong at Geelong. Pencil us in to win every game except Freo. Lose to Essendon. That's it. Can't see how we're going to win another game all year. Someone wise said on this forum years ago (may have been Craig Cameron and oft repeated by old55?) that in footy, nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems
  23. Soft. I should change your name to "AngryAtHome" for the day.
  24. I'd prefer we didn't start stuffing around with him. Flexibility is a good thing, but he's a young player still who needs to become elite in one position first. I don't want to end up with a player who is a little bit good at everything but not great at anything - ala Lynden Dunn until age 27. Permanent defender for mine, to be used in other positions only when times are desperate, like yesterday.
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