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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Gosh dang, I forgot this was on. Stupid shift work makes me lose all track of what day it is. Missed the whole first quarter!
  2. ...my email bounced. I pasted the address in to facebook and found an active account, so he's still kicking. I'm sure he'll be back sometime.
  3. I'll give it a shot - depends on the email address he used to register with still being valid.
  4. Same. It always seems to be a revelling in self pity environment on here after poor losses. Don't know if it's just because I've been here too long, but I can't tolerate it like I used to be able.
  5. Anyone else get "out of bounds" when going "more videos" on the mobile version of the site? It's been like that all year for me, getting a tad frustrated!
  6. Rule of thumb: if you're posting on an undocumented personal issue and you're not sure if it's fact or fiction, treat that as a big fat red flag.
  7. In hindsight Stuie is right - we shouldn't be participating in rumour mongering about players private lives. I've deleted all those posts including my own.
  8. I had a feeling this might evolve in to a discussion about Grimes
  9. People might underrate him mate, but the post I was replying to said, quote, "it's quite pathetic the level of disdain that is levelled at this bloke". I don't reckon I've seen anyone level disdain at him, have you?
  10. Agree, in general. Not that the big papers are much better, but with these types it's more important to be first than to be right. Just a waste of time and data.
  11. Credibility of "AFL Trade News First", please? I'm guessing low, since I've never heard of it before.
  12. Agreed. Not much question on his retention on the list, though. Second year on the rookie list for me.
  13. And the three people that voted for him all voted within an hour of the count, and one of those after the round 19 scores. Nobody backed him, really. I disagree wholly with your second paragraph though. You need to take the angry goggles off. The odd tool might pan him, but Demonlanders love Jones. The overwhelming vibe is positive. Back in agreement again with paragraph number 3.
  14. Get used to short memories mate. It's a feature of the footy world.
  15. Yes, really, when he has as big a gap to bridge as he does. The only reason being on his Pat Malone would work in his favour is if he was the only one in the team hitting targets. Getting a low score when everyone else gets a low score (i.e. "not on his Pat Malone") doesn't help him. *waves calculator about*
  16. Thanks, that's a relief - my numbers add up again. Max would have had to have outscored the two leaders by 87 points in two matches to have established a 25 point lead, and given the maximum score a player can get per game is 40, that would be impressive...
  17. Hmm. Maybe it's me that needs to get the calculator out then.
  18. *annuls SaberFang's vote* (Not really, but only because the software won't let me )
  19. I've closed the poll now so you cheating buggers can't add/change your votes when the result is pretty close to over. Enjoy! :D
  20. Tyson won't win guys, he's way too far behind. Get your calculators out.
  21. Doesn't matter whether he was on his Pat Malone or not in context of the B&F.
  22. On the maths, suggesting that Tyson will win is a bit like when you've gotta kick 6 goals to none in the last quarter to win, when you've only kicked 4 in the whole game up to that point. It might happen, but it probably won't.
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