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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. and if you happen to look like this bloke then its a lay down Misere !!!
  2. Exactly. Its not beholding upon the AFL to keep the Messendon rabble informed its up to the bloody Messendon Footy Club The gall of this all is simply mind numbing. All T Watson is proving is that hes just as gullible as the rest of them and twice the [censored] !!
  3. I think you'll find that Hird is now so consumed by pathological rage that his thinking has gone right off the rails. His advice team arent that much cleverer so it would seem .Either that or they are yes men pandering to his royal highness !! Classic case of "careful what you wish for " lol
  4. Interesting to observe this is the middle ground !! So if the AFL retreat to a position of a bigger fist then the penalties become a little (sci ) more realistic
  5. They wont get far...it humours them whilst they continue their quixote - like rear guard attack. Better they play now and get penalised later, far more scope then
  6. theres an old saying about...what you want...and what you get
  7. but is he signed ?
  8. Logic suggests right or wrong that the AFL cant lose Its not even about the AFL.. its about things much bigger. I always thought Messendon arrogant......but f'n stupid !!! thats an escalation. They cant win, they just dont know it. Hilarious
  9. bananas are safe ...bananas are safe....bananas are safe !! they are safe arent they ? lol
  10. yeah I know but...but...this time....
  11. anything is more interesting than ours !!!
  12. What Im thinking is this goes way beyond a simple transgression of a sporting rule I seriously wonder if there are legal consequences . Does this go to intentional harm ?
  13. and a little more rope !!! did I say little ....aaarghghhh !!!!!
  14. The Bombers have learnt LITTLE ive HIRD they seem keen to give the Demetrious the bird whether its James or Mark the reality is stark Oh 14 is looking quite blurred !!
  15. Air Crash Investigation are on standby apparently !!
  16. Had to laugh when Messendon suggested the AFL was running to an agenda. Of course they are you bunch of fools ....its called being accountable to a higher signatory. The AFL has to follow rules and so to must you Messendon...thats the agenda. its not personal Paul, James, Mark, Stephen, Dean and Co this mob must be on something !!!...oh wait.....
  17. yeah,,they dry out...oh well
  18. This* club is at the precipice. ( *that club- Messendon) Cant believe how bizarrely ridiculous they are acting. Shrinks would have a ball !! Vlad is warming up the industrial fly swatter !! amazing.. Denial to the max.
  19. actually...past the point of return
  20. did i infer there was one...my bad
  21. theres nothing logical hear... A rat is being backed into a corner game on popcorn anyone ?
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